June 26, 2019

When Questions Still Linger... A Five Minute Friday post.


Hey there, Sweet Readers! Can you even believe that July is almost upon us? Slow Down Summer... Gah! We need to savor all of your long days and warm nights and the slower way of unwinding!

Let's just get to it! This is a Five Minute Friday post... which simply means I set a timer and free write for five minutes flat on the one-word prompt: QUESTION


Oye, with the Questions, right? 

I mean... they can seem to be on an endless loop
that never slows to a stop
or gives room for answers!

Listen, I think we are all 'prone to wander...' 
and we are all prone to wonder... 
to question and ask over and over...
to overthink or second-guess or obsess...
to fear and worry and doubt... 
to forget that God --as He likes to remind me
from time to time-- doesn't actually answer to us!

June 14, 2019

Our Weekend Goal... A Five Minute Friday post.


Oh, Friends!  I don't know about where you live, but here in my little corner of the PNW:

Summer is
HERE big time and, let me tell you, I am so FOR it!

I'm talking forego the hot cuppa and go for the iced coffee in the morning instead because it's
already sunny and warm but the patio is calling my name! You know how it is with me! #patiolife

Let's just get to it! This is a Five Minute Friday post... which simply means I set a timer and free write for five minutes flat on the one-word prompt: GOAL


Last week we nearly hit triple digits.
It's not that this is unusual, really!
After all - we live in a desert land...
where the sun beats hot and the heat is dry.
It's all I've ever really known. 
I grew up in this town and never left. 
I'm assured I would know the difference
between humid and dry heat and I'm sure it's true. 
Still... as long as I have access to my beloved A/C,
I'm good with long summer days that
start out warm and never fully cool off.

But again, it is desert land
so once the sun goes down,
it usually DOES cool off
--at least a bit!

Listen, while not all things are meant for the interwebs, 
and we have played many cards close to our hearts
over the past year or so, many of you have walked with
and prayed for us in this long, hard season
of living in the in-between! 

Many of you have traveled these
parched 'desert lands' with us...

June 10, 2019

It Is Well... A Five Minute Friday post.


Hey there, Sweet Readers! My, have I missed you! Something about when it rains, it pours... and yet, we're still here! This community is consistently where I run in good times and in hard times, and even though I haven't sat in this chair or tapped out words in a while I've been longing to carve out time and space to sit with you once again! 

So let's dig in... This is a Five Minute Friday post... which simply means I set a timer and free write for five minutes flat on the one-word prompt: WELL


I see the Word Prompt and my mind (and heart and soul) goes to:
"It Is Well..."
And it is... even (or especially!) when it doesn't look or feel like it! 

It IS well...  we know this to be true but even still, we find we need the reminder over and over and over again!

Because --as with many things... many truths...-- we tend to forget what we already know!

It's easy to allow this world... the enemy who roams around seeking whom he may devour... --it's easy to accidentally listen to the lies and let them slither right on in to our hearts and heads and before we know it, we are letting our emotions (or the manipulation of our emotions due to above-mentioned enemies' lies!) boss us around and dictate what we believe!

Let's stop doing that!  
It does no good and bears fruit we do not want!

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