October 26, 2006
What Will You Believe?
Sure - of course - we hear our own thoughts - that ever growing list of things to do...
We hear what others expect of us - carpool, meetings, errands, etc...
We hopefully hear that Still, Small voice of God - leading and guiding us through out the day...
But - if you are like me, and I suspect you are... there is also an ongoing, never-ending whispering to your soul of negative thoughts and fears and worries. It can be oh so soft, we can often confuse it with our own voice. However, it is the voice of the enemy and he is consistently attacking our thought life to stop us from advancing into all that the Voice of God speaks over us!
In the midst of prayer on Tuesday, once again - I found myself dancing with Jesus. We were slow dancing and enjoying the moment. For reasons completely unknown to me.. I suddenly began to feel sad... He pulled me back and looked deep into my very depth and He began to openly weep over me. I watched and saw Love pouring our in His tears. And deeper still, I could see a woundedness in Him that caught me by surprise.
He pulled me closer into The Dance and held me tight. He continued to shake and sob as He held me. This stirred in me such unease and confusion... I am forgiven... I am cleansed and pure in His sight... whatever could I have done to bring such sadness and brokenness to my LORD?! After quite a bit of time passed, He began to whisper into my ear, "How much more LOVE must I lavish upon you to get you to believe what I say about you rather than what lies he whispers? How are you going to let me closer when you have that constant negative background noise, building walls and stealing your attention? My heart breaks for you because I see you for who I made you to be... and you have not yet - even after all this time - even caught a glimpse of the good and the Glory I have in store for you!"
"Show me, Lord! Show me... help my unbelief!" I cried.
"I know that you know I love you," He said. "I know you know you are forgiven. But I do not love you simply because of or through my Grace and Mercy. But I love you because of YOU... because of who I created you to be! YOU draw me... it's you that I love and you that I desire! I made you to be you - the one I love. I made you to be who you are - who I NEED you to be! Now Rise Up! Rise Up into all I have created you to be!"
Believe in what He has to say about you... we all struggle with negative thoughts and debilitating fears... we listen to those things and at best, they cause us to pause... at worst - they cause us to freeze up and not follow through with all He has called us to be and to do!
He knows the thoughts He has towards you...
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." (Isa 55:8-11)
"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." (Jer 29:11)
And this one - which I just stumbled up on as writing this:
"[There shall be heard again] the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voices of those who sing as they bring sacrifices of thanksgiving into the house of the Lord, Give praise and thanks to the Lord of hosts, for the Lord is good; for His mercy and kindness and steadfast love endure forever! For I will cause the captivity of the land to be reversed and return to be as it was at first, says the Lord." (Jer 33:11)
My prayer this week is that we will learn (and relearn) to recognize the whisperings of the enemy and take authority over those thoughts... they are not our own... and they are definitely not the Lords! May He help you to silence the enemy and tune in to the Voice of the Bridegroom this week! Rise up!
Allow Him to Tend your Garden!
During worship the other day, I 'saw' in the spirit a heart that had soil in it... and the Master Gardener's hands shifting things around in it...
He was weeding some stuff out and planting good seed.
He was Cultivating the soil of our hearts... aerating them, breaking up the hard ground, taking out the weeds by the roots, and pruning the healthy plants.
As any good gardener - He had vision and could see the end result, (while I could only see all the dirt.)
I do not have a green thumb. We have a wonderful little mini garden outside our front door... I love it! I have a little sitting area there and can enjoy it for a couple of seasons... my husband is the one who loves to plant and weed and plan for next year. I benefit greatly from all his work! I sometimes offer to help out - but it seems I do not always know the difference between a weed and a healthy plant... sometimes he doesn't know either - until we let it 'bloom' and find it choking life out of the other nearby plants.
We are learning as we go.
He is in a season of reaching in, shifting things about, preparing us for the season ahead.
That will take some weeding... that will take some raking about and digging around - but the end result we can rest assured, will be one of beauty with lush, rich soil, deep roots, and gorgeous flowers for all to enjoy!
Hand Him the keys to your Garden...
Allow Him access to enter the gates around your heart,
and to begin to stir up the soil...
to weed out what is not going to bear good fruit...
to plant in your new thoughts, new desires, new ideas, ...invite Him in and sit back,
and watch His vision for you begin to bloom!
I pray Many Blessings & New Growth for you... and I pray that you will remember to:
October 18, 2006
Accept the Scepter
That is what the Lord keeps saying to me. "Accept the Scepter!" He began saying this to me a few years ago... I sort of tucked it away and knew it was a good word - but also it was not a word for 'today'. However, I can feel in my spirit, a coming breakthrough... a coming new season... a coming newness and freshness to our callings! I believe we are about to enter deeper into a thing... whatever level of revelation you are operating in now... I believe MORE is on it's way!
I didn't write about last week's prayer meeting. I honestly didn't write much while I was there either. I feel that what I experienced there was for the purpose of praying - not necessarily sharing. It was powerful... but what I will say is that the Lord through many vessels confirmed to us that He IS covering us... that He DOES in fact, have our backs. We need to be able to rest in that... we need to rely on it and unwind in it... we need to accept it and expect it - once we are able to do that.. possibly for the first time for some of us - and for some - it will be a returning to that place of knowing... but once we are able to do that... our breakthroughs will come! Because our focus will be not on fear and worrying and trying to 'cover' ourselves...(we've seen how well our own 'fig leaves' can cover us!)when we can trust in and rely on God's coming through for us and covering our backs no matter what - then we are freed to follow through! That is huge for me, ladies! I have to admit - many many countless times in the past, my follow through has not been so successful! I feel God calling us to a greater level of faith and trust in His ability to care for us SO THAT we will go forth and fulfill that for which we were created! Our destiny awaits us!
Whenever I think of 'destiny' - my mind often wanders to Esther. I simply love this story! Yes - I am a true romantic at heart and that is so much of the story of Esther. Having just watched "One Night With the King" the story is fresh in my mind and on my heart. Last week - the Lord asked me to read Revelations 2:27. I got busy... I pushed it aside and honestly just forgot all about it. The other morning... He woke me up in the middle of the night. I go through seasons of night watch intercession. I have to be careful though, because I do enjoy my sleep - and after so many days, I have been known to ask Him to stop waking me up! I know it sounds terrible - but it is true... and He is such a gentleman - not only does He stop waking me... He blesses my sleep as well. If it has been too long - I will go to Him in prayer and remind Him that I didn't mean forever - but just for a season. (Usually that will result in those midnight prayer sessions soon after!) I had recently realized that I had not gotten up in the quiet of the night for quite awhile. When I found myself wide awake, I thought it was a call to get up and pray but as I was getting out of bed... He simply said - "Go back to sleep - but remember the Reference!" Groggy, I couldn't focus in on what He was saying. I looked at the clock and it was 2:27a.m. I remembered Rev 2:27 and quickly fell back asleep!
As I was doing my devotions the next morning, I was reading in Zechariah again... I have been LOVING this passage of Scripture lately:
"For I, says the Lord, will be to her a wall of fire round about, and I will be the glory in the midst of her... Sing and rejoice, O Daughter of Zion; for behold, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of you, says the Lord... Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and keep My charge, then also you shall rule My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you access [to My presence] and places to walk among these who stand here." Zech 2:5; 10; 3:7
So awesome! So - I began to think of Esther again and how the King's Scepter was offered to her...and how the Scepter was a symbol of the King's Power and Authority and when it is offered it reveals favor! ""If I have found favor with you, O king, and if it pleases your majesty..." (Esther 7:3) I looked up the word Scepter. In the Holman's Bible Dictionary is is defined as: "The official staff or baton of a king, symbolic of his authority. It probably was descended from the ancient club carried by the prehistoric rulers. As part of the royal regalia, the scepter was extended to a visitor or dignitary to signal approval of the visit and allow the person to approach the throne." I was then reminded of the Reference the Lord had been asking me to read.
Revelation 2:26 & 27 reads: "And he who overcomes (is victorious) and who obeys My commands to the [very] end [doing the works that please Me], I will give him authority and power over the nations; (Verse 27:) And he shall rule them with a sceptre (rod) of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, and [his power over them shall be] like that which I Myself have received from My Father." (Amplified)
Alrighty then! It seems as though the Lord is getting us ready to not only be offered the Scepter of the King - but to pick it up... and to rule the nations! The Season that is fast approaching will be one in which we will be released to operate in the same Authority and power that Jesus received from the Father! Wow!? So rich... so exciting!!!
But that is not the end of it... then came Tuesday!!!
I went to Prayer and the question was brought to us, "What is the enemy crippling you with? What dears stop you from moving out or forward?" Well - on Monday I finished "Captivating" and one thing the Lord showed me was that one of the lies the enemy has planted in me from childhood is that I will always be (at best!) Second Best! I had never really put it on that context and to see it so clearly really blew me away. So - that was my answer to the question... I am fearful that people will see or find out that I am not the best one for the job... or that I will always be second choice... never first pick! We played some worship and I immediately was taken to a Wedding Reception in the spirit.
I looked down and realized that I was the Bride... and I was standing in the middle of a gorgeous ballroom/reception on the Dance floor. The band began to play a song and the realization that this was the Father/Daughter dance caused panic to flood my soul.
"Oh no!?" I thought. "I don't have 'that kind' of Dad... he's not going to dance with me."
Just then, God the Father turned me around and pulled me into the Dance. He began to speak to me. "I am 'that kind' of Father! I can see that you love my Son - with all of your heart!"
"I do!" I replied
"...and I can see that you are pure..."
"It's because His blood washed me and He has made me pure!" I answered.
"I see you are gifted and called."
"Thanks to You, Father! You have lavished gifts upon me - even before I became Your daughter..."
"Aaahhhh..." He interrupted, "but My child, you have ALWAYS been My Daughter!" He then said, "I can see that He adores you and is pleased with you. I can say that He could not have chosen any better!"
I couldn't believe it! I had just had this revelation about being second best, and here is God - my Heavenly Father - telling me that His Son could not have picked better!? Amazing! Abounding Grace and Abiding Love doesn't even began to cover it!
I went on to make light of what He said, and joked, "Aaahhh - I bet You say that to all the girls!"
He said, "I say that to His Bride - of whom you are a vital part! Do not make light of My Favor, and My Blessing over your life!"
and at that, He handed me a Scepter! (end of vision)
God the Father has given us favor with the King... Jesus is extending His Scepter to us... not just to invite us to come to the Throne - but, as in Rev 2:27, to take the Power and Authority and rule with Him - here on earth, as it is in Heaven!
Accept the Scepter, Ladies!
His favor is being extended to you!
October 9, 2006
One Night with the King!!!
Well- this is not so much an Update, but it IS a really good Tip!!!
There is a new movie that is coming out on Friday, October 13th.
It is "One Night with the King" and it is a MUST SEE movie! (How many times can you say that?!) This movie is based on a book by Tommy Tenney entitled, "Hadassah - One Night with the King" which is the Biblical story of Queen Esther.
I am HIGHLY encouraging you to see this movie... if possible - to see it on opening night! As you can imagine, there will be new horro movies premiering on this same night and we want to support this movie and give 'evil' some good competition! This is a great Date movie, family film, or even a great Chick Flick/Girlfriends matinee... I am sure I will see it several times while it is in the theaters! You can check out the Trailer at their website at:
The trailer and the promotions that they have been playing on TBN look simply INCREDIBLE... this is not some cheesy Christian film... and it will speak to so many people in so many ways! I encourage you to see it... and then let me know what you thought of it here on this blog!
As far myself... I am SO excited & SO expectant to see what God will do with this film... '...for such a time as this!"