November 3, 2014

Enter with Giving Thanks... (Hello November!)

Hello November...
(read: Goodbye October & all your Bossy Posting Every Day!)  

In other words:
Hello Breathing Room...
and Grace... and, you guessed it, Rest!

The decision to participate in The Nesters' #Write31Days Blogger Challenge for the month of October was not made lightly.  After a long drawn out summer of silence, I wasn't so sure that I had words in me for 31 days straight. I didn't know if I could do it.  I had backed off a bit from all the bossy but the thought of not being part of the Community made me a little sad.  So I had a brilliant idea of winging it with a photo a day or counting blessings... something easy and low key... sort of like phoning it in...

But instead, God very clearly (after so much silence) gave me direction and in the writing of the series, I could see hindsight over the past several months! I was having myself some serious Ah Ha moments as I tapped in front of this screen... I pray you had a few while reading it as well!

Part of the hard work of writing on one subject through out October is my lack of posting all about how much I Love Autumn! (I know, right? Oh the sacrifices!)

But I am here, now... along with November! And we welcome you to join us in creating a bit of space... for Rest, yes... (for less posting, Amen!) but also for breathing and grace and giving thanks...

In my love of All Things Fall, one of my favorites is the sense of Warmth and Home that comes with him... Autumn is all flirty and fancy, with glory all around and he nearly begs for fellowship... for gatherings over coffee or tea, for meals around a table... for huddled hushed conversations in cozy corners at home or in a cafe...  

My desire now, is to open my door and invite you in! 

It doesn't have to be perfect, ya'll.  It doesn't take a decorators' budget or a caterer's menu... We can create an atmosphere that is rich and that welcomes friends and neighbors and we can do it on a shoe string budget, and a wish and a prayer! 

So come on in... sip on something yummy and sit awhile with me!  I hope that you will feel welcomed and that you can tell that His Presence lingers here.  I hope that you can hear the very rhythm of November and know that it is true:  

We enter His Gates with thanksgiving in our hearts...


While Fall is my favorite and I LOVE to decorate for the seasons and holidays, I admit that it was a bit harder this year. It is our first year as empty nesters and I was busy and before I knew it October was already halfway done. 

But I remembered that this is what happens when I dress up the house for the holidays: 

I want to fill it up!

Let's start off this Thanksgiving season actually inviting people in and over and letting them know that they are GIFTS to us!

Oh how I wish you could come on over!  Is there a friend or neighbor that you've been meaning to (re)connect with? Family that you haven't seen in awhile?  It doesn't have to be a huge event. 

This reminder is more for me than for you, maybe, but: 
It can be a simple cup of tea, or it can be take out and a movie... It doesn't have to be Pinterest-perfect.  Whatever it is - I hope you'll fill your house, too! 

Coincidentally, there is a new online space that is full of grace and hospitality and it kicks off TODAY! I would love for you to hop on over and check it out...

"GraceTable is a place for open table conversations about food and faith designed to inspire and equip people to pursue brave hospitality." ~Kris Camealy


  1. I know what you mean about fall! I love the colours, the cooler weather, all the cozy foods and drinks, the fact that I can again snuggle under a blanket and not feel sweaty :) I live in the South, so we don't usually get super cool weather in the fall, but this year, our fall has been glorious! I have enjoyed every cool night and cool day. It got so cool on Halloween night that our heat kicked on and my hubby and I were woken up the next morning by our middle daughter who was a little freaked out by the smell. I'd love to have friends over, but my house isn't exactly cozy and neat. Yours looks beautiful! Enjoy the rest of the season!

    1. LOL... that is funny about the smell of the heat kicking on! I tend to freak out when it first comes on too (and I'm the one who turns it on?) I hope you continue to enjoy a glorious Fall and be brave... have a few friends over... as The Nester says, "It doesn't have to be perfect to be Beautiful!"

  2. I love this post, and all of your wonderful fall decor, and that white table is awesome by the way! Thanks for the reminder to connect with others and that it doesn't have to be perfect. Happy Fall!

    1. Thanks Tobi! Thanks for stopping by! Amen -- it's the connecting that is important, not so much the decorations! (And that white table? A $5 yard sale find... it was an old sewing table minus the machine... I just painted it whitem sanded the edges, and added the new faux drawer pulls and TaDa! It's one of my favorite pieces!)

  3. What lovely pictures! Is that your home? Now I just need to grab a mug of tea and pretend we're chatting next to your fireplace with the lovely fall garland. :)

    Thanks for the sneak peak. Happy Fall!

    1. Thanks so much Asheritah! How fun would that be? Yes - this is my home... although the mantle that looks like it is a fireplace is actually the headboard that my Honey built me (Thank you Pinterest!) Either way, I'd be honored to share a cup of tea! xoxo

  4. Your home is simply beautiful, Karrilee. Thank you for inviting us over for a visit. Blessings.

    1. Anytime, Beth! Wouldn't that be wonderful? Thanks for popping in!

  5. I'm not a holiday ever...but I might just be a little bit inspired to pull out my stuff. You pics are so crisp and beautiful. Pinning a couple!

    1. Oh YAY Elaine! That makes me so happy! Honestly - it can be overwhelming to think of decorating all the things - but really it can be as simple as a little corner here and a table top there and you are festively celebrating! I hope you do it! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Beautiful post, beautiful home, and beautiful heart. Thanks for reminding us it doesn't have to be perfect!

    1. Aw - thanks so much! I think especially this time of year, as the holidays approach and Pinterest is more, um, active... we can get caught up in the dreaminess of things and forget that those things are nice, but they are not necessary to live a life of hospitality! So glad you stopped by!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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