April 20, 2015

How Small Wonders Add Up to Something Big...

Remember how my #OneWord365 is Wonder, and how my Honey's word is Change

...how he wanted to be less predictable and more spontaneous?

Yeah. That.
Well then, we are on the right path!

I wrote about it on Friday and I'm pretty sure this will not become the church plant blog, but you guys... we are gloriously in over our heads! For real.  But we also know that our team is His team and He is leading us.

Here's the deal though:
He, who is never in a hurry, is moving FAST, y'all! 
It feels rushed and too quick and maybe even a little reckless. 

...Or maybe it just feels like there is no comfort zone.
Yes. Maybe that's it.

Maybe it feels like risky faith and jumping blind and leaning in to a freefall. 

We are a bit dizzy and in a haze... but we know that we know that He is in this. We are finding Wonder in all this Spontaneous Change and oh my goodness... with all the thoughts and feels and dreams, this is all I have to offer today:

It's Springtime...
when all that growth
  --all the pushing & pulling,
    --the stretching & stirring,
when all the death & dying
feels like maybe it's done.
When suddenly: Breakthrough
& we're all searching for sun.

It's the Season of New...
  --of more Light & less Night,
    --of more Bold & less Cold
of New Beginnings, New Growth,
New Direction, of New Hope.

It's the Season of Finally...
Winter has passed & a new day is found.
  --Rise Up, Lean In, 
      Abide, & Abound,
--Seek Wonder, Show Grace,
      & look full in His wonderful face.

It's the Season of
Much Fruit, Growth Spurts, 
& Flowers in Bloom...
  --of Tilled Soil, Fresh Rain,
    & of Giving Him Room.

It's the Season of Bended Knee,
  --of Hearts Bowed & Hands Raised...
    --of head back with eyes wide open,
Of searching for His Glory, of meeting His Gaze.

It's Springtime with all that growth,
  --all the pushing & pulling,
    --all the stretching & stirring,
When you think that maybe it's over,
you find it's only just begun.
And finally: Breakthrough
& oh, how we see the Son...

What Small Wonders have you stumbled upon?
They are everywhere,
once you start to look!
At first they start small,
few and far between
  --but the more you find them,
    --the more you hold them,
...and the more abundant they seem!

P.S.  I'm linking up with these lovely writers:

The Community over at #Small Wonders 

Holly Barrett for #TestimonyTuesday

Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp

Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory

Holley Gerth for #CoffeeforYourHeart

Meredith Bernard for #Woman2WomanWednesday


  1. Oh friend. I have no doubt that Gods hands are in the midst of this change for you all. It might seem fast and furious yet God is in control and God is with you. It's amazing how often those small wonders appear in the midst of Spring; in the midst of new life. Love ya girlie!!

    1. I can feel your prayers, sweet friend! I can feel them! Love you right back! xoxo

  2. Amen and Amen, Karrilee. May all of this be true in me as well. Spring. Breakthrough. Dead gone and Life anew. May I be as faithful to move quickly as I have been to lie in wait. Thank you for linking with Small Wonder.

    1. Oh friend... yes and amen and me too! I have been so good at lying in wait! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Karrilee, beautifully written! Today we heard tornado sirens and as always, I just started praying. I went outside to check on a teenage girl sitting outside waiting for her ride. I let her know she could come in our house if she needed shelter. The weather was strange, dark clouds with a window of blue in the center. As I checked on her again, a yellow butterfly flew right in front of me. The storm passed, her ride came before the rain and we just came in from a nice walk, thanking Him for small and big wonders.

    1. Christina... praising Him with you for those small and big wonders, friend! So glad that you are all ok! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. Girl, you are a poet. Who knew?!

    1. LOL! I know, right? I haven't written much poetry... at least not since I was in my early twenties - when that is what one does, right? ;)

  5. Such an exciting time for you. I can't wait to see how He leads you as you continue to lean into Him.

  6. Spring, new growth, rebirth - it all adds up to this season, and this season in your life, too! Sometimes God asks us to wait, and sometimes He moves us forward speedily! May He undergird you for the change and impress upon you the wonder!

    Can't wait to hear more about the journey!


    1. Oh amen, Sharon! I agree with that prayer... thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. Change - wonder! There you are just living out God's plan. Hang on friend. So exciting! Beautifully written today Karrilee. Blessings on this new adventure! ~ visiting from Holly's place

    1. Thank you so much, Carmen! We are so thankful for all the prayers and blessings! xoxo

  8. Hi Karrilee! Sometimes change is so scary, but here you are celebrating and sending up flares in joy! I got such a light feeling in my soul reading your words. God has blessed you, and your words bless me. Best of blessings on your new journey!
    From #RaRa Linkup,

    1. Thank you so much, Ceil! It is scary - but when you know that it is God - it is also exciting! So glad that the joy translated... even in the midst of shaky knees! ;)

  9. This is simply beautiful! To see His glorious wonders from the smallest to biggest is such a true blessing. I am grateful for these words..."It's the Season of Bended Knee,of Hearts Bowed & Hands Raised...of head back with eyes wide open,Searching for His Glory, of meeting His Gaze." So simply, so loving, so true. Thank you for putting these words on my heart.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to let me know it ministered to you! (That is my favorite part of the piece as well... because, of course! Searching for His Glory with you!)

  10. Love, Love, LOVE your beautiful words that spur my soul to let excitement and joy come in with the fresh breeze of spring. I'm so excited for what God is doing in your life. Our church just launched a plant and it has been beautiful to watch.

    1. Ah yes... the fresh breeze of spring! We all need it, right? So thankful for your support, my friend! We are starting from scratch... but believing it too will be beautiful to watch! xoxo

  11. How exciting to be in this season of fast growth! Go with it! :) May God continue to bless you with direction and energy and faith. Love your tulips too. I noticed today that my tulip blooms are now all officially gone.

    1. Amen, Lisa! We pray in agreement with all of those things! :) And yes... our tulips are planted in the shade and they are late bloomers, but I am always thankful for that once they bloom!

  12. Karrilee, can I keep saying how much I love everything about your blog, the colors and images, the truths, the beauty, and now I can add heart of a poet, what???!!! Sounds like God is doing a new thing, no holding Him back ;) It's so inspiring!
    Blessings in abundance, girl....
    #RaRaLinkup AND #TellHisStory love for ya...

    1. Yes, my friend! Yes you CAN keep saying those nice things! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by! From one poet to another! xoxo

  13. I am carefully following all these "not the church plant" posts!!! LOVE THOSE TULIPS. My hubs always, always says in the springtime, "Two lips are better than one!" Yes, he's a dork like that. xo

  14. Ahh I just love what the Lord is doing in your life!! Praying for you sweet friend.

    1. Oh I can feel them! I can feel those prayers, my friend! (Keep 'em coming!) xoxo

  15. Sounds like God has something BIG and EXCITINGLY planned! Blessings as you follow Him in faith. Trust Him and He will provide all you need. I'm excited for you!

    1. Amen... Big and Exciting is right... and we are trusting Him for all the plans and provision! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  16. Beautiful flowers - beautiful rebirth words! Faith feels like free-falling - and outside my comfort zone is starting to feel like home LOL! Sweet encouragement for my week! Blessings!

    1. Amen... just so much! Faith (right now anyway!) really DOES feel like free falling and - a smaller comfort zone is definitely the new normal! Thanks so much for your encouragement, friend!

  17. What beautiful words for this season of year...and season of life. I am so excited for your family's new faith journey and can't wait to see what God has in store for you and those He puts in your path. Blessings friend! xo


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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