I have this standing date...
I started this years ago, in the wee early hours of the brand new year. The house is still festive from all the holiday fun but it's quiet... peaceful... a bit emptied out after all is unwrapped, and yet brimming with hope for what is still to come!
So, as is the routine, I grab a cup of coffee, a blanket, my Bible and a journal, and I meet with God all cozied up on my couch on New Years Day. It's just us two... (or 4, because Those Guys always travel in 3!)
So, as is the routine, I grab a cup of coffee, a blanket, my Bible and a journal, and I meet with God all cozied up on my couch on New Years Day. It's just us two... (or 4, because Those Guys always travel in 3!)
I spend a little time praising Him, thanking Him and counting gifts and then I get down to the task at hand: I reflect over the last year and how the prophetic word or phrase played out. Next, I ask Him each year, on this - the first day, for a prophetic word or phrase as well as a book in the Bible that will be significant in the year to come. He is faithful to meet me and to give me insight in reflecting back, and a glimpse into what lies ahead!
Last year the Phrase that I heard in my spirit was:
"The Maternal Heart of God" and the Book in the Bible was 1Corinthians, which makes sense because, as I said in the beginning of 2014, 1Corinthians simply reminds you of everything your mother taught you!
You can read that original post HERE and ponder for yourself how it showed up in your own life, as well as around the world...
For me, well - I wasn't really sure what to expect with that phrase but oh my how I needed it - how we all needed it, in 2014! For years now we have come in contact with the Father Heart of God, but last year we saw the Maternal Heart of God rising up and pouring out!
A fierce, protective love... a nurturing, comforting love... a grace that holds close and hunkers down when instinct may say to cut and run! From #BringBackOurGirls to #Ferguson to #BlackLivesMatter to ALL lives matter... from ISIS to the economy to health problems and one heavy, tragic loss after another... what we needed was a Mother's Heart to hold us... to rise up in Mama Bear style and to become that shelter that our hearts were all needing! We need that still.
I believe in 2014, God began to pour this out in greater measures... allowing his Maternal Heart to be brought out into the light! For He cares for us with an intensity that speaks volumes... for truly we belong to Him and He is for us... with us... and coming after us!
I pray this new aspect of God continues to show up in and through us and that many will be drawn to Him, simply because of our own mothering heart that longs to draw them in and love on them... (whomever 'they' may be!)
So, without further ado... (again, why do I keep saying this?)
This is what I heard for 2015:
Last year the Phrase that I heard in my spirit was:
"The Maternal Heart of God" and the Book in the Bible was 1Corinthians, which makes sense because, as I said in the beginning of 2014, 1Corinthians simply reminds you of everything your mother taught you!
You can read that original post HERE and ponder for yourself how it showed up in your own life, as well as around the world...
For me, well - I wasn't really sure what to expect with that phrase but oh my how I needed it - how we all needed it, in 2014! For years now we have come in contact with the Father Heart of God, but last year we saw the Maternal Heart of God rising up and pouring out!
A fierce, protective love... a nurturing, comforting love... a grace that holds close and hunkers down when instinct may say to cut and run! From #BringBackOurGirls to #Ferguson to #BlackLivesMatter to ALL lives matter... from ISIS to the economy to health problems and one heavy, tragic loss after another... what we needed was a Mother's Heart to hold us... to rise up in Mama Bear style and to become that shelter that our hearts were all needing! We need that still.
I believe in 2014, God began to pour this out in greater measures... allowing his Maternal Heart to be brought out into the light! For He cares for us with an intensity that speaks volumes... for truly we belong to Him and He is for us... with us... and coming after us!
I pray this new aspect of God continues to show up in and through us and that many will be drawn to Him, simply because of our own mothering heart that longs to draw them in and love on them... (whomever 'they' may be!)
So, without further ado... (again, why do I keep saying this?)
This is what I heard for 2015:
--The Phrase: "New Discoveries"
As I began to stir this morning, I began to pray before even opening my eyes.
"Lord, what do you want to say? What do you want us to see, to look for, to release to others near and far in 2015?"
Immediately, I heard "New Discoveries"
...He said, "My Spirit, whom I sent to reveal all things, will reveal new discoveries, new ideas, new remedies and solutions. Open up to trying new things, to new ways of doing things! Do not stay so stuck in your ways! For as this year unfolds, my Spirit will reveal all truth and bring answers and aid. Through you who are willing, I will release the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven!"
Next, I prayed and asked for the Book in the Bible that would have significance this year and ever so clearly, I heard this:
--The Book: Ecclesiastes
Really, Lord? "Are you sure?" I had the audacity to ask because, well - hello? The Phrase He gave was "new discoveries" and then this? The "nothing new under the sun... it's all vanity" book? Really?
But then it hit me...
Seek Wisdom - yes...
But more importantly, Seek God!
Ecclesiastes reminds us to live life while it lasts, but to also enjoy it!
In our Western mindset, we put a lot of value on gaining knowledge and learning - but in all of our grasping, it's vanity if we do it on our own. But the Holy Spirit was sent to reveal all truth. He knows all things and the solutions and answers that we need often cannot be sought out and educated into us... they must truly be discovered!
No, there is nothing new under the sun...
Not to the One who created it all.
To discover something is to find something unexpectedly... to become aware of something or to make known or visible. To expose, display, divulge (a secret)... to be the first to find or observe (a place, substance, scientific phenomenon)... to be the first to recognize the potential. To discover means to make known...
We seek it out, He leads and guides us...
We discover, He gets the glory!
To discover something new is to partner with the One who knows all truth and was sent to us as The Helper!
What we need... He has, and He gives and He is standing before us this year with a twinkle in His eyes and His heart in His hand... "Come play with Me!" I can almost hear Him saying... "Come Abide and let's just see what new things we can discover!"
What an Invitation!
What an Adventure!
Let's welcome 2015 together... ring the bells, stir up hope... open your heart and your hands and your eyes to New Discoveries and determine that no matter what, we are all in with Him! No, we know now that all of our striving will not pay off. There is nothing new under the sun and all that striving is Vanity. However, enjoying the life you are living right now, today - counting gifts and staying present... good food, good drink, hard work... those, the Preacher says in Eccl 2:24, are gifts from the hand of God.
Happy New Year!
Let us continue to:

P.S. No real surprise here, this prophetic phrase lends itself nicely to my OneWord for 2015! In fact, after spending time with the Lord this morning, I am even MORE excited to find Wonder all around! To read about my OneWord365, click HERE and join the movement away from Resolutions, and into a changed life!
As I began to stir this morning, I began to pray before even opening my eyes.
"Lord, what do you want to say? What do you want us to see, to look for, to release to others near and far in 2015?"
Immediately, I heard "New Discoveries"
...He said, "My Spirit, whom I sent to reveal all things, will reveal new discoveries, new ideas, new remedies and solutions. Open up to trying new things, to new ways of doing things! Do not stay so stuck in your ways! For as this year unfolds, my Spirit will reveal all truth and bring answers and aid. Through you who are willing, I will release the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven!"
Next, I prayed and asked for the Book in the Bible that would have significance this year and ever so clearly, I heard this:
--The Book: Ecclesiastes
Really, Lord? "Are you sure?" I had the audacity to ask because, well - hello? The Phrase He gave was "new discoveries" and then this? The "nothing new under the sun... it's all vanity" book? Really?
But then it hit me...
Seek Wisdom - yes...
But more importantly, Seek God!
Ecclesiastes reminds us to live life while it lasts, but to also enjoy it!
In our Western mindset, we put a lot of value on gaining knowledge and learning - but in all of our grasping, it's vanity if we do it on our own. But the Holy Spirit was sent to reveal all truth. He knows all things and the solutions and answers that we need often cannot be sought out and educated into us... they must truly be discovered!
No, there is nothing new under the sun...
Not to the One who created it all.
To discover something is to find something unexpectedly... to become aware of something or to make known or visible. To expose, display, divulge (a secret)... to be the first to find or observe (a place, substance, scientific phenomenon)... to be the first to recognize the potential. To discover means to make known...
We seek it out, He leads and guides us...
We discover, He gets the glory!
To discover something new is to partner with the One who knows all truth and was sent to us as The Helper!
What we need... He has, and He gives and He is standing before us this year with a twinkle in His eyes and His heart in His hand... "Come play with Me!" I can almost hear Him saying... "Come Abide and let's just see what new things we can discover!"
What an Invitation!
What an Adventure!
Let's welcome 2015 together... ring the bells, stir up hope... open your heart and your hands and your eyes to New Discoveries and determine that no matter what, we are all in with Him! No, we know now that all of our striving will not pay off. There is nothing new under the sun and all that striving is Vanity. However, enjoying the life you are living right now, today - counting gifts and staying present... good food, good drink, hard work... those, the Preacher says in Eccl 2:24, are gifts from the hand of God.
Happy New Year!
Let us continue to:
P.S. No real surprise here, this prophetic phrase lends itself nicely to my OneWord for 2015! In fact, after spending time with the Lord this morning, I am even MORE excited to find Wonder all around! To read about my OneWord365, click HERE and join the movement away from Resolutions, and into a changed life!
I love this and your heart for listening well to what God wishes to speak to you. An adventure with God-YES what a way to begin your year and to see what new discoveries are in your future. I also was touched by your reference to the Maternal Heart of God and the mama bear instinct that naturally follows. I can relate to this to my very core. I am blessed by knowing you and look forward to all that 2015 is going to bring.
ReplyDeleteRight back at you, Mary! Thanks so much for all your encouragement and support, my friend! Happy New Year! It's gonna be a fun one!
DeleteI love this, Karrilee! My word for 2015 is wisdom because I want to seek to walk in His rather than trusting in my own. For the past 2 years my words have been joy and hope. Blessings to you and yours in this new year.
ReplyDeleteAll great words, Heather! Happy New Year, my friend!
DeleteI could just see you with your coffee wrapped up in your Bible and your 3 Friends! I think as you walk with Him for awhile - he stretches you. I love how her stretched you to Ecclesiastics - wow I wonder where that word came from! Wonder on my Sister into the wonders of our Beloved!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Thanks so much, Debra... I really do love hanging out with those Guys! ;) It's gonna be a fun year!
DeleteA standing date with God to begin the New Year; how great. And He loves it when we cozy up to Him. My word is Grace and I look forward to His revelations to me about it. Even made a homemade Grace journal. I'm ready! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteOh I love this... I love your word and that you have made a journal just for that purpose! How fun! Here's to a grace and wonder filled 2015! Happy New Year!
DeleteI love this Karrilee. I love how you pursue Him. You are an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya, my friend! Love you so!
DeleteGreat words - Wonder, Adventure and New Discoveries. I look forward to seeing what God teaches.
ReplyDeleteYou and me, both! Happy New Year, Robyn! I think it is full of Adventure!
DeleteBeautiful reflections, Karrille and beautiful words to live by and lean into this year. So glad to be on this journey with you. Blessings on your new discoveries this year! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'm so thankful we are walking and living this thing out together, too! Here's to a year FILLED with Wonder and New Discoveries!
DeleteIf one listens to the news a lot it's easy to see only the bleak in the world. To believe it's getting worst and it may be but if one see our day through the eyes of God, we are just one more day closer to Him shouting and bringing in the eternal New Year that last forever. Knowing that could happen today makes me want to be open to Him touching someone through me, someone who needs salvation. Nothing more precious then to see God through a new believers eyes.
ReplyDeleteAmen Betty! It is tough to listen to the news and see what all is going on in this world... but you are right - w!hat a time to Shine On for Him and Speak Life... to Be Love and point to the One who loves us best and has every answer! Happy New Year
DeleteThis is wonderful to be able to look at the new year, and to be excited about all the New Discoveries that you with God leading you will make in a year. Your words kind of reminds me of my 5 year old daughter's big Christmas gift this year. Her grandparents bought her a bike wrapped it in a blanket and brought it in our house. They then called her over. It was so wonderful knowing what she was about to unwrap when she still had no idea what was about to happen. I think maybe God may feel like that sometimes. He sees the future and knows when He is going to surprise with a glimpse of beauty, a gift and He calls for us and eagerly awaits for us to unwrap the beauty. I hope you have a lovely weekend. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh my friend, yes! I LOVE this visual!!! Here's to a New Year filled with Wonder and New Discoveries for us all!
DeleteHappy New Year Karrilee. Words of "wisdom" you have here. Thanks a lot for sharing.