So y'all know how I love me some books. (#ermagherdberks!) And if you have been around my little corner of the Interwebs at all, then you know that I have some seriously amazing friends who just so happen to write books.

Curious Faith by Logan Wolfram falls into that category from cover to cover!
I 'met' Logan online before I met her in real life at Allume. She is one of the most genuine, authentic people I've ever met and she makes you want to live that kind of life!
Reading Curious Faith is like enjoying a slow meal with a close friend, with only a table between you.
Logan writes the way she talks, with all of that Southern charm and laugh out loud honesty. But don't be fooled... she can make you cry with the best of them, too!
Her candid style of telling it like it is when it comes to living out a faith that has learned to embrace a bit of the unknown, that is bold enough to doubt, and brave enough to hold on when all you want to do is let go and give up --well, reading her journey just may enable you to live out yours with a little less fear, and a bit more freedom!
"Your perspective when defined by worry will always be small. You'll never see what could be if you allow fear to define where you go." ~Logan Wolfram, Curious Faith
Curious Faith arrived in my hands at a time when I felt I was already stretching and being brave! I felt 2015 held a TON of changes and risky yeses and I was coming to terms that I was not, in fact, ever called to live a safe, small life!
I lived much of my life trying to be quiet and soft... loving and kind, but I was never much of a risk taker. I thought if I lived hushed, nothing bad would happen to me. Now, of course - this is not true... and I didn't realize that I was living like that... until slowly, one hard thing after another began happening, and life shattered any illusion that I was owed safety or exemption.
Last year, all. year. long. God kept answering my hesitations and excuses with this one phrase: "Who told you you could have a Comfort Zone?"
Ouch... apparently not Him! Maybe it was me... maybe I had convinced myself that comfort zones were a good thing. They are not bad, per say, but we are never called to stay inside of them!
I hadn't realized that my
"Worry is a stunter of faith, because it convinces us not to trust God. But when we trust in the power of the One who puts everything together in the first place, then we can trust that the things that break us won't define us." ~Logan Wolfram, Curious Faith
I had learned long ago to not entertain worry, but moving it forward to entertaining trust instead - well, that makes all the difference!
Here are just a few more quotes that really stood out to me, and are now highlighted, underlined, and dog-eared in my copy:
"Are we willing to be curious enough while we wait to wonder what God may be up to? Curious enough to wonder what He may be preparing us for? Waiting is not a delay of the thing we have in our mind's eye. It is about being present in the now, and placing a longing hope in God. It is the space in which we root ourselves in truth and learn to want God more than our own desires." ~Logan Wolfram, Curious Faith
"If we completely give into the stresses of living, then we might miss the beauty of gifts God has lining up around us. If we let ourselves only celebrate the goodness, then we don't see the ways that the Lord wants to speak to our heart in the midst of the hardships, too." ~Logan Wolfram, Curious Faith
"When we make space to get outside of ourselves, it can take a bit to catch up with knowing who we are meant to be. Sometimes, we must lose ourselves to find ourselves. But, I've found that when I lose me, I find God. Interestingly enough, in looking for more of God, you'll be surprised how much of yourself you'll discover without even trying." ~Logan Wolfram, Curious Faith
I had been chatting with Logan for months via facebook and emails in 2013 before heading to her corner of the world in South Carolina for Allume, a bloggers conference that she is in charge of. She was super helpful and full of ideas as my Honey was traveling with me and would need a few day trips around the area during the conference dates... plus, you know, since we were so far away from home - we needed some suggestions on where else to go too! Thanks to Logan, not only did we fall in love with downtown Greenville, but we walked around Falls Park and when Allume was over, we drove to Asheville, NC and meandered through The Biltmore Estates before heading East to Charleston!
Because she was over the top helpful in the midst of planning an entire womens' conference, I felt like I already knew her. But I was just one of many, many women who she was graciously hosting before any of us set foot on a plane to get to Allume. I never, in a million years, thought she would recognize me in person or have any recollection of any of our conversations. However, on Day Two of Allume, she was running to catch the elevator and as she jumped in, she looked right at me and said, "Karrilee! It's me, Logan!" and went on to ask about our Biltmore plans and make sure my husband had found the man cave in the hotel!
Because she was over the top helpful in the midst of planning an entire womens' conference, I felt like I already knew her. But I was just one of many, many women who she was graciously hosting before any of us set foot on a plane to get to Allume. I never, in a million years, thought she would recognize me in person or have any recollection of any of our conversations. However, on Day Two of Allume, she was running to catch the elevator and as she jumped in, she looked right at me and said, "Karrilee! It's me, Logan!" and went on to ask about our Biltmore plans and make sure my husband had found the man cave in the hotel!
Precious, I tell you! She is precious - and the real deal!
What she couldn't have known in that moment was how invisible I was feeling in a crowd of people. An introvert who was riding the elevator to retreat in her room for a minute or two to regroup and she not only saw me... but she felt the need to tell me who she was! Priceless.
What a gift! Not just in introducing herself and being an amazingly gracious host... but in living a life wide open and real, that invites others to put on brave and lean in to a curious faith of their own!
Sometimes it helps just to know that you are not alone... and that you don't have to know all the answers to still be all in with Jesus. In fact, most often, it's better when you discover that you don't - and will not ever - have all of the answers anyway.
Like Logan, I have come to find that I may not (read: do not) know it all... but I know the One who does... and I can trust Him!
It's the mystery... it's those unknown parts that call us out further into the deep... it's the curious faith that He stirs within us that pulls us out away from the shore, and beckons us to walk on the water with Him!
* I was honored to be a part of Logan's Book Launch Team for Curious Faith. I received an Advance Readers copy from David C. Cook and the above review is my honest opinion. No Affiliate links were used.
Kelly Chripczuk for #SmallWonders
Holly Barrett for #TestimonyTuesday
Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp
Holley Gerth for #CoffeeForYourHeart
Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory
One of my favorite parts of Curious Faith is that it includes both some of her personal journey, as well as Scripture... and a Digging Deeper option as well! This is a great read, but even more than that, it's a great tool that God will use to heal and help each of us to live out a glorious curious faith!
Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp
Holley Gerth for #CoffeeForYourHeart
Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory
One of my favorite parts of Curious Faith is that it includes both some of her personal journey, as well as Scripture... and a Digging Deeper option as well! This is a great read, but even more than that, it's a great tool that God will use to heal and help each of us to live out a glorious curious faith!
As a fellow book fiend, I've had this book in mind to add to my ever growing list... and now after reading your hearty review and those awesome quotes, I'm thinking this is a definite yes. I need to learn to wait on Him better and more often. Sounds like this might be the teaching I could use right now ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd I always love wandering through your gorgeous site, Karrilee! I don't often get to comment lately, but just know that how you shine with each post is an inspiration.
Hugs and thanks!
Aw you are so sweet! Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement! And yes - most definitely add this book to your ever growing list! (Hey - I have one of those too!) xoxo
DeleteOoh, I'll have to add this book to my list!!
ReplyDeleteI loved the way you put this-- God is saying, "Who told you that you could have a comfort zone?" Oh, how I've been feeling that this week. Just when I thought things were starting to get settled, a new decision throws me off course and back into a stretching, growing place again. It's work. But it's what we're called to!
Gah with the bossiness of letting go of our comfort zones... or at least stepping out of them from time to time! ;) Stretching and growing right with you, my friend! Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteNow I want to attend Allume even MORE! Logan seems incredibly amazing and I indeed need to add this to the EVER GROWING TO READ pile! Sadly in the winter, I find that it is so much easier for me to turn on the television, then to sit down and read a book. In the Spring, Summer, and even Fall, I read so much more when I can sit outside and read on my porch! I need to fix that. Oh so much THIS: ""Worry is a stunter of faith, because it convinces us not to trust God. But when we trust in the power of the One who puts everything together in the first place, then we can trust that the things that break us won't define us." ~Logan Wolfram, Curious Faith"
ReplyDeleteOh my friend... you will not be surprised to find I do the exact. same. thing. (More TV in the colder winter months... but as soon as my patio furniture is back out, my reading piles get shorter (ahem... ish?) as I magically find more time and excuses to sit outside and soak it all in! (And don't you just LOVE that quote?)
DeleteNow, this post was an all-around FEEL GOOD read. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAw thanks so much, Susan! We all need those all around feel good reads every once in awhile, right? I know I do!
Delete"Who told you you could have a comfort zone?" That part slapped me in the face. (In a good godly way!) Yep, I'm a lover of my comfort zone too. This too must be surrendered. I'm reading Curious Faith too and loving it! It was interesting to hear your take on it too.
ReplyDeleteOh I get you, friend! I have been lovingly (?) slapped in the face myself! lol! So glad you are reading this and loving it too! But how can you not, right? I mean... it's so Logan!
DeleteWhat fun to be able to promote the book of an author you know and love! It sounds like a beautiful read :).
ReplyDeleteIt truly is! I forget how blessed I am sometimes in that I get the honor of reading words that are so impactful, written by friends who are so encouraging! I think you would really enjoy this book, Anita! Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteKarrilee, what a great review of a great book. I received a copy at Allume this past year, but have had so many books to read that I haven't finished it yet! You make me want to get back to it. Its true, you do feel like she's just sitting across the table from you as you read. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteGayl, Oh how I hope to get back to Allume one day! Not only was it an amazing conference, but we fell in love with the area, too! I hope you do pick it back up again... who couldn't use a little lunch or coffee date with Logan? ;)
DeleteMaybe next time there is an Allume we can go at the same time! :) I only live about 40 minutes away from Greenville!
DeleteI love the concept of curiosity's interplay with faith. Thanks for sharing :)