November 1, 2014

That Thing I Do Now - Vol 68

We made it, ya'll! We made it through the #Write31Days Challenge, and the posting every. single. day. and you stuck with me... or you didn't... but either way, rest assured - we will get back to posting way less often... 2-3 times a week, maybe less even... who can know with nothing bossing me around in November?

Well, all of that to say this: I will write when and what He tells me to write and I can pretty much assure you that it will not be all day, every day. No, I think He wants us all to actually live out what we learned here about Resting in Him... it takes time and intentionality... and grace!

It takes grace!

Featured today are posts by Amber Cadenas, Glennon Melton, Kris Camealy, Jacque Watkins, Logan Wolfram,  and the #Write31Days blogger who is somewhat new to me: Meredith Bernard... and - of course - a video! (Or FIVE... Whatev's!)

Happy Reading! 
(Ya'll know to click on the authors' names to read their whole posts, yes?)

* This one by Amber Cadenas over at Chronicles of Grace with When You Begin to Trust Rhythms More Than Rules...
"What if we're refugees from religion, seeking safe spaces to be in the presence of God among other hungry souls, hoping beyond hope that there might come a day when no voice answers back into this cessation from do-ing - Get up. Keep moving. This is not ok - but instead breathes life into our empty spaces, holding us in the noisy clamor until all we hear is the rhythmic thud of heartbeat?"

* This one by Glennon Melton over at Momastery with What If Your Life Is Already The Best Thing?...

"Most people who have a deep desire for lives of meaning and purpose and love are the kind of people who already have lives of meaning and purpose and love.

Just for a moment today- put on your perspectacles and look at your own life. You’ve probably got someone to love, some good work to do, some people who count on you, something beautiful to look at. If you have all that and a little bit of chocolate, too- you’ve already got it all."

This post by Kris Camealy with When You're Looking For Promises...
"In the following days, I continue to encounter rainbows. It seems they are everywhere. Except here. The sky above me lacks color, and the clouds continue to dump on us, both inside and out. Some afternoons I feel like I’m drowning. I need an ark.

What began as a mild annoyance has since swelled to a full on fury. I begin to feel physically ill every time I stumble across yet another rainbow image. I swear myself off of social media for a weekend. I’m tired of seeing God’s promises over everyone else.

Where is my rainbow? my heart cries silently to God. I never once consider that this sudden abundance of rainbows could be for me.

* This post by Jacque Watkins over at Deeper Waters with The Deep Roots of Friendship...

"And for me, there became one quality that seemed to best support the re-growth of deep friendships in my life—friendships with deep roots that brought stability for when the tornadoes of life would certainly roll in.

Often our roots of friendship grow deepest with someone who has needed God’s grace, has accepted God’s grace, and is willing to give God’s grace."

* This post by Logan Wolfram with Allume... trying to process...
"The past few days as I’ve tried to process all that happened, I find myself arms wide and face to heaven again.  I am overwhelmed by all that God did.  The way He moved, invited, and changed hearts all around me.  I’m astounded that He allows me to sow into his children in this way…into his sons and daughters…into His Kingdom."

* This 31 Days series, 31 Days of Living Like I'm Dying by Meredith Bernard with Because no brave person has not known fear...
"Somedays I sense the need to live outside myself and try hard to be better. To try hard to not let my routines define me and reach inward and upward for a bit of brave to be better than I have been, for the girl made in the image of the only true brave One.

There’ve been a few glimpses of that girl on the edge of bravery. She never stays around as long as I’d like, but the more she visits, the more at home she feels."

* This one right HERE from my own series, 31 Days of Resting in Him with Where Do You Find Rest...
"He comes to us wherever we make room to meet with Him and He brings us the gift of Rest, of walking and talking, of simply enjoying each others' company! (Did you know that God loves your company? He loves to spend time with you and hear about your day and conversate with you! He loves the sound of your voice and the way you laugh... He loves everything about you, for He is the lover of your soul!)"

Lastly, we wrap This Thing up with  a video... or in this case, FIVE! (Just watch one at a time, but I promise you, it will be worth your time!)

Click HERE
to access all
Keynote Speakers
from the Allume Conference
last weekend!

Happy Weekend, ya'll!

1 comment :

  1. Karrilee, wow. You made it through 31 days of writing and that is NO small thing. Your blog is beautiful and it is life-affirming to simply be here. Thank you for sharing the posts that spoke to you this week - I'm just soaking up the grace of even the small pieces of them you quoted here. I'm moved, too, to be included. Thank you, for all of it.


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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