April 13, 2013

From one Ragamuffin to another... Thank You!

I remember first paging through
The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
years ago... and falling.

Falling deeper
and deeper in love...

Deeper and deeper
into His Grace.

So - really - even for me,
there are no words! 

But this... 
well this quote just about sums up
why I love him and why he will be missed:

“We should be astonished at the goodness of God,
stunned that He should bother to call us by name,
our mouths wide open at His love,
bewildered that at this very moment
we are standing on holy ground.”

Here are a few more of my favorite quotes
by Brennan Manning (taken from www.goodreads.com):

“My deepest awareness of myself is that I am
deeply loved by Jesus Christ
and I have done nothing
to earn it or deserve it.” 
― Brennan ManningThe Ragamuffin Gospel

“To live by grace means to
acknowledge my whole life story,
the light side and the dark.
In admitting my shadow side
I learn who I am
and what God's grace
― Brennan Manning

“There is a beautiful transparency
to honest disciples
who never wear a false face
and do not pretend
to be anything
but who they are.” 
― Brennan Manning

“How glorious the splendor
of a human heart
that trusts that
it is loved!” 
― Brennan Manning

“Do the truth quietly without display.” 
― Brennan Manning

Speak Life. Be Love. Shine On.

Linking up with Barbie today over at the Weekend Brew...


  1. Such beautiful quotes. I have not read the Ragamuffin gospel, but I think I need to!

  2. I have this book sitting on my table right now. I LOVE his works! Did he pass away? Thanks for sharing his quotes.


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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