October 5, 2013

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 13

Happy Saturday, Ya'll!  It's the first weekend of October and in case you don't remember - I LOVE AUTUMN!!! I think it is glorious - with all it's color and crisp air and lovely layers... and don't even get me started (again) on Pumpkin!

So - this week was the kick off of the October #31Day challenge and so there has been All Kinds of Awesome all over the internet this week... however, I am going to TRY to not overwhelm you will all of those - but only feature one or two posts that fall in line with that Link Up!

So... again... here is a totally Random list of some of my Favorite Reads found online this week!

* This post by Becky Thompson over at Scissortail Silk on where we stand... and how He stands behind us will stir up some reflection, and maybe a bit of intentional living, too!

* This post by Holley Gerth is part of her #31Days series (31 Days to a Happier You!) and the whole week is really worth the read!

* This post - or repost actually - by Donald Miller where he reveals a secret that will 'propel you into a future of greatness' - and who doens't want that, right?

* This post by Christie Purifoy on the gift of unbelief!

* This one by Nikki over at SimplyStriving where she talks about Writing... bleeding in black and white.

* This one by Hannah Brencher is nto new - but it is new to me this week and ya'll - this is where she lists 25 Things Every Woman Needs To Know... and seriously - these are Need to Know things! (Orig published in April 2013)

* This by Sarah over at Girl Grows Up is talking about God-given talent and how we all are artists!

* This post by Alia Joy on Writing - but really, it's to honor and thank the amazing Lisa-Jo... for going first... for being brave... for making a way and leaving (the link and) the door open... for creating space for the incredible Community that is Five Minute Friday writers! (And everyone says, Amen!)

* This 31Day post that stood out to me by Amanda over at life. edited - where her 31 Days are all about Secrets Moms Keep... Day 4 is oh so true!

* The post by me, from right here at home, is what has gotten the most traffic...this is Day One of my #31Days of Encountering God series - it also includes a link towards the top that will allow you to read all of the other Days so far!

Lastly - our video... because that is how this works!  I am super excited about this ya'll... this video from Jennie Allen about the upcoming If:Gathering and how the vision just got bigger! Check it out... and join in!

Happy Reading... and enjoy your weekend!

1 comment :

  1. Can I just say I love seeing whom you surround yourself with each week? (completely honored and humbled to connect with you, friend)

    And you have some nuggets of glory here, I'll tell you that!
    thank you, friend....thank you. for reading my heart so well and then sharing what you've gleaned with us again. what a gift!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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