September 7, 2013

That Thing I Do Now... Vol 9

So... with the wrap up of summer, and the thrust into Fall - it seems my leisure routine of attempting to read All. The. Things. is being pushed aside a little to make room for schedules and deadlines and such! Aaah - the love/hate relationship I have with this In Between tug of war with summer and fall!

Anyway - I was seriously lacking some reading time - both in real life, and online... so while I am still trying to hook you up - do a girl a favor and share in the comments if I missed out on a Must Read post this week that is not listed here!

For your reading pleasure... just in case you missed it... here are some of my Favorite Finds:

* This one by Big Mama... Melanie never fails to crack me up - and this... well - I am one of the last hold outs in that I am still a Candy Crush virgin... and this is why! (Yeah... still a little smug about it too!)

* This post by Ann Voskamp because, well - she never fails to partner with God to simply undo me! (In letting go and this crazy season of babies growing up and moving on... and she goes and writes this:
"God as my witness, I will be your witness, and you can climb and you can take risks and you can go east and you can go west and distance never stopped love from being a witness." - see?  Well - read the whole thing and you will!)

* This post - dear LORD - by sweet Ashley Larkin... well - here... just this:
"Accolades are junk food for my people pleasing hunger pangs, my need to have this ego stroked, to fill myself up with others’ good thoughts of me and my performance. They aren’t the sort of filling that lasts.  Affirmation, on the other hand, is the sometimes strong, sometimes gentle voice of encouragement — reminders of who I am and the good I bring to this world, reminders that I am seen."

* This post by Donald Miller over at Storyline... where he shares 3 What If questions that just may change the way you do relationships!

* This post by my precious friend Kelly over at HopeMommies explaining what September feels like to her. (Get the tissues ready!)

* This post by Alia over at Narrow Paths to Higher Places, for her Five Minute Friday post... our word prompt was Red!

* The post here on this blog that attracted the most views/comments is Love Looks Like Something, in which I linked up with #TellHisStory and #GROWinHisWord and dig into a bit of Scripture.

And to end with a video... as is our habit now!

This video deals with a problem that is worldwide... as in - in Amsterdam, sure - and in third world nations... but it hits home - right where you are too!  This is a powerful visual... a few - making a difference... drawing attention... giving a wake up call! (Trust me... watch it all the way through!)

Here's to remembering that this was a short week - which also may have had something to do with my lack of reading time?! (I had an extra 'unplugged' day this week!)  What about you?  Are you feeling that tug of war, as well?  I hope you get to slow down and enjoy this weekend!

Happy Reading!
...don't forget to:

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