After a little Breaky (kind of) last week, I was all revved up and ready for a good party over on Twitter! I was missing my Community and ready to sit down, to chat it up (or type it out - same thing, really!) and catch up... but Tweetchat is being a little moody tonight and I am still trying to edit and memorize a piece for tomorrow night. Still, you know me. I just can't stay away from this Free-Writing-Just-Let-It-Flow routine! So... I am in and out of Twitter tonight, missing you all... but taking just Five Minutes to STOP all the crazy multi-tasking and focus... just focus...
Oh but - first - the fine print: if you don't know what FMF is! Five Minute Fridays are hosted by Lisa Jo Baker. It is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE! The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Lisa posts at 10pm Thursday night (EST.) I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!

So - around these parts, we love to talk of Benches and Community and Fully Investing in Friendship. We like to talk about the Power of Encouragement, of Speaking Life, Being Love, and Shining On.
We talk about it... but first, hopefully - always - we determine to Live it out loud!
To carve out time and coffee dates and find ourselves benches in the shade and sometimes benches in the sun, too... to sit side by side, talk heart to heart... to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and weep with those who are weeping.
This is my heart... this is our call. This is the thought that hovers so close to the surface all week long... this mingling of rejoicing and weeping... intermixed and flowing in one deep inhale, followed by one shaky exhale.
You see, this is the week that we have known is coming, we just didn't know when. Our
Still it is not easy... but it is good!
She got the call of confirmation, saying yes - she and her girlfriends got the house and her first response was a shaky exhale, followed by tears... and a coming in close... a little weeping and rejoicing all mixed in. It's the letting go so as not to tear apart and it's hard work, ya'll - but it is worth it!
So - all week long, I have been reminded of our benches -of all the places we have made ourselves at home together and talked real... talked deep... talked truth.
We have instilled in her the Power of Encouragement and a thirst for Community and just when I battle flashbacks of pumping toddler legs, swinging high, dreaming free... I remember...
HE reminds me...
...she is pumping and flying and dreaming still... and it is time. And it is good.
Seriously... together, we have learned the unforced rhythms of grace, and it is good! Just when I battle fear, I hear her talking with her new roommates and they are agreeing that they will need to set aside 'family time' for sit down dinners and just hanging out together.
("...and it is good!" followed by my own shaky exhale!)

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "CLOSE"
("...and it is good!" followed by my own shaky exhale!)

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "CLOSE"
Awe, love this! You've got such a lucky girl to have you as her cheerleader, even when it's hard to cheer her out of the nest and out on her own. Nice job building a girl who can step out and be confident! {hugs} to you!
ReplyDeleteAw thanks Marcy! Thinking of you and praying for you as you guys transition to all the new! Love you so!
DeleteOh wow. I'm not at that stage of parenting just yet, but I can see it coming. Thank you for sharing.
Melinda (from FMF)
Melinda... thanks for visiting from FMF! Yes... it goes so fast! But each stage has it's blessings! Hope you have a great weekend!
DeleteI cannot imagine what this week has been like for you! But friend, this is just beautiful and so encouraging for my mama heart. I want to hold them close, but I also want to push them free. Such a bittersweet job we have!!! Holding you close in prayer and as always, so very thankful for you!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Becky... I appreciate you and your awesome consistent support! And oh how I appreciate those prayers! I think the next couple of weeks will be harder... once she is actually sleeping somewhere else! (It hurts a little just to type that one out!) Deep Breaths! We can do this!
DeleteYes, it's time to let her fly! You've done a great job with her which will give her what she needs as she leaves. We want them to go and dream and live the very biggest lives they can! I know...I hard it is. I had to let both of mine go twice - once when each moved out of my house for college or work and then again when each of them entered the Air Force within 6 months of each other. But letting go doesn't mean they won't stay close in your heart!! Love you and praying for you through this transition.
ReplyDeleteHolly - I so appreciate your prayers! I know you have walked this road and you understand all the crazy mixed up emotions that come with it all! Counting my blessings that she is only 5 minutes away... and yet still - it will take some adjusting for sure! Love you, friend!
DeleteI'm so proud of you! It's so hard to let them go and grow up and be adult! But doesn't it feel so wonderful to hear her say the things you long to hear her say? My prayers are with you as you transition to the empty nest (I moped for a month). Hugs!
ReplyDeleteAnita, it is hard - but it's time and it's good and this is really what we want, yes? To raise lovely loving responsible grown ups (who still like us!) Thanks for the prayers... keep 'em coming! I hope not to mope for too long... but I will allow myself some permission to process!
DeleteI'm praying for you as your sweet one leaves the nest. My son is 21 and still home, but I know it won't be long. A mother is always down on her knees lifting up her babies. God bless you as you step into this next season!
ReplyDeleteAmen Jennifer! Always and forever, right? Just so thankful she is still close by... at least for this first move! Thanks so much for the prayers, my friend! I can feel them!
DeleteWhat a great writing! I feel your pain, sadness and yet joy .. I have a 22 year old and when he left the house, my heart broke. They always come back, because children always need their mom :)
ReplyDeletethan you for sharing!
Karen - yes! It's all of those things mixed together... pain, sadness, joy! And yes - it does help in knowing that they are never really gone! So glad you stopped by!
DeleteOh Karrilee! I hear your exhale and it echoes with mine. My oldest is graduating from high school and she isn't leaving the nest quite yet but I know the time is near. Love your post and feeling your nerves with you. As I pray for mine I'll pray for you and yours!
Cindy @ Smalltowngirl
Cindy, praying for you! I remember well the crazy busyness of that season and all the unknowns that can feel heavy during that time! My Girlie is wrapping up her first year of college (where she still lived at home) and I am thankful she is moving just 5 minutes away - and yet... the thought of her falling asleep in her own bed that is NOT in my house catches my breath a bit! Praying for you as I pray for me!
DeleteThis was really lovely! (i often do FMF but haven't for a couple of months, but came here from {in}courage) I so identified with this... and this stage of our kids transitioning... Beautiful post! These exhales...
ReplyDeleteI just read your post linked up via incourage,me! So glad that you stopped by here so I could find you there! Yes... let's remind each other to Just. Breathe! Have a lovely weekend!
DeleteI love that translation of Matthew 11 -- thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that I need to get a bench for our house and put it in a shady spot for when the girls come over to visit. They are so cozy and inviting!
Lyli... is that not so romantic? I love The Message but this passage in it must be one of my favorites now! It just oozes a little Slow Down! Yes... I love benches and a nice shady spot in the summertime... well, that with a glass of iced tea and it just doesn't get better!
DeleteGosh, Karrilee, this is beautiful. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you've raised a girl who knows the powerful gift of community. I love you and am praying for you in this huge transition. Peace to you, mama.
ReplyDeleteAshley... girl, you know I love you! So thankful for all these prayers! Seriously... keep 'em coming! It's the next couple of weeks that will be hard... and then - you know... more hard later on!
DeleteThe image of the "unforced rhythms of grace" stirred my soul and reminded me of God's gracious gift of grace. Thank goodness He extends grace time and time again and this example serves to teach us how to do the same even when the babies leave the nest and it is one of the hardest things we ever do. Praying for you in your new normal - love hearing that family time is part of her plan. She will still need you because you are her momma! Weekend blessings, Mary!
ReplyDeleteMary - I know, right? "Unforced rhythms of grace" gets me every time too! Thanks so much for stopping by and for the reminder that she will always need me! Of course we know this is true - but sometimes it is easy to forget! Bless you!
DeleteLetting go of them is so hard. I am right there with you. One of my birdies has already flown out of the nest and I know the day is going for the second to spread her wings. It is such a mix of emotions. You are so sad, concerned and worried for them leaving yet so proud, excited and hopeful of this next step they are taking. I pray for you and her as you make this transition.
ReplyDeleteAmy - it's like you're in my head... oh wait - you said you ARE... you ARE in my head and heart, going through this letting go season too! Praying for you as I pray for me! Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteNot easy but good. And right, this sending them out into the world to test their wings, to fly. Bless you Karrilee as you send her out knowing you've poured grace and love and the longing for Christ in her heart. Not easy but good friend. Love your mama heart.
ReplyDeleteI love your Mama heart right back, sweet Lisha! I have to remind myself when it's not easy - that it is still good! Love you, friend!
DeleteThis post brought me to tears. My little girl is only 8 months old, but already I can picture her packing up to move away. I'm battling fear in my parenting, and I pray I learn to parent from love and grace, so that some day I'll hear my little girl talking on the phone to her friends about the essentials in life. Thanks for the perspective!
ReplyDeleteAsheritah... oh sweet friend... don't rush through the seasons so fast! It's true - it will happen on its' own soon enough... but because that it is true, drink in this season and try to slow it down by being present in each one... parenting from love and grace takes practice... good thing you have years and years of it ahead of you! Bless you! Hope you are enjoying a long weekend!