Today is Day Fourteen of 31 Days of Encountering God! If you missed the kick-off, you can go HERE and find the Introduction as well as each days post! (I will be adding every day as the month goes on!
Below is another God Encounter from the Prayer Group I used to attend... this was originally posted in August of 2006... and I believe that this is a Now word for us today - just as it was back then!
The Shape of Things to Come!
"I am Molding you into the Shape of Things to Come!"Today, as I prepared to go to my weekly Intercessory Prayer Meeting, I was asking the Lord for direction in what to read in the Word... I didn't have 'time' to really dig into a devotion and didn't want to rush through my morning time with Him all together - but knew I was running behind schedule...Ah the last days of Summer! I know I will need to get back to a regular routine and that will mean more consistent Quiet Time in the mornings I know! Another one of the things I LOVE about Fall! Anyway - the Lord led me to 2 Chronicles chapter 20! It seems the Lord often speaks to me with this portion of Scripture! And often, it is when I feel too rushed or too busy... which can also mean the enemy is trying to pour on guilt and condemnation as well! However, I know that when I am rushed and overwhelmed - it is Praise and Worship that my spirit is in need of!I encourage you to read 2 Chronicles 20 if you are not familiar with it... I love King Jehoshaphat! This chapter reminds us of the importance and power of prayer & worship... we are called to cry out to the Lord, and to do battle with praise and worship... so often that alone will bring an end to the battle! I love that when King Jehoshaphat was told of the army coming for him, he "resolved to inquire of the LORD, and he proclaimed a fast..." (vs 3) and then verse 4 goes on to say that the people of Judah came together to seek help from the LORD...
I pray you are familiar with this story... we know that God showed up and fought the battle... setting ambush on the enemy and causing them to turn on one another. The Lords' people were simply called to "not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.' " (2 Chron 20:15-17)
I love that they were called to take ACTION - and yet - once in motion - to STAND FIRM and see the deliverance (or Salvation) of the Lord... another translation says it this way: "You won't have to lift a hand in this battle; just stand firm, Judah and Jerusalem, and watch God's saving work for you take shape. Don't be afraid, don't waver. March out boldly tomorrow—God is with you." (The Message)
I love that! ... stay with me, and you will too!In the midst of our worship today during Prayer, I had a vision of the LORD walking around that Prayer Room - mingling in the midst of the women there... I saw Him reaching into our hearts, one at a time... I could feel His Presence and when I asked Him, "Lord, what are you doing?!" He said, "Well, aren't you all praying to make your heart like Mine?" He said, "I Am Shaping you... molding you in the shape of things to come!" ..."The Shape of Things to Come..." ..."The Shape of Things to Come..." I kept hearing that repeat in my spirit over and over..."What is the Shape of Things to Come, Lord?" I asked."It's something new... it's not like anything you've ever seen before" He replied.Then, with a smile hinted on His lips, and a far away dream becoming His focus, He said, "Aaaaahhh - she's Beautiful, ...Glorious, ...a Wonder to Behold!!! She is almost ready to be revealed. She is fast approaching her time!" (End of vision!)
I knew then that She is His Bride... she IS the Shape of Things to Come...He is at work in each of us... He is calling us to walk much like Jehoshaphat did. Towards the end of chapter 20, the Bible says that Jehoshaphat "...walked in the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD." However, that is not the end of his story. Verse 33 goes on to say that "the high places, however, were not removed, and the people still had not set their hearts on the God of their fathers."I believe that the Lord is at work in our midst... calling attention to some of our own 'high places' that need to be removed... we know that He has said that whatever can be shaken will be shaken... and we are now feeling the effects of a mighty shaking. I hate to say it - but I believe that this is still just the beginning... however... remember - He makes all things new! He is faithful to complete the work He began in you... and in me. He has a future and a hope for us... for good and not for evil... He is aware of what is going on... what is shaking down... and what will remain when the shaking is over!When our foundation is secure in Him... and we allow Him to reach into our hearts and begin to remold and reshape us... we find that the Potters Hand is gently shaping us into the Shape of Things to Come!!!
If you have ever watched a skilled artist using a Pottery wheel - you know that it simply takes a small shifting of their hands to change the entire look and feel of the clay...May He ever so gently reach in to your heart and shift what needs to be shifted to make something beautiful out of your life!"
I will share a few more Visions this week and then we will talk more about Encountering God in Church... in Friendships... in the Quiet... and in the midst of All the Noise!
Praying you are finding Him in your normal, every days... encountering Him in new and old ways!

In the Comments below, I'd love to hear what has He been speaking to you, lately? Has He been reshaping and remolding you as well... shifting things around to make room for what is Next?
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