It's time... I know I just posted about backing off and taking a break, but of course I meant it as in - just in case I want to, or whenever I feel like it, or you're (this blog) not the boss of me! So, of course - it's Thursday night and where else would I be? It serves me right that the word prompt is live and I have NO THOUGHTS... so, this should be interesting...
So - here goes: Five Minute Friday - The Word Prompt is: MESSENGER
It comes to me first off... as soon as the Prompt is revealed. I immediately think of these bees... how they were so focused and so in their element.
They were simply doing what they are created to do and they are gathering and once they have what they are looking for, like a Messenger, they take it back home and share it with their tribe. (I know, I know... it's not a tribe, and hey - I really don't know much about this particular kind of bee, but just go with me here... Grace, ya'll!)
I have this tendency to offer grace and encourage everyone else to rest, to breathe, to slow down, but in reality it is hard for me to let one season fully come to an end. To wrap it all up nicely with a bow on top and watch it fade into the sunset. No, not me... once it's done, but before it is even nearing any kind of fade-out horizon, I am looking for what's next.
I have felt it this week. The pull to fill all this empty time. Now, to know me in real life - you know that I am SO not a stressful person. I am not busy for the sake of busyness. I am all in, fully present, like to be invested kind of person. So, knowing that about myself, you would think I would have learned (by now) that I need to give myself some breathing room.
And I am, but it's not easy. I find myself wandering around this house, looking for things to do - well, let's be real. -looking for FUN things to do.
On Monday I went for a walk and then allowed myself the luxury of reading. A whole book. At one sitting. (And a fiction one, at that!)
But I am fighting the urge to fill up my days because this last season... well, it's not really over. It's never over, this Mama Gig. But for years and years I have had a Message and I have shared it in every way I know how... and now, my Message has not changed, but I have to choose to speak it out, to live it out, anyway - even if it seems that no one is listening!
I want to be like that bee... just simply going about, focused, doing what he was made to do, gathering and taking it all back home.
So I guess, you... you are my home.
You are my tribe!
See? That sounds better than Swarm, right? You are my Swarm? Nah... let's stick with Tribe!

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "MESSENGER"

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "MESSENGER"
Oh - the fine print: if you don't know what FMF is! Five Minute Fridays are hosted by Lisa Jo Baker. It is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE! The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Lisa posts at 10pm Thursday night (EST.) I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!
Tribe is good, Karrilee. And so is this post ... for someone somewhere is always listening, watching, waiting.
ReplyDeleteSo good to visit with you tonight!
What a great connection to messenger... a bee. Focus, singular mission, hard-working. Great job with this post! #fmf
ReplyDeleteBeautiful my friend!! I love your messages.
ReplyDeleteI love how you talk with us as if we are right there in your welcoming home. Loved your post- it was bee-u-ti-ful.:) Enjoy your break and just bee- ha couldn't resist!:)
ReplyDeleteGorgeous pictures, lovely words --- and I like "tribe" better than "swarm!" <3
ReplyDeleteI'l be part of your swarm my friend! I know what it's like to keep plugging along when you feel as if no one is listening. But lately I've been preaching to the choir of little 'ole me!
ReplyDeleteI like swarm! Swarms buzz, full of life. And I like that.
ReplyDelete(now, take a break. you'll be glad you did!)
I am so blessed to be a part of your tribe, your swarm, your posse or whatever you decide to call it. I am simply blessed to know you.
ReplyDeleteGlad to be part of your tribe or swarm or whatever you want to call it!! The photos are beautiful! Appreciate your words my friend.
ReplyDeleteI dropped by to read your Messenger post, but then started wandering around your blog. I enjoyed my time here, thanks for writing. My message to you - keep on going :) Kaye
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, I can't start my own comment--so I'm commenting under someone else's comment :). I'm happy to be part of your swarm (it's a good thing you wrote about bees, though, and not crows....) :). Keep listening and waiting and brewing your words. God will show you when and where and how to share his message.