March 2, 2013

Bravo, God! Bravo!

After a crazy hard week... a long drawn out, grasping for Truth, begging for vision kind of week, God whispered to my weary soul to just come and sit awhile!  Oh how I need that constant reminder of His gentle Presence... whether I acknowledge Him or not... feel Him or not... He is always so constantly, so consistently always here!

So I came and sat... in silence for awhile... and after awhile, that felt nice again.

Peace washed over and through and clearer vision, HIGHER vision returned, and I sensed that He is right... nothing surprises Him.

He can be leaned in to and trusted upon!

I asked for a Psalm to think on and this is where He led me:
Psalm 96... a call to worship! Oh how He knows me!

So - I share it here with you... in The Message, of course!
(Why? Because it's just so dreamy and romantic, that's why!)

"Sing God a brand-new song!
Earth and everyone in it, sing!
Sing to God—worship God!

 Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea,
Take the news of his glory to the lost,
News of his wonders to one and all!

 For God is great, and worth a thousand Hallelujahs.
His terrible beauty makes the gods look cheap;
Pagan gods are mere tatters and rags.
God made the heavens—
Royal splendor radiates from him,
A powerful beauty sets him apart.

 Bravo, God, Bravo!
Everyone join in the great shout: Encore!
In awe before the beauty, in awe before the might.

 Bring gifts and celebrate,
Bow before the beauty of God,
Then to your knees—everyone worship!

 Get out the message—God Rules!
He put the world on a firm foundation;
He treats everyone fair and square.

 Let’s hear it from Sky,
With Earth joining in,
And a huge round of applause from Sea.

 Let Wilderness turn cartwheels,
Animals, come dance,
Put every tree of the forest in the choir—

 An extravaganza before God as he comes,
As he comes to set everything right on earth,
Set everything right, treat everyone fair."

Psalm 96 The Message


Oh and I'm linking up with Barbie today over at The Weekend Brew!


  1. Bravo, God, Bravo! I've never read this in the Message before. So glad that you shared it. I'm going to read it over again! Have a beautiful tomorrow.

  2. Love this and I too never read that message:) thank you for sharing.

  3. I've never heard this Psalm translated that way...but I think I do like it!


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