Today is Day One of 31 Days of Encountering God! If you missed the kick-off, you can go HERE and find the Introduction as well as each days post! (I will be adding every day as the month goes on!)
What IS an Encounter with God?
Today is Day One in our 31 Day series of Encountering God, and before we dig right in I wanted to sort of explain what I mean when I talk of God Encounters.
We'll start off really basic... with a definition:
en·coun·ter verb \in-ˈkau̇n-tər, en-\: to have or experience (problems, difficulties, etc.): to meet (someone) without expecting or intending to
I think that many of us gather in certain places, looking to encounter God... we go to church, we read our Bibles, we may expect to run in to Him at a wedding or a funeral. But what about encountering God in your car, or in line at the grocery store? What about when emotions over take you when listening to the lyrics to a song, or watching a baby drift off to sleep? What about those brief moments when the veil that separates between Heaven and the Here and Now seems oh so thin, and you can almost feel a sense of Holy enter a room?
Yes... let's spend October talking about those things... opening our eyes and our ears... stirring up our hearts and our expectations... let's invite Him in to Encounter us in all sorts of ways and let's just see what He has to say... how He will show up for us!
An Encounter is often unexpected, but I believe the more we talk about it, the more our faith is stirred to look for it! The more we look for Him, the more we will find Him! (I've read that somewhere before!)
"Ask, and it will be given to you;seek, and you will find; knock,and it will be opened to you.For everyone who asks receives,and he who seeks finds,and to him who knocksit will be opened."~ Matt 7:7-9 NASB
So join me this month, as we dive into some God Encounters... we will Ask... Seek... and Knock. And I believe that the Word is true... so we can expect that we will also Receive, Find, and Doors will be Opened!
When I say "Encountering God" - I am talking about the ways He reveals Himself to us... whether it be in the midst of church or prayer or worship... or (often my favorite!) in the midst of every day living... in the midst of our bossy lists, deep disappointments, and honest confusion. He desires to speak with us... I truly believe that as we pursue Him... all the while... He is pursuing us!
As I mentioned yesterday, some posts will be short and sweet, just inviting Him right in with a prayer or a song... some will be more of a testimony of how I have enountered Him in the past... some may include a vision or a Scripture... but no matter what form they take, my prayer is that He is Present and reveals Himself to you in each one!
In the comments below, I'd love to have you share how you most often Encounter Him! I hope to have you back tomorrow where I will share some of my earliest Encounters with God.
Linking up with The Nester and 1000s of other #31Day Bloggers!

So looking forward to this!!
ReplyDeleteAh, Karrilee - what a beautiful 31 days to spend with you. I loved this bit right here - it spoke volumes to my heart, " in the midst of our bossy lists, deep disappointments, and honest confusion". Yes. Yes to this exactly. I pray that He continues to meet me as I encounter Him through my children's honest expressions of pain and joy and trial and and triumph.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read more, your perspective and faith is so beautiful! I started this challenge too, last minute! Have a great night, friend!
ReplyDeleteOh, I'm going to enjoy this so much. There have been so many ways to encounter Him. One of my favorites is in music. He'll speak to me in the words of songs, and in the timing of songs - whether on the radio, or praise songs and hymns at church, or something I'm listening to on my iPod. It's wonderful how often that will coincide with something I need to hear or how it reinforces something I've been reading. Amazing God.
ReplyDeleteThis is going to be so good! I most encounter God through worship. I can get so lost and almost forget where I am!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a fantastic series! I love encountering God through music and the sweet moments when I stop to savor the present. I can't wait to see what the rest of this month brings!
ReplyDeleteI encounter God a lot in nature. I've also encountered Him doing dishes, riding in the car, and doing my everyday tasks. I've learned to be more aware of these encounters and to keep my heart and eyes open. This is going to be a great series.