October 8, 2012

31 Reasons... Day 8: Mmm - Scented Candles

Today starts the second week of
31 Days Reasons to Fall for Autumn.
You knew it would get to this
sooner or later, right?
I mean - honestly -
what is Fall without the cozy yumminess
of Autumn scented Candles lit for
ambiance as well as fragrance!
It's one of my favorite things about Fall...
pulling out the Hazelnut Caramel,
the Creamy Pumpkin,
the Spiced Orange Cider... oh my?
Not a fan of food scented yumminess?
How about Falling Leaves & Sandalwood?
I have a Scentsy & love it...
but I still love to use my candles too!
It's not just the way they smell
- but it's the atmosphere that
candle light invites:
Intimate, cozy, warm...

A little glowing light creates
a feeling of home.
It encourages unhurried conversations,
relaxing together
& a bit of slowing down
in this crazy busy world of ours.

So I invite you to light a candle, take a breath...
slow down, quiet your spirit,
& breathe in all He has for you
 in this season...
(whichever one it is that you find yourself in right now!)
Let Him warm and comfort you...
& help to light your way!

Happy Fall!

1 comment :

  1. A little glowing light creates
    a feeling of home.
    It encourages unhurried conversations,
    relaxing together
    & a bit of slowing down
    in this crazy busy world of ours.
    - See more at: http://abidingloveaboundinggrace.blogspot.in/2012/10/31-reasons-day-8-mmm-scented-candles.html#sthash.hpU20tAy.dpuf
    Triple and strong scented candles
    luxury scented candles


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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