April 2, 2015

Because, of course... "Good" - A Five Minute Friday Post

I got to go play with one of my favorite girlies and her Honey for a Maternity Session this afternoon in the park and oh my goodness, I can hardly handle the cuteness! It was all I could do to pull myself away from playing with the portraits but you know how I hate to miss a (fmf) party!

{I can't say it enough, really - I love my tribe! The Gathering that happens on Twitter on Thursday nights and then flashmob writes out their hearts and hits publish all over the interwebs on Thursday and Friday (and sometimes on Tuesdays!) But, I know... I'm like a broken record here, stuck on repeat! 
However today I am thinking of a different community. Let's just get started.}

This is Five Minute Friday and our Word Prompt for the day is: GOOD


Good... The word prompt this week is "Good" and doesn't it just figure!  

As this Holy Week is unfolding and life around us feels chaotic and out of control... as pain and agony and desperate prayers rise up, this week - this year --this life... it can feel anything but Good!

Darkness can trick you into thinking that Light doesn't shine there... but oh, the Light - it shifts and bleeds, and filters down everywhere!

Yes... when life is hard and the answers are not clear... when the reality of this fallen world weighs heavy on our hearts, let us remember that what we call good and what He calls good are very often not the same thing!

For even on a dark and dreary Friday, when life has beaten you down, justice and truth are hiding, when even your friends have backed away leaving you to battle on your own, and there is not. one. thing. that you can grab hold of and say, "This is good!" ...yes, even then - Light filters through and God lays down, bleeds out, and in three days, He rises up again.

All the while - through it all, He says, "This is good!"

He saw it from the beginning... 

And He saw it in the Manger, the Desert, and the Garden... 

He saw it from the Cross, the Grave, and the Empty Tomb!

He saw you and me... He saw our moments and our days and our lives unfolding, and He said, "This is good!"

and He sees it still!
It may be Friday, y'all... but Sunday's comin'!


I love that He saw --past tense-- and yet it was into our future!  He sees us from the beginning and the end - all of our days, spread out before Him, and even still He says, It is Good! (Read: It will be good! Read: We can trust Him!)

Happy Easter, my friends!
He is Risen!

I love the #fmfparty Community that gathers on Twitter and all across the Internet on Thursday nights and on Fridays... on into the next week, where we encourage and uplift... where we share prayer requests and praise reports... where we talk food and friends and we find support and kindred hearts and we are reminded that life is good and God is good and we are not alone... and then we all write for five minutes flat, a flash mob of wordsmiths letting our hearts and our fingers do the talking tapping and we hit publish before we can second guess... we just let Him flow!   Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "GOOD"

Oh ...the fine print: if you don't know what FMF is!  Five Minute Fridays have been hosted by Lisa Jo Baker.  This week we start gathering over at Kate Motaung's.  FMF is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE!  The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Lisa posts at 10pm Thursday night (EST.)  I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!

In case you missed it, I was honored to be interviewed by the lovely Asheritah Ciuciu for the FMF Video Intro's.  We talk about Blogging and Community and knowing why you write... (In a completely unrelated note - what is it with YouTube and those thumbnails?)



  1. Here from fmf, trying to comment using a smartphone. Not fun.

    Great post!


    1. Oh friend... I know well the trouble of smartphone comments! ;) It's good to see you here... praying for you, Andrew! Thanks for pushing through and commenting!

  2. Thank you for sharing! Visiting from FMF www.hikingmommy.com

  3. Oh friend!! Sometimes that darkness can sneak in so easily. I especially think of those I love who are overcome by the darkness of depression and cannot seem to find any light at all. But that's the thing Christ brings the light doesn't he? He was crucified and died but then on the third day Jesus is raised. Death does not have the last word but God does!! Sunday is indeed coming!!!

  4. That reminds me of the Carmen song about "Sunday's on the Way!" ;). What a comforting thought to know that Jesus saw me and still wanted to die for my sins.

    1. Oh Carmen! Yes... Sunday IS on the way! Happy Easter, my friend!

  5. I can't wait to watch your video, Karrilee! It's interesting that your angle on "good" was similar to mine. I LOVE that verse: "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." So beautiful, so true, so GOOD! I wish you Easter joy!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Betsy! I love that verse as well - it's such a powerful visual when it feels like darkness is winning! Happy Easter!

  6. I loved watching your video and hearing your voice! So fun. You have a beautiful personality to match your beautiful writing.

    And your message was perfect for me today- "let us remember that what we call good and what He calls good are very often not the same thing!" Amen!
    Have a blessed Easter!

    1. Aw... thanks, Karen! I tend to forget that what He calls good and what I call good are not always the same, too! Happy Easter, friend!

  7. Karrilee, first off, I loved meeting you in your video this week! Hearing your voice and your words ministered to my spirit. :)

    Secondly, I'm grateful not every day or season is a Friday. Sunday is always coming, and that provides great hope, doesn't it? Have a wonderful Easter.

    Stopping by from FMF.

    1. Jeanne, thank you so much for your sweet comment! And all I can say is So Much Amen, my friend! Not EVERY day is Friday... in fact, a lot of days are Sunday, right? And the ones that aren't... well - we can trust that they are just leading up to one! Happy Easter!

  8. Amen! I just read something about the idea that it's Friday, but Sunday is coming! And I really like at what you said in the comment above, "Not EVERY day is Friday... in fact, a lot of days are Sunday, right?"

    I enjoyed your video today! But you are way too young to have been married for 24 years!

    1. Thanks Melissa! I think when we are stuck in a Friday - it can feel like All the Days are Friday... but they aren't! Praise God, they aren't! Glad you enjoyed the video and I suppose technically we cekebrate being married only 23 years later this year - but we've been together for 24! ;)

  9. So Elegant.. and so appropriate for Good Friday and Easter week!! Thank you! I did write my first five minute post this morning, but not sure if I'll post yet..but what a fabulous exercise!
    Eager to see the video! Blessings!

    1. Yay! I am so glad that you played along, Kathy! Even if just in your own personal journal... it's such a great exercise! (Of course - we'd LOVE to have you hit publish and play along!)

      Happy Easter, my friend!

  10. Great to see you on the FMF video !! I love that you are thinking of adding a Southern accent while I sometimes wish I could get rid of mine.

    I am learning to open my eyes more to see good as He does. Thanks for the reminder that His definition of good and ours is so different.

    1. It's so true... It's been a couple of years now that He has stopped me from saying good and bad, and instead, changed my language to say good and hard. Not all hard things are bad... in fact, many of them turn out to be more good than we could ever imagine! Love you so! Happy Easter!

  11. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I've read this idea on a few other FMF blogs, and I love it: "...what we call good and what He calls good are very often not the same thing!" So true.

    Loved your video! Looking forward to meeting you next weekend in Portland!

    1. Thanks Liz! I loved your video too... the FMF Intro as well as the one you put up last night! Wow girl, you can SANG! Looking forward to inrl next weekend!

  12. Your message here was so lovely and Divinely spoke to my mama heart just now. Thank you! I watched your video this morning. It was so authentic and cute. I am glad to be able to visit your blog today and see Christ shining his light through you in your photography business, as a mother, and here in the FMF post. Your FMF friend, Jenn

    1. You are just too sweet, Jenn and you are welcome here ANY time! So glad this post spoke to you... praying for your Mama heart! Happy Easter!

  13. Great post and interview. I so enjoyed learning about your blogging journey. I wish I had begun mine earlier. I also was impressed with your last lines: He saw it all. When I served on the altar helping lead others to Christ, I told everyone that I lead in the Sinner's Prayer, "You know Jesus saw you on that Cross 2,000 years ago. He saw everything about you, including this day when you would bow your head and accept His gift of life that he bought with His blood." I miss serving on the altar at our church, but after three years and nearly 150 people, I felt it was time to let others enjoy the incredible blessings I had received. Thank you for bringing these memories back to me in your post.

    1. Wow - 150 people... that is so amazing! What an honor to help introduce others to the Lord! Bless you for your service! Have a blessed Easter!

  14. I know, right? Darkness is so pesky and lie-y and, you know, ...DARK!!! But Light... but God... Praise God that He really IS the biggest and the best and He is so for us and His Light in IN us and that means that WE are also not overcome by darkness (no matter who convincing it may be!)

    Love you bunches, my friend!
    Happy Easter!

  15. Love that His good is not always what we think is "good" but God is always good! Thanks for reminding us!

  16. God's ways and God's plans are so different from our own and that is good! Thanks for your post today. And it was fun to see your interview this week too!

    1. Thanks so much Barbara! Have a Blessed and Happy Easter!

  17. Yes I tell our students often He sees the end and the beginning, He is there in our every moment, never caught off guard. He is the author and perfecter of our faith. And he makes all things beautiful! It is surely good. He even tells the disciples it is good for me to go that I might send one greater a comforter the Holy Spirit! It's almost Sunday, the ending is the best part HE IS RISEN!

    1. Ah yes - and aren't we glad that it was good that He went, and sent the Holy Spirit? Amen! He is Risen indeed!

  18. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Lovely post, friend. So grateful that He saw us along every step of His physical journey. And your FMF video was awesome! Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Thanks so much, sweet friend! (Loved your video as well!) xoxo

  19. I read this yesterday and left a comment via my phone... I see now that it never stuck. But do know how much I enjoyed this. The idea that the same God who looked down upon His creation and proclaimed, "it is good." Continues to speak those words today.

    1. Wendy, thanks so much for coming back and trying again! (I've been having issues with my comments!) It IS good! Happy Easter!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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