There is an amazing Community online... I mean, take-your-breath-away, encouraging, uplifting, let's-bond-together-and-change-the-world kind of gathering of Awesomeness... they break up into smaller groups all over the blogosphere but as a whole, many of them can be found over at (in) and I assure you that once you visit - well, you are like family and there is just no need to knock! Oh no... when you are part of the family - you are invited to just come right on in!
I can tell you, since becoming one of the family (unofficially) - things have shifted in me! I'm sure that reading some of my stacks of books this summer has kicked that up a notch too (books like Crazy Love, Love Does, and Awake) but when you find yourself in the midst of people who are not just talking about things - but are doing things... who don't just feel pulled toward a cause, but who know that even a simple sacrifice of $5 can add up quick and change the world around you? You can't help but catch a vision and want to be included in making a difference!
Terrell and Kristen Welch felt a call to open the Mercy House after a trip with Compassion. Kristen saw the tragic reality of young girls, forced into a lifestyle, and then forced into backstreet abortions and God stirred her heart. Mercy House was birthed and it is a safe house, a home for young mothers and their babies in Kenya, and it is funded almost completely by mama's here in America! Moms who have stepped up... who saw a need and realized that they could make a world of difference! As it reads on the project page over at PureCharity, "they followed a missionary call all without ever actually leaving home." I love that! (You know why? Because I can DO that! ...and so can you!)
So last spring Stephanie Bryant, from, helped to lead the way in raising funds to help build a playground for the Mercy House kids -and within 24 hours - it was fully funded, ya'll!
This was amazing... and this is a glimpse into the awesomeness of this community!
This Fall we are once again raising funds to come alongside our sisters in Kenya... young Mama's with precious Babies and real needs - that we can actually help meet! We are inviting you to come along on the journey as we break up projects into five phases over four months... the final push just in time for Christmas!
Here's a sneak peak at the Phases:
Here at Abiding Love, Abounding Grace, I will be involved in Phase 1... and Phase 5. Why did I pick the beginning and the end? Phase 1 is purchasing a van for the Mercy House... it's a small way to make a big difference. Phase 5 is bigger and will kick off in December, just in time for the holiday spirit of giving! I don't know about your family, but we love to reach out and bless a family in need... to really show what Christmas is all about, not just talk about it. Phase 5 will give us a chance to do just that! I will write more about that in December!
However... Phase 1 kicks off today... and I think buying a new van is something most of you can relate to! We have an Only - and still, we found ourselves for a long season, driving a van while carpooling and sports going and just all the running around that little's need.
The Mercy House currently has 12 teen mama's with 12 babies, 2 housemothers, a social worker, an accountant/assistant and director and that means that they need to make multiple trips to church and the doctor and everywhere in between. Their current van seats 15. The additional van we are hoping to help fund will seat 8. This is doable and will make a huge difference!
I am not a saleswoman. It's so not my thing! I rarely even host in-home sales parties... I just never want to make anyone feel pressured! I understand when things are tight and there is just no 'extra' lying around. I know how tight my budget is... we are a single income family that quite honestly lives paycheck to paycheck and yet... God stirs and draws and moves... and God provides.
Through both skin-of-our-teeth and more-than-enough seasons, we strongly believe in giving... we believe that you can't go wrong, when you are sowing into the Kingdom!
I am not 'selling' anything here - but I am asking for prayer, and I am offering a way to help be the gift... to help make a change! Pray... and then if you feel so led, would you join in and sow in to this ministry that is making a very real and very lasting difference... it is changing the world for teen mama's and the next generation in Africa.
We can do this... one skipped Starbucks... one Drive Thru passed by... every little (or BIG) bit adds up and we can pitch in and we can Be the Gift...
Join me, won't you?
For more info and to donate towards Phase 1

(purchasing a van),
click HERE!
We are so excited to watch and see what the Lord will do through this project.
Join with us in prayer, and in purpose, in remembering to:
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