May 24, 2013

His View is Inspired and Romantic

So - yesterday, as I wrote out my Five Minute Friday post, this is part of what poured out at the end:
"As I reflect back over the past 18 years - smoothing over the rough spots, and joyfully reliving the highlights - I am reminded of the One who sees all and knows all and holds us all in close.  Nothing surprises Him or catches Him off guard - and I reflect back and I see His hand so clearly through out all of the years... hedging in, building up, breaking through... and His View of us is always eternal... He is inside and outside of time and when He looks on us, He sees not just who we are now, but who we will be and who He created us to grow into."
Well - my five minutes were up and yet, I wanted to pursue this line of thinking; this remembering that His View is what matters most and how He sees us is the most accurate 'us' that we can grow into being!

I was just reading in Matthew the other day of Peter, and how he was bragging to the Lord that no matter what happened - he would never deny Jesus!  (Matt 26:30-35) Aaah Peter... how we love him! (How we so often are just like him!)  He - who was so zealous for the Lord - was stating what his heart hoped to be true... but Jesus sees inside and outside and He knew that while Peter wanted what he said to be true - the truth was that when pressures came - Peter would fall short, hunch down, and hide... Jesus knew that Peter would deny Him - and yet He still took him with Him to the garden to pray just minutes after He revealed this fact to Peter. 

I love how the Lord didn't allow Peters' shortcomings to limit the calling on his life.  He didn't look at Peter and his quick temper and 'shoot first, aim later' approach to life... instead, He called him the Rock and he gave him chances time and time again! I love how Jesus comes to Peter after he denied the Lord... after the death and resurrection, and He restores him three times... three times he asks Peter a question and three times he gives him direction.

I pray you caught that... Jesus is not caught up on your sins or your failures.  He's not surprised by them and he's not holding them against you - or holding good things from you because of poor choices.  He paid the price... He gave Himself... and when He looks on you, He sees His beloved... the one He is ridiculously in love with! His View of you is one of Beauty and Grace... one of a Completed work and a Spotless Bride, a Cherished Princess (or Prince) and the one who has stolen His heart!

I can guarantee you, when you look at Him...
you take His breath away...
When you sing His praises,
or let His name pass over your lips
- you bring a smile to His...
When you cry, 
when you want to pray in faith
- but it feels more like desperation - breaks His heart
and oh how His heart beats for you-
just for you!

He wants you to know...
His thoughts are higher than our thoughts - yes
... but we've now been given the mind of Christ!
He WANTS you to know...

He wants you to know that
He is crazy mad about you - not AT you!
He is romantic and graceful,
so forgiving and all southern charm.

His View of you has captured His heart
and you have become His desired one.

He's coming after you,

and you had Him at Hello!

Speak Life. Be Love. Shine On.

I am linking up with Barbie over at My Freshly Brewed Life for The Weekend Brew:

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