August 29, 2013

Five Minute Friday - WORSHIP

I had been gone for two weeks in a row... two weeks of having to be somewhere ELSE other than here, on my computer, on a Thursday night? Normally - I log off or unplug for (most of) the night - but not on Thursdays nights! Oh no... missing a week from time to time happens... after all, I do live a real life - but two weeks in a row is a bad idea... and three weeks? That is just cray cray! So it was good to be back to the #fmfparty last night! Much needed - this weekly gathering of Awesome! So - let's get to the prompt.

But - first - the fine print: if you don't know what FMF is!  Five Minute Fridays are hosted by Lisa Jo Baker.  It is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE!  The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Lisa posts at one minute past midnight Friday morning (EST.)  I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!

So - here goes: Five Minute Friday - Worship...



Music has a power that pulls on your soul... it can draw up and it can lead in and it can bring you right down to your knees - if you let it!

I remember reading a book years ago and the author stated something about how God's favorite part of our church services is the worship because it's really the only part that He gets anything out of! No one has ever preached a sermon that taught Him anything!  

But us - loving on Him... He loves that! 

He loves to hear our voices and our hearts poured out in worship!

Oh how He loves us! 

I am blessed with a hubby who leads worship... he enters in with the strum of his guitar and makes a way for any and all to enter with him.

Our house is filled with sounds of worship...
Music, sure... but Worship is so much more than that!

Worship is prayer and laughter and hope and joy...
worship is leaning in and trusting hard
- even in the midst of some doubts creeping in.
It is "I'm sorry" and "You shouldn't have!"
and it is all sorts of things... 
Ultimately, Worship is choosing... 

It is choosing Him... His ways, His heart, His perspective... it is giving up on our own - not always - but always when it is not what His may be for us!  It is intimate and holy and please, please, please don't reduce it to a portion of the service at church. If you do... if you are... you are only shorting yourself and I can assure you - He has a much better experience in mind for you.  He desires to meet you in your worship... to encounter you... to fill and heal and love you!

He is seeking for worshipers who worship Him in Spirit and in truth... and I don't know about you - but I am All In!


So - even though Worship is all of those things in addition to music - how could I not include one of my favorite worship songs...  even if you are familiar with it - I encourage you to sit back, click play, turn it up a bit, and enter in to worship for just a few moments... see how He comes right on in!

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "WORSHIP"  
Five Minute Friday


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    hey FMF friend! Love your post and considered posting one of my own favorites but it would be like picking one of my favorite kids. "It is choosing Him... His ways, His heart, His perspective... it is giving up on our own - not always - but always when it is not what His may be for us!" Excellent point! Giving up on our own!

  2. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Karrilee, I just loved this post especially about it being Gods favorite part :) As always I am blessed when I come here. Tara.

  3. Oh yes, worship is definitely about choosing Him. I love that. Lovely words. I'm so glad you are back to share.

  4. Love this truth: "Ultimately worship is choosing Him... His ways, His heart, His perspective..." May this increasingly be so of my life, moment to moment.

    Deb Weaver

  5. Dear Karrilee
    A.W.Tozer once said that everything we do our of love for our Pappa, make love a sanctuary where everything we do, becomes worship to our King!
    Blessings XX

  6. Worship is choosing Him! Yes! I am so grateful to be raising my children up in a lifestyle of worship. Two of then lead worship and write songs. I am blessed! You too, my friend, you are blessed!

  7. Loved this post, Choosing HIM yes! Beautiful!!

  8. Awesome.

    Worship really must be the Lord's favorite part of our church service- I never really thought of it that way! Great perspective =)

    {Love the song at the end, too!}

  9. I like what you said:
    "It is choosing Him... His ways, His heart, His perspective.."

    And I do agree, worship is not just a segment in church service. Worship is how we live our lives that is pleasing to Him.

  10. Love this...and the reminder to not reduce worship to a piece of a Sunday service. It's so much more...really, it's life. Everything. Beautiful words today, sweet friend. Blessings! :)


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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