April 22, 2016

Let's Unite... A Family Reunion

I missed out on the party last night because, well... you'll see!

This is Five Minute Friday (- a five minute timed free write) and our One Word Prompt for the day is: UNITE


Unite... to come or bring together for a common purpose or action.

Yes, please. Let's unite!

This week was tough... our city lost a woman who felt strongly and passionately the call to unite. She and her husband ministered and spent years trying to bridge the gap between cultures and races in this Valley.  Her loss was quick, unexpected, shocking.  It also felt a lot like highway robbery and injustice... and yet even in her last remaining hours on this side of heaven, she was uniting our Community while preparing to be united with her King!

Why is it that we most often feel the longing for family when faced with the uncertainty of the number of our own days? Why is it that it sometimes takes the passing over into (or through) death to remind us of the preciousness and value of life (or living?)  In the midst of great loss... we count our blessings and desire to unite and to hold close.

Lucky for me... I had been looking forward to a visit from my sisters for weeks and they are arriving for a weekend with no real agenda other than to simply unite.  To come together, to gather, to spend time with each other --reflecting back over the years, catching up on what's current, and dreaming together for what may come.  

Aren't we all called to Unite --to be Uniters? 

I know we all have our own family disfunction... but these sissys of mine? Yeah... we are always, always, always stronger together! 

We link arms and hearts and we stand united together.  Sure - as kids we did our fair share of fighting and fueding, but now we love and we laugh! We live in three different cities, spread across this state, but no matter what life throws at us, we stand together! We are fierce and we are favored.

Not a one of them wouldn't show up for me in a Mickey Mouse Tshirt, flip flops, and Farrah Fawcett hair... blowing bubbles with their Bubble Yum, taking names and willing to kick some b-- uh, you know! You get the idea!

As I wrote about last week, I am the baby of the family. And yes... the answer is yes. That means whatever you may think it means! But it also means this:

To me, it simply means that I am blessed!  That I have been blessed for all of my days.  They have had my back from day one and whether near or far, I know that they are for me and for my good.

And after this long hard week, it will do my soul good to sit at the table with them, ...to reconnect, reunite, and in doing so, to be refreshed and revived!

That's what Sistah's will do for you! Refresh, revive... they will do your soul good!


We are gathered this weekend and oh my goodness --it doesn't happen as often as it should.  We are not all that far apart but you know how it goes... life is busy and schedules are bossy and time just tends to get away from us!  We are blessed to have our parents still here and when we get together under one roof we are all reminded of how precious it is to Unite.  Even in the midst of a political year and differing opinions and beliefs... family wins out and honor shines through! We can agree to disagree and we lean in to love.

I pray you find a sisterhood... a sense of family - whether it is blood relatives, or a different kind of kindred... I pray you have it... and treasure it... make time for it --for them! If you don't have that, please know that in the midst of my weekend, I am praying for you to find community and connect! 

We were made for family...

Linking up with Kate Motaung and the #fmfparty Community today.  Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click HERE to read what others have to say about: "UNITE"

The FMF lowdown: The gathering happens on Twitter on Thursday nights & then we write our hearts out & hit publish all over the interwebs on Thursday & Friday (& sometimes on Tuesdays!) It's where we encourage & uplift... where we share prayer requests & praise reports... where we talk food & friends & we find support & kindred hearts. It's where we are reminded that life is good & God is good & we're not alone... & then we all write for five minutes flat, a flash mob of wordsmiths letting our hearts & our fingers do the talking tapping & we hit publish before we can second guess it all away. We'd love to have you join us!


  1. So sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Sisters are so important and it is so great when you find that connection that heals, rejuvenates and restores!

  2. Beautiful post, Karrilee. Family is special when we can unite even in the midst of differences. Our family is always there for each other. I'm so sorry about your loss. May God send comfort!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, my friend! And thanks for stopping by!

  3. So thankful that I've found this: "I pray you find a sisterhood... a sense of family - whether it is blood relatives, or a different kind of kindred... I pray you have it... and treasure it... make time for it --for them! If you don't have that, please know that in the midst of my weekend, I am praying for you to find community and connect!" Spending time with my sissy this weekend too...so so good. I'm in the #7 spot this week.

    1. Praise God for a little sissy time, yes? So glad you got some in this weekend too, my friend!

  4. Karrilee,
    ooh, yay family portrait! We were on the same post this week, for real! Thank you for sharing how important family is. Hugs all around.
    (#77 this week)


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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