July 1, 2013

Things I Learned In June...

Aaaah yeah... today I am linking up with the amazing Emily Freeman over at Chatting at the Sky in reflecting on some random things that we learned throughout the month of June!  This is one of my favorite end of the month posts that she does and she has opened it up for us all to play along... so hop on over HERE to see what everyone has learned and to share some of your own lessons!

Without further ado, here is my random list... in no particular order...

1. Tattoos on the foot really DO hurt... like really REALLY hurt!

We made our daughter wait until she was legal age to get a tattoo... yeah, cuz we're mean like that!  She turned 18 in May and decided that for her first one, she wanted us to get matching tatts... oh boy! I blogged about this (and the meaning behind what we chose HERE) & I figured I would let her choose where to get it so when she picked the foot, I remembered hearing that is the most painful spot to have one - or at least towards the top of the list.  However, I gave birth to her... with no meds... and I have one other tattoo and that one didn't hurt too much so I decided that I could probably handle it. I was secretly hoping she would really not 'enjoy' it so much! Maybe if it hurts - she won't want a dozen others? I am not anti-tattoo, obviously - but I also would prefer that she doesn't get covered in them - especially on a whim, regretting it later!  Well - she did great... she was - shall we say - expressive with her facial features but she didn't make a sound! (I, on the other hand...)

2. "Cancer" is a scary word and the diagnosis of it can appear to be a Giant but faith arises, and do we not serve a God who calls & equips us to be Giant Slayers?  Peace can come in like a flood - instead of the enemy - when we lean in and trust anyway.

3. There is no more LBD (Lizzie Bennett Diaries) sadly...
but there IS The Autobiography of Jane Eyre 

(...and you're welcome!)

4. Never let a little Summer Storm keep you inside...

My Honey and I had planned a walk on a Sunday afternoon but by the time we were ready to head out the door, it was raining.  And not just a little sprinkling - but serious raining.  However, it was warm - and we live in the desert so it never rains for long... we decided to go anyway! It turns out I LOVE walking in the rain... We walked down along a path that meanders by the river and it was divine to just walk hand in hand and enjoy the quiet (because - well - it was raining... so it was pretty secluded!)  Then we decided we were already wet - so we went and strolled around the Farmers Market, bought some fresh fruit and a plant or two... a LOVELY Sunday afternoon that ended with this gorgeous vibrant rainbow!

5.  Reading Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist makes you want to actually DO stuff... like Caramelize Onions!

Which make the house smell DELISH!!!  Mmm...

6.  ...and just because you know to look for 'sink holes' when cooking Risotto doesn't mean you will actually find them - or know how to get them to show up! 

I followed the recipe from the above mentioned book (Bread and Wine - a must read!) for Mushroom Parmesan Risotto - and sure, I overcooked it a bit... but hey - I COOKED it! Next time (yes - there WILL be a next time!) I will watch more carefully! The fam' all still loved it anyway!

7.  So - I love Coconut Oil... I use it for everything... I have a jar in the kitchen of course - but I also have a jar in the bathroom.  Turns out - using coconut oil as moisturizer works great - but also tends to get a bit too flirty with the sun...

 however - if you DO lose all track of time while out on a walk with a friend and a Starbucks, and get a little too red - it turns out - putting coconut oil on it afterwards helps to soothe the skin and (at least for me) it turned to a tan overnight... no peeling or ouchies at all!

8. I hosted my first ever Link Up using LinkyTools... super easy (even for me - a serious techy-challenged Blogger!)

  ... it's still live this week - wrapping up my series on Vacations!

9.  There is something about Summer that makes me think I can Read All the Books!

Right now I am reading 7 or 8 at once! For whatever reason, I would not attempt this in the Bossy days of other seasons! (My current book list: Love Does, Crazy Love, Bread & Wine, Powerful & Free, Daring Greatly, Sparkly Green Earrings, Kingdom Journeys, & You are a Writer)

10.  Graduation Week is survivable... even while staying present in all the moments and feeling all the feelings!


We made it through the craziness... the years and years and months and months leading up to this crazy hectic week... looming large with all kinds of Change... all sorts of Ends and Beginnings and I'm-So-Proud-of-You's and I-Can-Hardly-Even-Believe-It's!

My how I love this girlie... she is my favorite!

So - the most important thing that I (re)learned in June is this:

I love my life... this life - right here, right now.  
With all the ups and downs,
the Know for Sure's and the Who Can Know's.
The Changes ahead and the Steadfastness of the Family and God that I love!

I am learning and relearning how to stay present... how to give thanks... how to live fully in this day... right here... right now!

So what about you?  What have you learned in June?

Speak Life. Be Love. Shine On.

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