October 11, 2013

Ordinary God Encounters - Day 11 (Five MInute Friday)

Today is Day Eleven of 31 Days of Encountering God! If you missed the kick-off, you can go HERE and find the Introduction as well as each days post! (I will be adding every day as the month goes on!

Encountering God on a (Five Minute) Friday...

Once again, attempting to combine my #31Days series on Encountering God and Lisa-Jo's Five Minute Friday... Today, the word prompt is:  ORDINARY

Oh but - first - the fine print: if you don't know what FMF is!  Five Minute Fridays are hosted by Lisa Jo Baker.  It is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE!  The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Lisa posts at 10pm Thursday night (EST.)  I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!

So - here goes: Five Minute Friday - Ordinary...



Blah... By the very definition of it - it feels like nothin' special... and yet we give in to this day in and day out!

What if what we are called to is not what we think?  Because, as I mentioned in yesterdays' post, we have Christ within us, the hope of glory... I am pretty sure He just comes right on in and changes our everyday Ordinary into something pretty special! Something quite like EXTRAordinary!

But here's the thing... Ordinary is also defined as this:
"1.  What is commonplace or standard."
What if God wants to Encounter us in such a way that all of His "Extra" fills our ordinary up to overflowing and we spill out wherever we go?  What if our Ordinary is more than we think?

What if Us + Him really DOES = the Majority?

What if we carry within us the ability to change the atmosphere around us and help others to see a little more Extra in their Ordinary?  I believe that is the call!

Bethel Church 2013

The above photo was taken while we were on vacation in Redding, CA... and why did we vacation in Redding, CA? Because that is where Bethel church is and people from all nations flock there to encounter God... they set an atmosphere there of worship and praise... they wait on Him - like, ACTUALLY wait on Him... and they take Ordinary and Real and they love on God with reckless abandon and it changes something deep inside.

You see - you don't have to travel anywhere special... there are moves of God happening all over the world, but what I want you to know - to REALLY know - through this series and through this post specifically - is He is there... right now, right where you are... wanting to move in you and through you...

He has already taken all of your Ordinary...
all of your Less Than & Never Enough...
& in return, He offers you Extra!

He desires to encounter us in a way that changes all of our ordinary everydays and then He wants to partner with us to make that the standard!


Happy Friday!  This weekend my husband and I are at a Retreat, where we intend to partner with Him to change the atmosphere... to make room for His Presence to come and to linger and to exchange all of our Ordinary for His Extraordinary!  Join me here over the weekend for a little worship and prayer... (as well as my weekly recap - a gathering of Awesome found all over the internet!) I pray you encounter Him this weekend, and help to raise the standard of Ordinary!

Blessings! Let's remember to:

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "ORDINARY"  
Five Minute Friday

Linking up with The Nester and 100s of other #31Day Bloggers!


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I find the ordinary can be so satisfying because it's what defines us! But it's when we step out of the ordinary that we find a world we never knew existed...and then THAT becomes ordinary! I kind of look at ordinary as a stepping stone to that "extra" you talked about!

    1. Amen! Thanks so much for stopping by! Praying a bit more Extra into your Ordinary today!

  2. That is what I want for my ordinary!!! Love that the presence of God is with me wherever in whatever. Nothing plain Jane about that, is there?

    1. No - nothin' plain Jane about it... or you... after all, He is in us and He is anything but Ordinary! Love you, friend! (13 days!!!)

  3. The picture was beautiful and your words wonderful. I love that God is in my heart and loves me. He didn't create ordinary at all. Followed you from FMF. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks so much Vicki! So glad you stopped by! Yes... He doesn't create ordinary! Praying you find His Extra in all your Ordinary this weekend!

  4. Amazing perspective - I love it!

  5. "they love on God with reckless abandon and it changes something deep inside." This.. amazing words. He is the only one with such great power. Enjoy your weekend with your husband!

    1. Thanks NJ - it will be fun... still a bit out of my comfort zone - but then again... comfort zones are full of ordinary, right? ;) If we want the Extra in there... we must take risk!

  6. That's just beautiful, Kerrilee. Happy Weekend!

    1. Thanks Kimberly! It's nice to 'see' you here! Thanks so much for stopping by! Praying some Extra into your Ordinary!

  7. Dear Karrilee
    Yes, He is the One who lives in us and transform every ordinary moment on our life into an extraordinary experience, because of His greatness, His presence, His grace and love!
    Blessings XX

    1. Mia - I say it every time... and it is always truth... You are a blessing to me, my friend! Blessings right back to you, friend!

  8. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Love this: He has already taken all of your Ordinary...all of your Less Than & Never Enough...& in return, He offers you Extra! I hope your retreat is all you want and more! Can't wait to hear about it!

    1. Thanks so much Kim! It's just so true, isn't? How He takes all of that and gives us Best in exchange... we just tend to forget it! At least I do! I appreciate the prayers... I will let you know for sure!

  9. Ah, Bethel...extraordinary. Enjoyed your post. Truly, He is the extra to our ordinary.

  10. I love this, Karrilee- that He gives us the extra in our ordinary. Thank you!

    1. Thanks Becky! And oh my - how He does this every. single. day. ...for every. single. one of us! Glad you stopped by! Have a blessed weekend!

  11. Yes and more yes! He is here right now, where we are! Love this!!

    1. I love this too... and I especially love when I actually remember it is true! Love you friend!

  12. Wonderful writing, friend. Your beautiful heart shines!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Ash... I am praying for your beautiful heart, sweet friend, and praying the truth of this will pull you close and hold you tight! Love you girl!

  13. I love your perspective of God's desire to give us the EXTRA in our ordinary. We must look for it and be willing to receive it. Too often I miss blessings in this fast pace world. I want to always be on the look our for the EXTRA goodness of the Lord in my life! Blessings, Love Rachael

    1. Aaah yes - Rachel... me too! I miss them too! And I love that you pointed out that we must be willing to receive... so true! Have a blessed weekend!

  14. Anonymous9:57 AM

    YES !!! This is what I pray my ordinary looks like each and everyday.

  15. Wonderful, uplifting and encouraging words girl. Thank you!!

  16. It's so amazing what He can do with our ordinary, isn't it? Beautiful post, friend! :)

    1. Thanks Mel! He really does make beautiful things out of us!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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