May 28, 2015

Blue - "My Signature Color"... a Five Minute Friday Post

I showed up way too early for the party today because I love this tribe oh so much! If you have not yet Twitter-partied, then my friends - you are missing out!

{I can't say it enough, really - I love my tribe! The Gathering that happens on Twitter on Thursday nights and then  we write out our hearts and hits publish all over the interwebs on Thursday and Friday (and sometimes on Tuesdays!) We encourage and uplift... where we share prayer requests and praise reports... where we talk food and friends and we find support and kindred hearts and we are reminded that life is good and God is good and we are not alone... and then we all write for five minutes flat, a flash mob of wordsmiths letting our hearts and our fingers do the talking tapping and we hit publish before we can second guess... we just let Him flow!}

This is Five Minute Friday and our Word Prompt for the day is: BLUE


You don't have to know me for long, or even in person, to make the connection that much like Shelby on Steel Magnolia's - I have a Signature Color

Unlike Shelby - mine is not bashful (or pink)... it is
Blue - in all of it's heavenly hues

Turquoise, Teal, Sky blue, ocean, navy, Persian --you get the idea! I love it all!
From right here in my little corner of the interwebs, to my Instagram feed, to my closet, to my Family Room walls - I am surrounded by Blue!

As an artist, I am often drawn to using blues and I love knowing that I am held in by so much of it because in prophetic art, blue represents:
Hope, Grace, Heaven, Royalty, Freedom, Justice, Peace, Healing, Cleansing, Holy Spirit... 

Um, yes please! I want all of that!

As a decorator and event planner, I know the 'power' of creating atmosphere and designing a room to have a certain 'feel' or vibe. I plan my home and my spaces accordingly, and it seems Blue shows up in big and small ways!

Blues offer a respite... a bit of richness and rest, room for your heart to unwind, and your faith to arise.  Blue is hope and healing and a bit of heaven touching earth... literally, from sky to sea which just may be why I find myself longing always for the beach!

For I want to be like crystal oceans blue, engulfed in the endless clear skies above - offering peace and grace and rest for your souls... making room for you to breathe in deep and exhale slow... all the while, pointing to the heavenlies...

(Re)assuring you that He is good, that He is here, and that He is Holy!


So what about you? Do you have a signature color? If so, do you know what it means?

*My girlie & I a few years ago, taking our first selfie. There is one thing that she is always bringing up, as if I had any say about it. She complains that as much as we look alike, she did not get my blue eyes. Oh how she wanted them... but she got her Daddy's eyes - Chocolate, color-crayon Brown eyes, and I am so very glad! 

I had to use this photo because this is what I 'planned' to write about - but you know how that goes! I suppose because I was prepping some canvases today, my thoughts were a bit more literal and artsy! 

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "BLUE"

Oh ...the fine print: if you don't know what FMF is!  Five Minute Fridays have been hosted by Lisa Jo Baker.  Now we gather over at Kate Motaung's.  FMF is open to anyone, so to learn more about it - and to jump in yourself (the more the merrier!) or just to find a linky to see what everyone is writing about today - click HERE!  The idea is to simply write... for Five Minutes flat... no editing, no deep thinking - or at least REthinking, no spell check - just write! Let it flow! We all write using a prompt that Kate posts at 10pm Thursday night (EST.)  I'm loving the community of amazing bloggers and the creativity that flows from these magical Five Minutes!


  1. Hi FMF Neighbour :)

    Blue is one of my favourites too. If I had a signature colour, it's purple. I know it symbolizes royalty, but I'll have to do more research into what else. Thanks for the prompt!

    1. Ah yes.... while blue is my signature color because it is one I wear and decorate with and create with - purple is tied for first place because - of course! (Purple means Royalty, Wealth, Heavenly Provision, Wisdom, Majesty... what's not to love about all of that!)

  2. Mine is GREEN! My friend Gretchen always smiles and chuckles a little when I spot green items when we go shopping. My phone is green. Some of my fave pieces of clothing are green. I have green eyes! But I also enjoy blue in its many hues as well. This was such a fun post friend. Love you!!

    1. Fun! You look great in green too! (So there's that!) Love you right back! Have a great weekend, friend! Praying for you for Sunday!

  3. Loved reading your FMF post on "BLUE"! I also like blue, but also pink; but if I were to have a signature color, I think it would be Yellow! Yellow has been my FAVE for a very long time...but have switched to mostly Blue in clothing! And, for the reasons of Breast Cancer Awareness...Pink.

    I have been missing the FMF party; just not alert enough lately to do it on Thur. evenings; then I "forget" on Fri. But, I have actually had words running through my head for this one...I may get it done today or tomorrow...better late than never??

    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thanks so much Barbara! I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well! I will be praying for you! Yes - write whenever you can! The link up is live for a whole week... take your time, but do it! I'd love to read your take on Blue!

  4. Gosh, Karrilee, I don't think I have a signature color. There is a lot of black and gray in my closet, but my home is decorated with blues and greens. Lately I've been drawn to red mixed with blue too. I think color is really a reflection of my mood. Love you're ponderings on blue - it totally suits you! #fmf

    1. I love red with turquoise or teal... such a pretty unlikely combo! I didn't set out to have a signature color - but ask anyone - and they will tell me that blue is mine! ;) (Thanks for the inspiration for the post!)

  5. I have learned so much about the color blue today. Thanks, K!!!

    1. LOL! Well - i am happy to help, my friend! Have a blessed weekend!

  6. Hey my friend... Blue and Purple are my favorites (because, of course, I can't pick just one!) but blue is definitely my signature color! Thanks for stopping by! Praying for you!

  7. I am just loving all of these "blue" posts. It's so amazing how we all wrote such different pieces this week.

    And I LOVED learning this: "because in prophetic art, blue represents:
    Hope, Grace, Heaven, Royalty, Freedom, Justice, Peace, Healing, Cleansing, Holy Spirit..."

    And as for my signature I just don't know. I love orange...but I grew up loving blue the most. And lately, I've been all over heather gray. No idea what that's about.

    1. LOL! As an artist - of course - I love ALL the colors! ;) This was a tough prompt - but everyone did such a great job with it and there are so many different takes! (And yay... you wrote a FMF and I didn't even have to boss you around at all!) ;)


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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