February 24, 2017

The Importance of Knowing How You Are Wired... Slow: A Five Minute Friday post

Well I made it to the party --at least for a few! It was nice to be back! Finding your tribe is so essential to living our full life! (We preached on that at Dad's House last Sunday, in fact!) 

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: SLOW


The Importance of Knowing How You Are Wired...
  You guys! This is so helpful!

This world will push and pull and it will take what it can get... it doesn't really matter what you bring to the table if it is not what is asked of you, right?

So knowing who you are and what is expected is tremendously helpful.

But here's the thing: If we pay no attention to how God wired us, we will be quick to keep pace and we will rush to fill in the gaps. The temptation to be and do things He is possibly not asking of us, in the end, will leave us tired and unsatisfied! If left unchecked and unsupervised, it can leave us burnt out and lost, dizzy with all the not knowing.

This is never His will for us.
(Like, ever.)

February 18, 2017

Weak - A Five Minute Friday Post

Oh my... it's been a long awhile again since I have been able to hang out with the Tribe and I am missin' y'all! I'm writing #fmfparty on my Bossy List of things to do next week!

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: WEAK


The first thing that comes to mind is "Cornerstone"... because, of course, right?

"Christ alone; cornerstone

Weak made strong; in the Saviour's love
Through the storm, He is Lord
Lord of all..."
This, in turn, draws our attention to the ever familiar verse by Paul, when the Lord told him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (2Cor12:9)

I love how this verse reads in The Message:
"My grace is enough; it’s all you need. 
My strength comes into its own in your weakness."

Wow... so, who doesn't want THAT, right? 

To have HIS strength come into its own in my weakness? Yes, please!

Really - the call to be weak is the call to be vulnerable. To be honest... to be authentic and not muster up fake strength or to do whatever 'needs to be done' to save face.  

Let's leave the saving to our Savior!

February 15, 2017

The IF:Gathering... a recap of All the Awesome!


Y'all know how much I love the IF:Gathering, yes? 
  I mean, I have been on board since Day One!

I love everything about this event and the heart of it and the message that comes from it and through it and how it spreads and multiplies and how God is using this Gathering worldwide, for the King and His Kingdom!

(Prepare yourself for a feast of iphone snapshots!)

This is the second year that our little church plant has hosted an IF:Local event.  We like to do it 'live' because --well, the worship and also - the interwebs! We want to watch it as it is happening... or at least as close as we can make it work while in a different time zone!

This year: 42 women signed up.
Forty. Two.

(That's almost half of our church, y'all!)

February 6, 2017

Let Your Love Shine... a Valentine Friendship Dayspring Post

Hey friends!  I have been a bit absent around here lately because, well --IF:Gathering 2017!  I've been all in since day one (back in 2014) but it started with a handful of friends, super low key, gathered in my living room... and it has grown to a church event which requires a bit more. (#understatement!) It also brings forth more fruit! Still... I've missed you all and hanging out in this space with you!

I am still processing all that I got out of IF... that post will come soon!  But today I wanted to come and talk a little bit about Love (and Friendship and Valentine's Day and Dayspring, sure... but mostly Love!)

I partner with Dayspring and that is because I am so passionate about not only their amazing products from jewelry and coffee cups (hello, pretty!) to cards and gifts and home decor, but I am also passionate about the heart behind the company and the community that they have built.

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