It's Thursday night, ya'll... you know the drill!
(It's Five Minute Friday... in case you actually DON'T know the drill and you're new around here! Read on to learn what it is, but know that what it is is Awesome! A flash mob of writers who pour our love and encourage and uplift... who take five minutes and write brave, whatever starts flowing... unedited and published real quick like, without over thinking it! We'd love to have you join us!)
Here is our Word Prompt for the day: WAIT
--sometimes the best plan we can make is to stop all the madness... to bring every thought captive... to rest and breathe and relax in not doing any of All The Things...
Why is it that we rarely do it well? Or at least, for me, I rarely hear "Wait" and think, "Oh goodie!"
Lately... (as in - since my Summer of Silence) WAIT has been my call. Don't go forward... don't fall backward... just stand still and, (wait for it...)
Don't just jump in and run from one season to the next.
No, "Wait!" He says... "Let's let this one end with grace and let's Rest and Breathe and just Be for awhile before we move right along now."
I am learning to live in the in between. In between what was, and what is to come. In between how it used to be, and what it will be like next... because whatever it will be, it will be different!
I still want to fall back to my old ways... ways that prove show Productivity... Ways that are Over-Prepared and have it all Packaged Together and Polished.
Ways that ever so quietly scream Me... "I did that! I've got it! It's all good... I can handle it."
But the Old has passed away, hallelujah?
The New has come... or, it's coming soon, anyway!
That's what He keeps saying! And with the New, I want it to be less about my skill, and more about His power! Less about my ability, and more about His Spirit.
I have been reading it all over the interwebs... --how people are feeling called to stop... called to do less, and be present more. People are laying down their phones and agendas and well mapped out plans... they are boldly letting their days have nothing to show for them. They are learning to enter into His Rest and how so often in our culture, that really requires a Lot. of. Work.
"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength..."
Yeah - I've heard that use of 'wait' could be described as an action of service... as a waiter, waiting... and there are definitely seasons and times that we are called to that. But He loves to remind us that He does not call us 'servant', He calls us 'friend'.
And oh how I am thankful for friends who can sit in silence... when no words are needed. When just their presence helps carry the burden, or double the joy.
Sometimes when things are really hard, or even when they are really great...
--sometimes the best plan we can make is to stop all the madness... to bring every thought captive... to rest and breathe and relax in not doing any of All The Things...
Sometimes the best plan is to simply sit awhile and wait with Him.
I was not quite sure where this one was going tonight, but here we are... once again... waiting... following His lead! It's not always easy, but it is always best!

Five Minute Fridays gives us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click here to read what others have to say about "WAIT"
"to rest and breathe and relax in not doing any of All The Things... " I so needed that. As a homeschool mom, I tend to feel like I need to do all the things, when sometimes it would be so much easier to just not. Tomorrow, I will plan to sit with God and wait for Him. Thank you.
(visiting from FMF)
Oh Amen, Melinda! I have so much respect for all of you Homeschooling Mama's! Grace and Freedom to NOT do All the Things today, my friend! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteWell, for not knowing where this was going, you sure got there!
ReplyDeleteBRILLIANT essay. I love the thought of "learning to live in the in-between". That's where life happens, and it took me SOOO long to learn that.
And...relax in not doing any of All The Things.
Gleaming. I mean, really!
Wow... well, you just made my day, Andrew! Thanks so much for your kindness and encouragement! Yes - learning to live in the in between is so vital to truly learning to live, yes? I always appreciate it when you stop by!
DeleteWhat a great post Karrilee! I especially loved the quote: "I still want to fall back to my old ways... ways that prove show Productivity... Ways that are Over-Prepared and have it all Packaged Together and Polished." That is so me and it IS a battle to turn it all over to God. I mean doing this sounds much too easy...but the rewards are great!!
ReplyDeleteVerona... it's so true, right? How we tend to want to take back 'control'... how we find false comfort in thinking we can handle it... I battle this too and yet, every time I let go and let God... the rewards are great, as you said! Amen! Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteOh my... the forced into inactivity is the worst! ;) And yet... there are so many rich lessons there! Praying with you in agreement, my friend! There is no better place to sit and wait than on His lap, nestled in His arms... listening to the steady rhythm of His heart beating! Love you, friend! Lean in!
ReplyDeleteI am NOT good at waiting. Although the theme you see everywhere about being called to stop and to be present. That is exactly what I wrote about today. This is such an encouraging post for the season that I am in!
ReplyDeleteI don't know many people who brag about being good at waiting! LOL! I'm with you, friend... we can wait together!
DeleteThis drive to do "all" is the bane of every writer who's ever been on the "interwebs"—i.e. all of us. How many words have you written today? Are you building your platform? Here's the ten mistakes you're making? Here's the ten other things you should be doing now? Hey look … kittens! Sometime I just want to be like Merida in "Brave and scream "SHUT IT!!!" (Yes I have a nine-year-old daughter, and a bit of red-head in my background!) I need to pray more, read, more, and live more in the real world right outside my door.
ReplyDeleteGah! Exactly all of what you just said, David! (Kittens! LOL... why are there so many adorable kitten videos?) Please tell me you watched the interview I linked to last week of Tony Kriz... it was an hour long - and, of course it was all gold... but those last 10 minutes, about being in real life and connecting locally... bam! So good! Looking forward to seeing you at Faith and Culture (and Tony too!)
DeleteAmen! It's not easy to wait. It stresses us to wait (until we learn how). But the rewards of waiting are a deeper relationship with the one who waits with us.
ReplyDeleteAmen, my friend! Amen!
DeleteVery anti-American to wait! LOL - love it! your did a lot in 5 minutes - how do you get hooked up with that group?
ReplyDeleteLOL - Anti-American, is right! We want it and we want it right now! ;) Thanks so much for stopping by Debra... I found Five Minute Friday during my first round of 31Days a couple of years ago... it's an amazing community and all are welcome! We 'meet up' on Twitter on Thursday nights and chat until the prompt is given... then we all write for 5minutes and hit publish (I tend to write for five minutes, and then make a graphic and add a photo... and then hit publish!) You can find us all over at Kate's place (Link in post above!)
DeleteYes, sitting with Him for a while just to be is awesome! Now if I can just find the uninterrupted time to do it. That's always the challenge, right? Enjoyed your post, sweet friend! xoxo
ReplyDeleteYes - that is the trick, isn't Holly? To find (give) uninterrupted time to do it! I think what we forget is that is doesn't HAVE to be a LONG time... it can be just a few minutes. The more we do it - the more we will 'find' the time! xoxo
DeleteI just saw the best-ever quote and graphic on another #FMF post: "Waiting, the most difficult job of Hope." Is that incredibly perfect or what?
ReplyDeleteOoooh I love that, Susan! It IS incredibly perfect! Thanks for sharing!
DeleteWhat a great word for a writing prompt!
It was a great word... so many different options and directions to take it! I hope you read some of the other posts in the link up as well! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteKeep up the good work. I like your post and feel I will only repeat the above as I continue on ... lol God bless
ReplyDeleteThanks Beth! I appreciate you stopping by and reading! Have a blessed weekend!
DeleteThe resting, breathing and relaxing is where it's at and where I need to be. God purposely puts obstacles in our way to teach us that in the quiet, stillness we will find exactly what we need-Him!!! Have a blessed weekend!
ReplyDeleteMary... I am praying for you friend - as you lean in to resting, breathing, and relaxing! While I am not so quick to credit God for our obstacles, I am quick to agree that He truly does use ALL things together for our good... (for those who are called according to His purpose... and we know you are called, my friend!) Thanks so much for stopping by! xoxo
DeleteIt is so hard to wait. I need to be better and listen within the waiting. I'm thankful for the friends who wait it out with me too. Beautiful post!!
ReplyDeleteAh yes - to listen within the waiting - that really is the key, isn't it? Thanks so much my friend! I hope your trip is/was going great! Been thinking of ya!
DeleteI have such a hard time waiting. I tend to stress and worry when I should be still and know.
ReplyDeleteAmy... I know that way well! It used to be my norm, but God shifted and changed me. I find in those moments when my flesh wants to panic but my spirit knows better... several deep breaths really do help to put things back into perspective and slow down time just a little bit! Praying for you, friend!
DeleteSit in silence friends are the best.
ReplyDeleteIt's true isn't it? I mean - sure - we love being all chatty too... but the ones who know you best and can just sit and not try to fill the silence... kindred! Thanks for stopping by, P!
DeleteThanks so much for stopping by Nicki! Yes... those are the best kinds of friends, right?