June 21, 2014

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 49

Happy Saturday, everyone!

I snapped the above photo last weekend when I was at my sister's house.  I took a day trip that turned into an overnighter and it was so nice to spend some time with my Sissy - also a Mama to an Only Girlie and a brand new Gramma too! So - she feels my pain and has lived through it with, well, a grandbaby to show for it now! A visual reminder that life goes on and we will get through this and transition into whatever God has next!

Also - I went to a Love of Junk Vintage Antique show... out on a farm... it was GORGEOUS!

I gave myself permission to not keep my Bossy schedule for Blogging which of course means that not only am I lacking posts to choose from from right here, but I haven't spent my excessive normal amount of time across the Interwebs... still - I am here to help, so this is my offering of Awesome reads this week! Here we go...

Happy Reading!

* This one by Shauna Niequist on being Loved, Known, Welcome, Enough...
"When you arrive at the camp, each member of the Goff family embraces you, looks you in the eye, and says, “Welcome home.” And that’s the heart of it. And that’s how I want to live. I want to use every day of my life to make people feel like they’re home—loved, known, welcome, enough."

This post by my sweet friend Lisha Epperson on The Post (She) Didn't Write... on Father's Day...
"I’ve watched my children grow strong and secure in the love of a sensitive and caring father. There is no shortage of live out loud hugs and juicy kisses in our home. Clouds of “I love you” cover us, flowing, settling, hovering. In and out. It’s real and it’s free. This is the gift and grace of love coming from a man who didn’t know his father. My husband loves like Jesus does and one of the sweetest gifts of his fatherhood is how it magnifies my motherhood."

* This post by Shannan Martin over at incourage.me on The Theology of Dependence
"It’s easy to demand vulnerability when it’s not mine at stake. It’s so much comfier on the giving end of help.

We pray for help in quiet breaths, barricaded against a public display of neediness.We sprint to the rescue of those around us, so quick to help, so happy to play the savior.

But there are days when the tables spin, and we’re not so quick to point our finger at pride."

* This post by Erika Morrison over at The Life Artist with I won't guard my nothing...
" I wish I could see his face uncovered because I know he’s an Image-bearer whether he believes it or not. And whether he believes it or not, I would see Jesus in his eyes if they were open long enough–about two-point-two seconds is more time than I need to see the features of God in anyone, homeless humanity being no exception and most often the rule. Always I’m looking for the Divine in you and you and you and him–too..."

* This post by my sweet friend Jessica Hoover over at Hand Me Down Grace with The Rhythm of Rest...
"Rest isn’t meant to take anything away from our lives. Rest is meant to offer something to us that gives a flow and cadence to the whole of life. If we neglect to pause and fill every waking moment with the noise of busyness we will lose the melody and ruin the song." (Well see? There it is again... 'the Song' that He keeps talking to me about... and in turn, I keep talking to you about, too!)

* This one right HERE from Abiding Love, Abounding Grace on how we are all Cherished (a reposting of my Birth story, on this - my birthday week!)... 
"Cherished... just pondering the word itself stirs up Flashbacks of how I have always known it.  I am cherished.  I have always known it, but I haven't always felt it.  No, there are memories that come in a flash that feel anything but... it feels lonely, dark, unprotected, forgotten, wounded, invisible... it feels like truth, but I know it's not.  I haven't always remembered that though.  Somehow, it's easy to forget.  But in the deep of who I am, and in knowing Whose I am, I know. 

Flashbacks come in the story of my miraculous surviving of birth and blood battling and too many 'She's not gonna make it through the night' warnings... of how tears and pleadings came 6 weeks after I first gasped for air and finally... FINALLY my skin was soothed and held by the one who pushed me here.  I believe it was in that mothers' touch that healing first rushed in. I knew... I was cherished. "

Last of all, but not least of all... this video, because that is how we roll! (Shout out thanks to the #fmfparty crew who helped me find this one, since I was all on a Bloggy Break and all and oh my how I love these girlies!)

So - what did you think? Had you read these yourself already?  Did you find something that is not listed above?  Share the wealth! Let me know of a Blogger/Writer who you love in the Comments below!

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