Karrilee Aggett

Karrilee is the author of 31 DAYS OF RESTING IN HIM and 31 DAYS OF TRUTHS WE KNOW. She has been blogging for over a dozen years and you can find her at www.karrilee.com.

She is passionate about diving in deeper with the Lord and inviting others to discover just how personal, intimate, and abundant His Love is for them!  She lives in the PNW with her husband (whom she lovingly refers to as "My Honey".) They live in the same small town they were both born and raised in, and have ministered together and individually in many forms throughout their marriage! They have been married for over twenty-five years, are now Empty Nesters to their only "Girlie", and are new to the titles of MiMi and Papa! Oh, what joy! 

Speaking Topics
Karrilee, both in her writing and in her speaking, highly values being real, authentic, and vulnerable. She is big on encouragement and staying positive, but shares from her real-life experiences --both the highs and the lows. While praying into her 'big picture destiny' the Lord gave her instructions to pursue doing just three things every day and that became her life message: Speak Life. Be Love. Shine On.
She feels her call is to live out this mantra in real and tangible ways... her hearts' desire is  - with His help (because without it, it truly IS impossible) - to:
Speak Life. We hear enough death all around us and coming from our own negative thoughts within us.  It's easy to point out what is wrong... She challenges us to call forth what is right!
Be Love. She wants to allow His Love to so saturate her, it spills out and pours onto you!  Her personal goal is to fill up, and then go leak out everywhere she goes!
Shine On. We are called to so let His Light shine that they will see and know that there is something different about us... that wherever we go - darkness has to flee!
In any given speaking engagement, those three things are bound to show up! She also loves speaking about:
  • The Power and Importance of Prayer –How to have an ongoing conversation with a God who loves to hear your heart, and desires to talk with you! 
  • The Prophetic –Taking the fear out of what it is, and how to hear from God for yourself and others!
  • Intimacy with God –Why it matters and how to press in. (Hint: It includes Worship, the Word, and a little bit of Wonder!)
  • Finding (and Keeping!) Your Identity in Christ –We are all made in His image, but also made One of a Kind! He meant how He made us... let's not shy away from who we are, but learn to stand up tall and be who we were created to be!
Spoken Word and Speaking Sample:
This message begins with a Spoken Word, and the sermon follows. 
Feel free to skip around!

                                                              "When You Pray" - Copyright 2016

As mentioned above, Karrilee is married to Dave (aka "My Honey"), and they love to minister together.  They helped to plant a brand new church three years ago and just recently stepped down from pastoring. Dave is a worshiper/guitar player with the Father's heart with a love of digging into the Word verse by verse, and Karrilee is passionate about storytelling and speaking on grace, rest, peace, prayer and the prophetic. 

They make a powerful team and love to release the Kingdom side by side!

For more information about booking either Karrilee or both her and Dave, 
Contact them at dkaggett (at) gmail (dot) com.

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