February 16, 2016

When A New Thought Won't Leave You...

I close my eyes and hear the rhythm of traffic down below and the sun calling out to me, beckoning me to come outside and let its' rays soak in deep... thawing those chilled and frozen spaces the winter tends to harden.

Still instead of running, I hunker down and I can feel the Father's arms wrap around me and He gently lays my head to rest on His chest. I can hear the thumping of His heart and how it beats for me.

I lean in closer and wrap my arms around His waist and His heart races faster and I am reminded that I am His and He is Mine and we were created to be one.

A friend was teaching last week and as she opened in prayer, she said one simple sentence that has refused to leave me ever since.

She said,
"Jesus was so brave to come to us..."

So Brave.

Wait... what? 

I have thought of Jesus as being many things - but I don't know that I had really stopped to think about how it may have required a bit of Brave to leave all of heaven and take such a risk on us! 

I knew it took a lot of love, and a lot of sacrifice... but brave?

When she said it she just moved right along but my breath was caught up in my throat at the mere suggestion of it.

I could see it... 
Jesus putting on brave before standing to His feet and resolving to risk it all in order to win our hearts.  

I mean, sure... He's the Alpha and Omega and He knows the beginning and the end... and yet - Free will, man.  

He risked everything in order to pursue us... 

I don't know about you, but for me? Well - God has been calling me to stand up taller and not shrink back over the last few years. 

As I reflect back to the times when I have walked the bravest, I realize have been the times that I have been standing up for --standing in for-- the ones I love!

Our Savior, our High Priest, is One who can sympathize with our weaknesses, --He "has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin." (Heb 4:15) 

So of course --Of course he must be able to relate to our need to push through fear and take a risk to be brave, right?

Of course He can... 
He was brave for us
long before we ever had a chance
to be brave for Him!

He loved us first...  and best!
He's just the most romantic... and the bravest, too!
He left all of heaven, and put on brave, 
to win me... and to win you!

Now if that thought alone doesn't begin to thaw
those frozen spaces, then I don't know what will!

P.S.  I'm linking up with these lovely writers:

The Community over at #SmallWonders 

Laura Boggess over at #ChasingTheBlueFlower
Holly Barrett for #TestimonyTuesday

Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp

Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory

Have you ever thought of how Jesus was Brave?


  1. A whole new spin on that word. I had never thought of it in that way before either. But yes he was indeed brave! And I'm so thankful he was. If he was brave, I can indeed be brave too!

    1. Amen! I had thought of Him as Brave as a warrior King... and of course on the Cross... but had never really connected how He had to be brave - and willing - to leave all of heaven... I'm so thankful, too! Now, to quote our Annie - "Let's All Be Brave!" ;)

  2. I never thought of it that way! I still think I have to wrap my mind around that! Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Jennifer's link up at number 23

    1. It truly does take your breath away a bit, doesn't it? Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. What a wonderful thought. Jesus was so brave to risk the cross for us. He came to die. I couldn't imagine facing such a destiny without fear.

  4. And because of His bravery, we can be brave also. Love this!

  5. Beautiful, Karrilee! I've never considered the fact that Jesus had to be brave--but you're right--I'll take on anything and anybody to protect those that I love--even if it requires me to be brave!

    1. Right? It's so good... I can't get over how I hadn't thought of it yet myself! xoxo

  6. I love this. I have a little note in my writer's notebook right now that says "When You Need a Brave God"....great minds. Now I have these beautiful words to inspire me. Also, I pray all the time by simply closing my eyes and imagining myself at his feet with my head resting on his knee. He strokes me hair gently. So I loved that beginning.

    1. I love you so, my friend!!! Kindred and great minds and all of that! Yes! xoxo

  7. "Father IF this cup can pass from Me...." Bravely, He went. It takes and gives me breath all at once. Such a good, good Father.

    1. I had always thought of Him as brave for the Cross, of course... but Brave for even coming... bam. Drop the mic. ;) He IS such a good, good Father! Love you, friend!

  8. Never really thought about it either, but he was man and you would have to be so very brave to endure all that he did. Praise God. I need to remember that that same brave Christ lives in me because I feel like I am lacking in this area.

  9. Karrilee, I never thought of the word brave with Jesus either. Like you I thought of love and sacrifice, but bravery must have been part of it. Your post reminds me of a song by Downhere called "Everything to Lose." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cOj0CKv_Pg I love pretty much all their music.

    1. Ooooh - thanks for the link, Gayl! I love listening to new-to-me music!

  10. Yes, I agree. It took a lot courage to do what he did. Thanks for sharing, neighbor. Blessings to you!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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