So - for about a month now, we've been hanging out on Wednesday mornings for a little weekly Coffee Date over at Holley's place...
We've been talking about some heavy things... some real life unfolding... refilling our cups as we share a bit of encouragement. So, today I invite you to pour yourself something yummy, and cozy right in with me as we dig in to what brings you (well... at least, me-) joy!
But funny... smiling, laughter - happy, even - that is different than Joy, right?
Let's look at the Definitions:
: feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc.
: showing or causing feelings of pleasure and enjoyment
: pleased or glad about a particular situation, event, etc.
: a feeling of great happiness
: a source or cause of great happiness : something or someone that gives joy to someone
: success in doing, finding, or getting something
Happy is circumstantial;
it ebbs and flows,
but Joy... Joy is a fruit of the Spirit,
it gives and it grows.
So then if we were asking, "What makes you happy?" the answer would always start with friends and family, laughing together... then move to sunsets and romance, to sunshine and sand, a good book and some coffee (of course!) - but what makes me happy can change on any given day. Happiness can fade... sometimes - it simply nearly instantly evaporates... poof - and it's gone.
But "What brings you joy?" well - for me, that answer begins and ends with Jesus. He is the Source and the Cause... It's His passionate, relentless pursuit of me, that no matter what my situation or circumstance, I know that He is all in and He is coming for me full on. I wrote about how He is All In and how He comes for us Full On about a year ago exactly! You can read about it here, and here, and lastly- here.
So - when I feel weak, I remember that the Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Neh 8:10)
...and when I feel empty - or emptied out, I remember that in His Presence there is fullness of Joy (Ps 16:11) ...not just a little bit; not a hint of it - but fullness! Fullness is good and this reminds me of where to go to fill up!
In the Gospel of John, Jesus says that when we abide in His love, His joy is in us, so that our joy may be full! (John 15:10-11) so when my feelings are weighing me down, and my circumstances are less than Joyful... I remember, it's HIS Joy in me, that makes my joy overflowing. And really - Jesus, ever our example... shows us that Joy is not temporary. Joy is a real thing that helps get us from here (whatever darkness or heaviness we are in), to there (Light and Love and Truth)!
The Bible says that 'for the joy set before Him, He endured the Cross.' (Heb 12:2) This reminds me that in the midst of my worst day... I still have an option to choose joy. Maybe not happy... but Joy.
And what was the 'joy set before Him'? I'm no theologian, but I like to think it was us, free... it was the Bride, glorious and radiant, and loving Him the way He loves us:
All In... and Full On!
Oh what Joy!

and with Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory
Lastly, I don't think that Happiness is contagious. We can be happy FOR someone, but it's not lasting and it's not personal. But Joy? I think our Joy can spill out and get all over... it can saturate an atmosphere and shift things around! I think His Joy in us is contagious and we can be intentional about spreading it around!!
So, how do you share Joy? I'd love to hear in the comments below!
Yes! His joy never ebbs, never changes. It is constant. His love is constant. That is the joy He gives! Woohoo! Love to you, Karrilee.
ReplyDeleteHello my friend! It is always so nice to have you stop by for a visit! I love that we are neighbors at Jennifer's today! Yes - His constant love... giving and growing!
DeleteLove your sweet smiling face!
Karrilee - your words are a joy to my soul this morning! I'm finding joy in this God-sized adventure to be simply intoxicating - so many women sharing their heart for intentional joy, amazing.
ReplyDeleteShannon - yes! I am with you - loving this amazing community filled with such joy and encouragement! Happy to be on this journey with you! (she lifts her cup of coffee in a toast!)
DeleteThat was my answer, too! JESUS, the source of all joy! Visiting from Holley Gerth's.
ReplyDeleteYes... He is always the best answer, right? The source of all joy! Happy to be sharing some coffee with you this morning! Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteYou, my friend, are a joy. xo
ReplyDeleteAs are you, Jennifer! If I am honest - I linked up last night and then unlinked after reading your post... feeling a bit too pollyanna in light of the subject. (Which is when I noticed the closed comment snaffu!) However - I reread my own words and realized I preached it to myself... happy and joy are different... and Joy - it is a gift from Him. Now I am off to comment on your post... thankful for truth being spoken there... for the Truth that is always spoken there! xoxo
DeleteLove your beautiful words, my friend. I are a joy. So grateful for the blessing you are! Hugs today. :)
ReplyDeleteRight back at you, sweet friend! Right back ya ya! {Hugs}
DeleteI cannot wait to hear that laugh in person. And yes, friend, I agree with Jennifer - you are a joy! Xoxo
ReplyDeleteAw Ash... I can't wait either! I am praying that somehow this upcoming super packed weekend will offer pockets of time-standing-still so we can laugh out loud together... and whatever else God has in mind! <3 (March!!!)
DeleteI crack myself up too sometimes!! And often find things humorous at inappropriate times. Like in a training class, when I'm sitting in the front, and just can't stop giggling (which may or may not have happened to me just this week...ahem.). You are so right that joy originates in Jesus and I love to think about Him laughing. I'm certain He cracks Himself up too! Lovely post, my friend!
ReplyDeleteI love this so much Holly! One of my favorite Jesus movies EVER is called The Matthew Movie - it is word for word the Gospel of Matthew and it has my favorite 'Jesus' - He took on Jesus Man of JOY in his preparations and so we get to see on screen the Jesus that truly does laugh with me! <3 #Swoon
DeleteI love the image of you all cracking up in church...having that kind of joy where we don't take ourselves too seriously is a gift. Here's to joy unspeakable and full of glory. Glad I stopped by Karrilee!
ReplyDeleteOh yes - I agree... not taking ourselves too seriously IS a gift. (And it gets even funnier when you find yourself in the midst of people who DO take themselves too seriously... which, of course, stirs up those uncontrollable stifled under your breath church giggles!)
DeleteAlways lovely to have you stop by, Lisha!
My one word this year is JOY so I adored this! Blessings to you. xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteBeth... what a GREAT word!!! So glad you stopped by!