July 9, 2013

A New Link Up - A Hunter of Beauty & a Finder of Grace

"... I am a Hunter of Beauty and a Finder of Grace."

As I was typing this out, all speedy-like and without trying to edit my thoughts, for a Five Minute Friday post last week - it struck me that this is my job description, and it invited me in... like a lovely Challenge - to see if it was true!

It is similar to Counting Gifts... being on the lookout for blessings and unexpected ways you find Him in the ordinary everyday sort of things!

So - I am hosting a link up... and I would love for you to share in a post (or in the comments below) one way that you were a Hunter of Beauty or a Finder of Grace in the past week.

We will meet up here... and encourage each other to fight on... to search for and seek out that which He is pouring all over us already!

Let's count it... 

slow time for a moment or two...
drink it in...

Can't think of anything?  Well - begin now, today... and come back when you have found something to share! This link up will be open all week long! Just jump in and share how He is speaking to you today... where He is showing up for you!

It's so encouraging to hear and see how the Lord is at work... often times for me - it's when I see Him actively involved in someone elses' life, that I begin to clearly see that He is active in my own as well!

So look around you... look within you... and then link up back here and testify of how you are encountering Beauty and Grace!

Speak Life. Be Love. Shine On.

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