September 14, 2013

That Thing I Do Now - it's the 10th Edition Ya'll!

So - who would have thought... I mean, consistency and lack of follow through - those are things I am working on and I am well aware of this fact!  Knowing this, when I started doing this little Saturday morning Recap, I forewarned you that I was not quite sure if it would ever really turn into a Thing.

But here we are, people... and today brings us to the 10th Edition of me hooking you up with some fabulous Internet finds!  It seems like we should celebrate or something... somehow commemorate this momentous occasion of accomplishing, well - anything - every single Saturday for 10 weeks in a row!

I promise to enjoy an extra cup of coffee this morning... how about you?

Now - on to some great finds this week:

* This post  by Kelli Woodford where you decide if this is fiction or {non}... but rest assured - either way, it is you!

* This post by Jeff Goins where he reminds us of the power of telling your story!

* This one by Jamie the Very Worst Missionary, on her trip, her team, and her stellar packing tips! (OK - not really... but still...)

* This one - a remembrance of 9/11, bu Jeff Goins, and this one by Sarah Bessey... (there were MANY great posts reflecting back this week! While I didn't write an entire post on 9/11 - I did write this on my facebook page... I trust you will pray with me!)

* This post by Lynn D. Morrissey over at Jennifer Dukes Lee's will inspire you to write on... and let's be honest - this one should be printed out and posted where we will see it... every. single. day.

* This one by Allison Vesterfelt over at SheLoves Magazine... just in case you've ever felt like a failure too!

* This post - one of many, announcing the kick off to a 4 month, 5 phase project to raise funds for the Mercy House in Kenya... this one was written by Amber Haines and oh my stars... yes!

* This was the post from right here on this blog that got the most traffic... where I write about Community coming right to my door.

and Lastly, the video because that is how we wrap up this little baby and I am nothing if not consistent! (well... you know...)

Because you know me... and you know that I have a Nearly Grown Girlie who is starting college... it will come as now surprise that this commercial right here - it got me! (As in... quivering chin and watery eyes... whatever!)

For a bonus... because, you know - it's our 10th Anniversary Edition and all... I'm gonna include an extra video - as part of the celebration!  If you somehow managed to miss missed this one this week - well, here's another gem! If you have already stumbled upon - it - well, enjoy it again!


  1. I really enjoy your Saturday links my friend! Praying you have a blessed day!

  2. I have read two of the ones you highlighted ... but I'm always looking for more recommended reading. Thanks for giving me some encouraging words to peruse on my Saturday!

    (oh, and grateful, too, to be listed among them, friend. xo)


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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