Today is Day Twenty-Eight of 31 Days of Encountering God! If you missed the kick-off, you can go HERE and find the Introduction as well as each days post! (I will be adding every day as the month goes on!
This was an encounter that I had a couple of years ago, while praying on my own - in my favorite spot, sipping slow on a cup of tea, listening to some worship and inviting Him in to show me what I could not see!
Grace in Motion...
Grace in Motion...
"Who among us isn't hoping for, striving toward, and praying through a Breakthrough in one form or another? There is always something beyond where we are now and often it seems that there is something (whether real or perceived) that stands in the way. The keys have been given to us for breakthrough and much of what was handed to us I believe lies in the revelation that Victory is (already) ours... the price has been paid, the battle won, and the Authority transferred over to us to enforce!
I've been pondering on the reality that we live - right now - in two realms; that we have access to (and authority in) the spiritual realm as much as in the natural realm. They are not two worlds - but two realms - intermingling, active on this earth. While spending some time in worship, I had a vision that really impacted me this week.
I saw myself dancing...and at first I thought I was just seeing vivid colors but I realized that I was dancing under water. Gravity was not really holding me back and I could flow and jump, twist, leap and spin without any hindrances. It was so beautiful, graceful, and peaceful. Then I saw myself back up on the waters' surface, floating... I appeared to be 'stranded' in the middle of an ocean and in the natural - it seemed dangerous and hopeless. However, if I would just dive own deeper - things looked totally different. It's like the surface of the water is all that separates 2 worlds - the natural (where fear rules and reigns) or the spiritual (where peace and grace embrace you.)
From the perspective of the natural - RISK looks like opportunity for failing, but from the perspective of the spiritual, RISK is grace in motion.
The other thing that stood out to me is the surface is SO thin... it's such a small barrier that separates! There is a way to break through that is smooth, and graceful, and calm, or you can dive in, crashing the surface where you feel pain and create a disturbance. Both ways get you below the surface, into a different world - but one is more powerful and it depends on your perspective on which one you think that is! It made me think of watching the Olympic diving competition. So much focus is on form and technique - yet a lot of the score is dependent on the SPLASH created (or lack thereof) when they dive through the surface! The smaller the splash - the better the dive! We can learn from this!
I loved seeing the dive and taking risk... seeing the dance, if you will, below the surface as Grace in motion. I am becoming more and more aware that these 'two realms' that we abide in are so thinly separated... my goal is to go out and make a splash... but bigger (it turns out) is not necessarily better!
Dive in... join the dance!"
(Originally posted October 20, 2011)

Tomorrow I will be writing new on Encountering God
in the midst of All the Noise. Sometimes - life is full of sound and voices and distractions galore - and still, in the middle of your noisy life - He is there!
in the midst of All the Noise. Sometimes - life is full of sound and voices and distractions galore - and still, in the middle of your noisy life - He is there!
wow! Your series has been so powerful, one that I have enjoyed much!! Thank you