Today is Day Sixteen of 31 Days of Encountering God! If you missed the kick-off, you can go HERE and find the Introduction as well as each days post! (I will be adding every day as the month goes on!
Today is World Food Day - a movement to help end world hunger, and I am combining my #31Days along with WorldHelp and sharing how we can Encounter God in Being the Gift and making a difference!
World Food Day:
The Problem is Huge... Overwhelming...
But the answer is simple...
Love Does!
This, from WorldHelp: "As a humanitarian aid organization, hunger is an issue World Help is fanatical about. Today, the United Nations estimates 780 million in the world are hungry—nearly one in eight people. We will specifically highlight the growing and dire need of the Syrian Refugees. Overall, there are more than 6.5 million Syrians in need of humanitarian aid, namely food and water. And World Help is working around the clock to bring aid to those who are facing loss, despair, and hunger."
We are called to Love and the Word says that people will know us by our Love! We are also called to serve... to come alongside... to lift up. As Bob Goff says, there is action and forward motion to loving... he says, quite simply: Love Does!
I am a Pray-er... I believe that prayer does something... it is vital, and powerful and needed. But to be honest, I have felt a stirring to go beyond praying... it is a START, but if we are going to actually be the hands and feet of Jesus - we must also DO!
A couple of months ago, I connected with WorldHelp and I got a hold of Awake, a powerful book filled with testimonies written by Noel Brewer Yeatts and oh my stars if she doesn't just stir you up and help you to see that you - yes YOU - really can make a difference! I highly recommend her book. She is the vice president of WorldHelp and is often on the front lines as well!
When it comes to World Hunger... Natural Disasters... Water Issues... Human Trafficking... it can all seem oh so huge! It's so overwhelming... but as Bob Goff says, Love DOES... and, as Noel Yeatts says, we may not be able to change the world - but we CAN change the world for one person... for one family... for one village! We are more powerful together than we ever could be on our own and when we partner up - we can be the gift that is needed! One life, one family, one village at a time - we are changing the world!
We encounter God when we allow ourselves to see... really see the humanity around us... to see the great need and instead of ignoring it, or dismissing it because it is too hard, too sad, too big to tackle - instead of that, we can choose to serve... to give... to sacrifice even just a little - and it makes a HUGE impact.
I am honored to be a WorldHelp Blogger, and we are kicking off a fundraiser to help make a difference! This is our heart: The Problem is Huge... Overwhelming...
But the answer is simple...
Love Does!
We are called to Love and the Word says that people will know us by our Love! We are also called to serve... to come alongside... to lift up. As Bob Goff says, there is action and forward motion to loving... he says, quite simply: Love Does!
I am a Pray-er... I believe that prayer does something... it is vital, and powerful and needed. But to be honest, I have felt a stirring to go beyond praying... it is a START, but if we are going to actually be the hands and feet of Jesus - we must also DO!
A couple of months ago, I connected with WorldHelp and I got a hold of Awake, a powerful book filled with testimonies written by Noel Brewer Yeatts and oh my stars if she doesn't just stir you up and help you to see that you - yes YOU - really can make a difference! I highly recommend her book. She is the vice president of WorldHelp and is often on the front lines as well!
When it comes to World Hunger... Natural Disasters... Water Issues... Human Trafficking... it can all seem oh so huge! It's so overwhelming... but as Bob Goff says, Love DOES... and, as Noel Yeatts says, we may not be able to change the world - but we CAN change the world for one person... for one family... for one village! We are more powerful together than we ever could be on our own and when we partner up - we can be the gift that is needed! One life, one family, one village at a time - we are changing the world!
We encounter God when we allow ourselves to see... really see the humanity around us... to see the great need and instead of ignoring it, or dismissing it because it is too hard, too sad, too big to tackle - instead of that, we can choose to serve... to give... to sacrifice even just a little - and it makes a HUGE impact.
"At this very moment, over 4 million people—a fifth of Syria’s total population—are facing hunger and starvation while their country is being ripped apart by conflict and instability. I need your help today to provide thousands of life-saving meals to Syrian refugees . . . mothers, fathers, and children who have no other hope for survival." ~Vernon Brewer
"Today, an estimated 6.5 million Syrians are in need of humanitarian aid, namely food and water. These people are hungry . . . for food, stability, and hope. And we’re refusing to look away.
Our goal is to share the love of Christ by reaching into the lives of as many desperate refugees as possible. Won’t you join us?"We'd be honored if you would help us reach our goals!
To learn more and to donate, click HERE!
For more info on World Food Day and what it's all about, click HERE!

Love your beautiful picture! You are an inspiration to me, sweet friend.