July 17, 2014

Bloom - A Five Minute Friday Post

I have been itching to write all day - but even more than that, I have been waiting for the #fmfparty to start! This Gathering of Awesome that happens first over on Twitter, and then all around the Blogosphere every Thursday night into Friday... it's just the best, ya'll!

So - here goes: Five Minute Friday - The Word Prompt is: BLOOM


"Bloom Where You're Planted..."

This is the phrase that pops into my mind as I see the prompt tonight and I have to laugh because, of course... 

This is all part of the reason why He is calling me to step back and to slow down and to really pay attention to where it is, actually, that I am planted.  To fully be present in the wrapping up of one long wonderful, terrible, blessed season without rushing out and looking for somewhere new to bloom!

That has been my bent... my survival, maybe.  To clean things up all nice and tidy and move right along to whatever is next.

Some months days, in this last season... I felt like I was wild and unrooted... a wildflower blowing in the wind.  Only some could see the beauty that I unfurled... others couldn't get past it, holding onto a weed mentality and who among us hasn't fallen prey to that?

And yet in this midst of the hard season... the dry season... the season where no wind or rain would carry me... I leaned in.  I chose to trust anyway... I chose to seek and find beauty. Who could know where I would end up and what would happen.  All I had was Him to cling to and, as it turns out, He was is enough!

My Honey... he has taken to planting wildflower seeds in our Garden.  We love the surprises... the unexpected blessings and the way they feel wild and free, while being firmly planted and blooming among the planned for.

We are learning a sense of adventure and it starts in small spaces, with seeds recklessly flung into the wind... trusting that the One who is never reckless will carry them and water them and cause them to bloom wherever it is that HE desires to plant them!*


I snapped these two photo's last weekend on my iphone... a Challenge from an online class I am taking and I loved how a simple change in perspective made us see these flowers differently. I had to prove to My Honey that there were from our garden.  They look so big... and so amazing, wrapped up in glorious morning light... standing up tall and giving praise.  It's a reminder that this is how He sees me... us... wild and free, and yet planted and in full bloom!  

Let it be so, Lord! Let it be so!

I reached my Five Minutes at the "*" but wanted to share about the photo's used because they so tied in with my frame of mind and where my heart is resting these days! Resting in the fact that we are being called to be wild and free, and planted all the same!

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "BLOOM"  

The fine print: if you don't know what FMF is!  Five Minute Fridays are hosted by Lisa Jo Baker.  It is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE!  The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Lisa posts at 10pm Thursday night (EST.)  I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!

* All photo's taken by me on my iphone... no filter... thanks to David Molnars' iphone only photography online course!


  1. Love the photos, and the idea of the surprised in the garden. :) Blooming where we're planted, and living...simple, but not.

    1. Amen Peggy! Simple, but (sometimes) not! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Hello neighbor! I've missed saying that. I always love your photos, but these are especially spectacular. You know how I love the wild and free (and my yard and everywhere else), and I know (just in small glimpses) how this season has been so much to carry. Bless you for your obedient heart that has leaned in to the Lord and allowed Him to carry you and show you new wonders of His creation in this time. Love you girl

    1. Love you right back, my friend! And yes - i know you and how you embrace wild and free and my how that has helped me to embrace it too! So... first - (or is it second, now?) Sorry about my meandering comment on your post... LOL... and secondly (or third?) - let's pray about Jumping Tandem! Seriously... let's see what He will do with that idea?! xoxo

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Love this! I also think of "Bloom where you are planted" first. Your spin on being present in the present was a much needed reminder for me to do the same. I catch myself coming and going sometimes and there is no need. Love being part of this FMF community with you!

    1. Oh Mary... I know, right? I preach to myself so often and I need that reminder too! So glad you stopped by tonight!

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I planted some wildflowers as well this year, and I LOVE how they spring up with a raw, natural beauty. And somehow, they manage to bloom no matter where they are planted. :)

    1. I love this... I love the sheer joy and surprise and wild beauty of the wildflowers springing up everywhere! And such a powerful point... they really do bloom where(ever) they are planted!

  5. Love this! (and love your beautiful wildflower photos --- I think they're my favorite to photograph, over the cultivated ones that come in rows. There's a more honest sort of beauty in them...)

  6. I'm clinging and praying right along with you--and you're right. He IS enough.

    1. Always... even - or especially when we forget! Thanks Anita! Happy to be standing side by side, my friend!

  7. Love the flowers. I'm a wildflower girl myself. I'm sorry you've had a rough patch but you're so right to expect great things from the seeds sown in your life. He's tending you. Also, WE ARE GOING TO MAKE AUGUST HAPPEN!!!

    1. Now why am I not surprised that you are a wildflower girl too? And yes and amen - He tends us with such loving care... and OH MY GOODNESS let's get this on a calendar, for real, and soon! Love you girlie!

  8. Oh, yes - I need to get rid of that weed mentality that sneaks into the garden of my mind. I love zinnias and cosmos. I plant packets of them every Spring - and this year, my youngest (now 13), weeded my garden - and pulled out all the flowers! LOL - He and my husband managed to put some zinnias back and I poured some cosmos out - so I should have flowers by Fall! LOL - He wants us to tarry- to slow down and savor Him - and He leaves me so many messages in the garden! So enjoyed your post!

    1. Ugh - that weed mentality just sneaks right back on in, doesn't it? My MIL likes to point out all our 'weeds' when she looks at the flower garden! Some of them really are weeds and should probably get pulled - but they are so wild and free and as long as they are not damaging the others, we like to let them just be a bit... Amen to all the ways He speaks to us - still - in the Garden! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  9. Brandi (@Fitzysmom)10:20 PM

    Loved your words and pictures! Just beautiful! Wildflowers are just the best because they are so unexpected but always such a pleasure.

    1. I agree Brandi! It's so fun to see what they open up to be! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Thank you for helping us to see beauty in the wildflowers. You take beautiful pictures! The hedgerows are pretty spectacular here in the UK right now too...

    1. Ruth... thank you so much for popping over! There is so much beauty to be found... it's fun to find it in unexpected places from time to time!

  11. Karrilee- This is so profound, honest, and beautiful. I loved this:" Only some could see the beauty that I unfurled... others couldn't get past it, holding onto a weed mentality and who among us hasn't fallen prey to that?" Such truth here. It sounds like you've allowed God into your rough spots so He can bring beauty from them. Great post! #FMF

    1. Thank you so much Karen! I think we all have rough spots and I have learned the best way to get through them is to let Him have His way! So grateful that you stopped by!

  12. Hi!!! I love your take on BLOOM :) beautiful.. I love the part about planting and then seeing the surprises :)

    I too have an itch to write sometimes and then other times I am quiet.. isn't that funny? ....

    nice to always see you :) thank you for sharing this amazing word


    1. Oh Karen... I think that is so often how we writers are wired! Sometimes with words just brimming over and other times where we are silent... letting them soak in deep before we let them spill out! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  13. Anonymous6:22 AM

    ahhh, I wrote something very similar about wildflowers with the BLOOM word :). If you like check it out at sowingseedsinthem.wordpress.com. I love how God intertwines our writings together to encourage and uplift.

    1. Crystal... I did read your post - your first ever FMF post - and oh my goodness! It was gorgeous! Great job! (And welcome to this amazing community!)

  14. Your photos are stunning! Thank you for sharing your heart words this #FMFParty - always a joy when I get the chance to stop by :)

    1. Shannon... I always love it when you stop by! :) Thanks so much!

  15. i love what you did with this word, Karrilee ... and sometimes, yes, we can bloom ourselves into exhaustion. oh to cherish the dormant seasons as much as the blooming ones ...

    have a rest-fueled weekend, friend ...

    1. "Bloom ourselves into exhaustion" - oh yes... that is it, right there, isn't it? So grateful for your encouragement Linda!

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Yes! Keep taking that time to lean in and listen. After both my kids left home for the military, I took four months off work to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of my life. It was one of the best seasons of my life and one of the best things I've ever done for myself. He will direct you, I'm sure of it! Great post, my friend!

    1. Wow - Holly ...four months?! That is an amazing opportunity! I so appreciate your consistent support, friendship, and prayers... for I know, in this, you have gone before me, friend! That alone encourages me! xoxo

  17. So many times I tend to hold on to the "weed mentality" and I am not sure why. But I love the thought of being the wildflower that is the beautiful surprise in the garden. I love your words.....heck I just love ya girl

    1. Amy my friend! I just love ya right back! (And thank you for the sweet card!) So blessed by your friendship! xoxo

  18. I've recently read another post by a friend about the parable of the sower and the 4 soils - he point being we can be those 4 soils depending on our hearts. This ties in so nicely with the idea that we can also be what is sown and we will flourish if we dig in, take root and grow. Love me some good gardening themed writing!! Oh, and you, too!! Sorry you have had such a rough time lately, just some good cultivating it seems. :)

    1. How I adore you, Amy! I love that I can hear your sweet drawl as I read your words! Most of the rough season has been behind for a while now... but it is closer to the surface as we let one season pass and lean in to what(ever) is next! Love you, girlie!

  19. "...trusting that the One who is never reckless will carry them and water them and cause them to bloom wherever it is that HE desires to plant them!"

    Oh yes! I love this! He knows exactly what He is doing even while I flounder! And beautiful photos! :)

    1. Amen, Angie! Even - or maybe especially - when we flounder! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  20. A wonderful meditation on stability. We have to trust him to plant us in the best soil and flourish as he wants us to. Love the photos too. Keep taking them and posting them!

    1. Amen David! He is the Master Gardener, right? And even when it feels like we are parched and in need of rain - or shelter - or sun... He IS the rain, the shelter... the Son! He knows what He is doing and what He does is make beautiful things out of us! I am always blessed when you stop by! Hope you are enjoying your summer! We didn't make it down to the Oregon Coast this year (yet, anyway!) but we are heading back up to Whidbey soon... it's good for the soul! :)

  21. Beautiful photo's. Great job! This is a beautifully written post. I could have written it! You've said what I have tried but much better. Thanks for sharing on FMF. I wrote a Bloom post too!
    Come see me.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I went and read your post as well! What a meaningful and beautiful gift! So thankful for the FMF Community!

  22. Wild and free. My heart cries "yes!" Thank you for sharing!

    1. Oh girl... it's like you know me! Kindred, indeed! Wild and Free! xoxo

  23. I love your picture of your gorgeous flowers! I wrote about blooming where you are planted in my five minute Friday post too. Thank you for sharing the story behind the picture of the beautiful wildflowers. I hope you have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks so much Jo Rose! I am off to read your post! Have a lovely week yourself, friend!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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