Yes - it is true... this is sort of like cheating - but with Christmas only a couple of days away, I wanted to post some sort of update, and yet am (like everyone else) a little short on time!
So - below is our family Christmas letter for 2008...
Until next time (which, in all honesty, will probably be 2009!)
I don’t know about you, but we are still waiting for snow
– still waiting for it to begin to ‘look a lot like Christmas!’
The decorations are on display, the lights are on,
the tree is decked out, & (some of) the presents are wrapped
& yet it still seems impossible to be sitting here,
writing another Christmas Letter already!
This year has gone by SO incredibly fast,
& it was a busy 2008, full of family, friends, & fun times!
As I reflect back over the year,
I can honestly say that I am in AWE of how God
blesses & takes care of us; of how He leads & loves us!
Speaking of LOVE, our little family all three decided
to read “The Shack” this summer.
If you haven’t heard of this little book, you are about to!
Even though inevitably there will be something in there
that you probably won’t agree with,
or that doesn’t quite line up with your thinking,
I highly recommend this book.
I would love to send a copy along with each letter
because the allegory so tenderly yet powerfully
expresses the Father’s Love!
It’s hard to not find ourselves focusing on LOVE this time of year!
Between family & friends, nostalgia & tradition,
shopping & wish lists, parties & pageants… at the root of all we do,
it is (or should be) Love that compels us!
After all – we are called to follow after our newborn King
who was so compelled by His Love for us,
that He willingly gave up His life, so that we may live!
As if that wasn’t enough,
it’s His Love that continues to draw & guide us!
At the end of last year, I had come to a point where (finally!)
I was ready for change! As much as I did not want to make a
New Years’ Resolution, I knew it was time & by the end of January
I had made some changes & stumbled upon
So far this year, I have lost nearly 60 pounds (& counting).
I knew that this year would bring breakthrough in many areas
& would open up new opportunities for me, - for all of us!
Kayelyn had a new opportunity of her own in January
when she attended her first ever church camp!
Winter Camp was amazing for her & it really impacted her!
In February, we took Kayelyn & Holly to the Portable Sounds Tour
with Matt West, Jeremy Camp, & TobyMac. What a show!
We also got to see our favorite comedian live in town at the
Capitol Theater! We had a great time laughing at new & old material with Brian Regan. He makes us laugh every time! In March, thanks to Facebook, I met up with one of my dearest friends from high school days! It was so great to catch up & pick right up where we left off (many) years ago! In the Spring, Kayelyn began private tennis lessons again, & the month of May was VERY eventful for us! We now have an official Teenager in the house!
Dave went to a men’s retreat, Kayelyn got contacts for her birthday, & she & I went to see Carrie Underwood in concert. Dave hooked up with an old buddy of his own & they went to see RUSH at the Gorge! Summer brought a family reunion, a trip to Boise, a summer youth Intern program for Kayelyn through our church, Summer Camp, a family retreat at a cabin near Walla Walla, a Christian conference in town, a trip to Whidbey Island, a weekend with my high school BFF’s Annette & MaryAnn, along with Kayelyn (& the Super Mall), a visit from the Beelers & the Balls, & the beginning of Junior High! (Insert deep breath here!) In September, Dave took a Flight lesson & loved it, I became the “Scrapbook Queen” of Yakima, & Dave & Robert went on a fishing trip on Roberts’ new boat! Fall brought our 16th Anniversary, a trip to Walla Walla,
meeting up with more old friends (thanks to Facebook, again!), our annual Leavenworth weekend, a wonderful Thanksgiving, & even a little Black Friday shopping for Dave & I! I just got back from a powerful women’s retreat & we are looking forward to doing some outreaches as a family this holiday season!
Once again, this time of year stirs up so much reflection…
& while life is full of changes, of ups & downs, twists & turns,
I find more & more that I am at peace & the most happiest
when I am able to sit back & know that it is Love that compels me.
When Love is my motive, things tend to fall in place much easier.
When Love compels me, He shines all the more!
Our hearts’ desire is to be vessels that He freely flows through this season, & all year long! We so want everyone to know that God is so FOR you…! He loves you so… &, as William P. Young says in The Shack,
“Papa is especially fond of you!”
We pray you know that - that it settles in you deep & brings you peace!
Merry Christmas!
Love to you –- Ours & His,
~The Aggetts~
December 22, 2008
December 11, 2008
"Comfort Zone? What Comfort Zone?" - Flying without a Net!
Wow... what a powerful weekend!
I was challenged & honored to even be considered to minister
at a Women's Retreat last weekend!
It was rather last minute, & I was hesitant to go...
I was asked to accompany two dear friends whom I love & respect,
to help pray for & minister to a small group of ladies whom I had never met!
Normally - I would jump at the chance, but because of the timing & short notice,
I found myself struggling with God!
You see, my 'comfort zone' is one to be completely prepared & prayed up...
outline made & message ready...
not to mention that this is now December, & I am just busy!?
However, as I prayed, I felt the Lord asking me to step out...
take a risk... (quit living this quiet radical life & live out loud with Him!)
Once I finally agreed to go, the dynamics of the Team shifted
& I realized that God had once again tricked me into going?!
My safety net was gone & I realized that we were completely
relying on the Lord & had no real schedule
or plan set in place for the weekend.
Our fearless leader operates this way on a consistent basis
& she had the assurance that God always shows up for her
- she was not, in fact, stressed out or worried one tiny bit!
What a lesson for me to learn...
an opportunity to see firsthand that
I (hopefully!) AM ready in season & out of season,
as Scriptures says!
We didn't know from session to session
whom would share or what would be taught on...
it truly WAS Spirit-led!
I had no safety net - at least not a fleshly one!
Of course, I had just written about living out loud
& not being a silent Radical...
so here was my chance...
How could I say no?

What an amazing weekend we had...
God ordained each woman to be there
& every single one of us there came home blessed & changed!
It was powerful & intimate, freeing & healing,
full of emotions & joy...
God really went before each of us & prepared the way.
He led the conversations in the cars traveling there,
& on the couch, by the fire, in the kitchen,
& as we (finally) prepared for sleep!
It is not often that you gather together with a group of women
whom you have never met & immediately feel a connection & at ease.
Our God is so for us - He is so personal & intimate
- of course He created an atmosphere that would invite Him in to show up
in the casual conversations, as well as the anointed times of prayer.
I continue to pray for each woman present at the Retreat
& trust that God is still stirring & speaking...
I did get a chance to share a bit,
& we were able to all three pray for & over each woman present!
God showed up - as He loves to do
- & had a Word or message or theme for each one individually!
I love ministering like this - & to have a team of three who are in agreement
& are believing for God's best for each person is an amazing honor!
At the end of the weekend, we had the ladies pray for us
& that was incredible as well!
Also, I was able to soak in God's presence for a time myself
& He spoke many things to my heart!
Mostly, He reminded me that I am ready... & it is time!
God ordained each woman to be there
& every single one of us there came home blessed & changed!
It was powerful & intimate, freeing & healing,
full of emotions & joy...
God really went before each of us & prepared the way.
He led the conversations in the cars traveling there,
& on the couch, by the fire, in the kitchen,
& as we (finally) prepared for sleep!
It is not often that you gather together with a group of women
whom you have never met & immediately feel a connection & at ease.
Our God is so for us - He is so personal & intimate
- of course He created an atmosphere that would invite Him in to show up
in the casual conversations, as well as the anointed times of prayer.
I continue to pray for each woman present at the Retreat
& trust that God is still stirring & speaking...
I did get a chance to share a bit,
& we were able to all three pray for & over each woman present!
God showed up - as He loves to do
- & had a Word or message or theme for each one individually!
I love ministering like this - & to have a team of three who are in agreement
& are believing for God's best for each person is an amazing honor!
At the end of the weekend, we had the ladies pray for us
& that was incredible as well!
Also, I was able to soak in God's presence for a time myself
& He spoke many things to my heart!
Mostly, He reminded me that I am ready... & it is time!
Wherever your "Comfort Zone" boundaries are...
well, I hope you've enjoyed them because,
as He said to one or two people this weekend,
your Invisible season is over!
He is calling us forth to live out loud...
to be radical for Him...
Our time of hiding is coming to an end
& our Comfort Zone nets are being taken away!
In stepping out, we are finding that we really don't need them anyway
- He is & always has been enough
- & even if we DO in fact stumble & fall,
He always catches us & puts on back on the right path!
So - to you radical women of God in the Methow Valley...
I thank you for allowing us to share His heart with you,
for welcoming us, for praying with & for us
...& I pray you continue to
Press In, & Rise Up!
In His Lap, & On His Heart,
(See? I AM Gooey?)
(See? I AM Gooey?)
November 25, 2008
"Are you living a Quiet Radical Life?"
This is a question that I felt the Lord ask me a couple of weeks ago. "Are you living a quiet radical life?" I had to stop and think... not because I didn't already know the answer, but because I knew that the answer was not what it should be! The answer was yes! But in my heart, I wanted it to be no! I wanted to be able to say that I live a bold, out loud radical lifestyle... I will say that I do have my moments, but I had to admit that for the most part, I am one of those quiet radicals! If you are one, you know what I mean! If you are not... then that probably sounds strange and doesn't feel quite right rolling off of your tongue!
In context, I was doing this study by Bill Johnson ("The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind") and it was all about renewing your mind and, of course, doing His will. I had just finished up with "Day 4" - which I will give a few highlights from, when I was presented with an opportunity to continue with this 'quiet radical life' or let go of my own reputation... it was a small opportunity - but leave it to God to present it to me right after I finished writing something about this very thing...
The devotion for Day 4 is taken from an excerpt of the book subtitled Renewing the Mind! Here are a few portions that really stood out to me:
"The renewed mind, then, reflects the reality of another world in the same way Jesus shone with heaven's brilliance (at the transfiguration). It's not just that our thoughts are different, but that our way of thinking is transformed because we think from a different reality - from heaven toward earth! That is the transformed perspective. The renewed mind enables His co-laborers to prove the will of God, We prove the will of God when put on display the reality of heaven."
"Every thought and action in your life speaks of allegiance to God or to satan. Both are empowered by your agreement. Renewing your minds means learning to recognize what comes from hell, and what comes from heaven, and agreeing with heaven."
We did a small word study on "Agreement" that was very good...
Then the next question dealt with Obedience... we read Romans 6:15-18,
which in The Message reads:
"So, since we're out from under the old tyranny,
does that mean we can live any old way we want?
Since we're free in the freedom of God,
can we do anything that comes to mind?
Hardly. You know well enough from your own experience
that there are some acts of so-called freedom that destroy freedom.
Offer yourselves to sin, for instance, and it's your last free act.
But offer yourselves to the ways of God
and the freedom never quits.
All your lives you've let sin tell you what to do.
But thank God you've started listening to a new master,
one whose commands set you free to live openly
in his freedom!"
Bill writes: "A worldview isn't so much WHAT you see, as it is a new way of seeing. The way you see reality is what determines what you think and how you live. In fact, you can't properly be said to believe in something unless there are behaviors in your life that reveal your dependence on that way of seeing. So in truth, agreement in our lives is established through obedience."
He goes on to ask why obedience requires trust in the person you are obeying.
When we line ourselves up in obedience, we create a bond of service to our Master. The longer (or more intense) our service is, the more like our Master we become. When we make a conscious decision to obey - trust is a huge issue because to be totally submitted and committed, we must trust that our Master is FOR us! However, in our blindness, we required little trustworthiness in our Sin-Master because the enemy so often convinces us that we can trust no one but ourselves (and we are enslaved to him - the father of lies and the one MOST untrustworthy!) We pray Blind Eyes opened, and the Fathers' heart revealed, because a conscious decision is a decision for Christ and for true freedom!
We also touched on Matthew 7:24-27 which is the parable of the wise man and the foolish man building their house. This is a wrap up of the Sermon on the Mount which is FULL of powerful teaching and it drives home the point to the whole message - which is obedience! It's not enough to HEAR these sayings (or to build our house!) but we must PUT THEM INTO ACTION through obedience by building on the Rock! The wise man Followed Through while the foolish man was a hearer only! Just as in the parable, our very Foundation should be that of Faith! Faith in His authority, faith in His ability to bring heaven to earth through us! We simply MUCH believe if we are to endure the wind and the rain! Notice, both the wise and foolish go through teh storm - but only the wise stand strong and undaunted! Is that not what our God desires and equips for us? When our way of seeing is filtered through Faith, Hope arises! And when Hope & Faith combine, Love pours out in Action! So James 2:17 rings true - faith without works is dead... 'faith without works is like the foolish man! He may LOOK wise and strong, but when the storm comes, he is on sinking sand! We must put our Faith to work compelled by Love to prove the will of God!
Looking at 2 Cor 5:17 ("Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.") Bill asks what it means to be a new creation, and I think 'new' is in regards to form, and not time! I think to be a 'new creation' means more than being redeemed. He REcreated us to be in His likeness - with Him abiding in us! We are not just redeemed to our original Adam nature, but are a new creation to our 2nd Adam nature - which is Jesus! Nothing is lacking! It definitely includes new experiences! Pastor Bill goes on to ask what we think it takes to go from "Anything can happen" to "Impossible things must take place..." My answer... I think it takes a renewing of the mind. It takes an obedience to Follow Through, and it takes a leap of faith - KNOWING His will is to move in power through us and to work WITH us to prove His will on earth to a lost and dying world!
The final question is where I began to get this 'quiet radical life' revelation... the final question of Day Four reads:
"Why do you suppose that people will admit that they experienced the supernatural power of God when they received salvation, but now, years later, they have no expectation to walk in the supernatural ministry of Christ? Do you recognize "bad teaching and disappointment" have been contributing to that mind-set? Have you experienced unmet expectations in the area of encountering God?"
Wow... so full... This is what I wrote for my answer:
I think many EXPECT the supernatural at salvation, and then either have no expectations after that, or they have had expectations unmet or unanswered and EXPERIENCE takes over EXPECTATION. Disappointment is a HUGE contributor to lack of faith and lack of follow through! It's an open door the enemy uses at every turn to hold us back from truly living! We tend to live a QUIET RADICAL LIFE, sharing our encounters only in rooms where we are all like-minded. This is great - but we hesitate to shout it from the mountains because we don't want people to think we are crazy or weird! But here's the secret that we are learning: We are NOT crazy or weird. We are ALMOST 'normal' - and well on our way to consistently living the 'normal Christian life'!
Amen?! It hit me that very few of my outer circle really know my conversations with the Lord, or the things He shows me. I suppose that could be true of many of us - but I started to wonder if I was living radically in silence, and if so - what good is that doing?! Sure - I am blessed, and I am secure in hearing His voice and in our intimacy - but is that really affecting the Kingdom!? Then - literally minutes after writing these answers and pondering this quiet radical life, my husband read an older post here and wanted to forward my blog on to some family and friends. My immediate response was no... I know this is a public blog, and anyone can read it - but my initial reaction was wanting to preserve that quiet radical life even though I know He is calling me to live out loud on a bolder level! You see, as much as I love and cherish the friends and family that he suggested sending this blog to - I don't really talk about this side of my life with them! They know I believe - uh - strangely, maybe?! But I felt that they had no idea HOW differently... of course, in the end, I gave up my reputation and thought - you know, one day this blog will be a book and they will want to read it then, if not before! Besides, why do I care?! Shouldn't I WANT to share what He is showing me?! I do - but as the Lord showed me, much of it is shared in 'safe rooms' - but in the safety of like-minded people, who am I bringing the Kingdom to? Who am I bringing revelation or challenging preconceived ideas? There is something wonderful and powerful about Agreement and of being in one accord... of being part of a remnant! However, I believe in this new season, the Lord is rising up those who are willing to lay down their own will... to lay down their own reputation - but put His on the line!
So - this is the secret for you as well as me... the secret is that no matter what others think - we have the assurance that the Lord LOVES us and He desires to move through us in power! We are NOT crazy or weird... but we are striving to be normal! What is the 'normal Christian life'? Bill says it like this: The normal Christian life is to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons! The normal Christian life is a life that walks in Power and that is able to operate from one reality to another, bringing heaven towards earth!
Rise Up... Be Bold... Step Out...
Put His reputation on the line...
He can handle the pressure!
In Him,
In context, I was doing this study by Bill Johnson ("The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind") and it was all about renewing your mind and, of course, doing His will. I had just finished up with "Day 4" - which I will give a few highlights from, when I was presented with an opportunity to continue with this 'quiet radical life' or let go of my own reputation... it was a small opportunity - but leave it to God to present it to me right after I finished writing something about this very thing...
The devotion for Day 4 is taken from an excerpt of the book subtitled Renewing the Mind! Here are a few portions that really stood out to me:
"The renewed mind, then, reflects the reality of another world in the same way Jesus shone with heaven's brilliance (at the transfiguration). It's not just that our thoughts are different, but that our way of thinking is transformed because we think from a different reality - from heaven toward earth! That is the transformed perspective. The renewed mind enables His co-laborers to prove the will of God, We prove the will of God when put on display the reality of heaven."
"Every thought and action in your life speaks of allegiance to God or to satan. Both are empowered by your agreement. Renewing your minds means learning to recognize what comes from hell, and what comes from heaven, and agreeing with heaven."
We did a small word study on "Agreement" that was very good...
Then the next question dealt with Obedience... we read Romans 6:15-18,
which in The Message reads:
"So, since we're out from under the old tyranny,
does that mean we can live any old way we want?
Since we're free in the freedom of God,
can we do anything that comes to mind?
Hardly. You know well enough from your own experience
that there are some acts of so-called freedom that destroy freedom.
Offer yourselves to sin, for instance, and it's your last free act.
But offer yourselves to the ways of God
and the freedom never quits.
All your lives you've let sin tell you what to do.
But thank God you've started listening to a new master,
one whose commands set you free to live openly
in his freedom!"
Bill writes: "A worldview isn't so much WHAT you see, as it is a new way of seeing. The way you see reality is what determines what you think and how you live. In fact, you can't properly be said to believe in something unless there are behaviors in your life that reveal your dependence on that way of seeing. So in truth, agreement in our lives is established through obedience."
He goes on to ask why obedience requires trust in the person you are obeying.
When we line ourselves up in obedience, we create a bond of service to our Master. The longer (or more intense) our service is, the more like our Master we become. When we make a conscious decision to obey - trust is a huge issue because to be totally submitted and committed, we must trust that our Master is FOR us! However, in our blindness, we required little trustworthiness in our Sin-Master because the enemy so often convinces us that we can trust no one but ourselves (and we are enslaved to him - the father of lies and the one MOST untrustworthy!) We pray Blind Eyes opened, and the Fathers' heart revealed, because a conscious decision is a decision for Christ and for true freedom!
We also touched on Matthew 7:24-27 which is the parable of the wise man and the foolish man building their house. This is a wrap up of the Sermon on the Mount which is FULL of powerful teaching and it drives home the point to the whole message - which is obedience! It's not enough to HEAR these sayings (or to build our house!) but we must PUT THEM INTO ACTION through obedience by building on the Rock! The wise man Followed Through while the foolish man was a hearer only! Just as in the parable, our very Foundation should be that of Faith! Faith in His authority, faith in His ability to bring heaven to earth through us! We simply MUCH believe if we are to endure the wind and the rain! Notice, both the wise and foolish go through teh storm - but only the wise stand strong and undaunted! Is that not what our God desires and equips for us? When our way of seeing is filtered through Faith, Hope arises! And when Hope & Faith combine, Love pours out in Action! So James 2:17 rings true - faith without works is dead... 'faith without works is like the foolish man! He may LOOK wise and strong, but when the storm comes, he is on sinking sand! We must put our Faith to work compelled by Love to prove the will of God!
Looking at 2 Cor 5:17 ("Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.") Bill asks what it means to be a new creation, and I think 'new' is in regards to form, and not time! I think to be a 'new creation' means more than being redeemed. He REcreated us to be in His likeness - with Him abiding in us! We are not just redeemed to our original Adam nature, but are a new creation to our 2nd Adam nature - which is Jesus! Nothing is lacking! It definitely includes new experiences! Pastor Bill goes on to ask what we think it takes to go from "Anything can happen" to "Impossible things must take place..." My answer... I think it takes a renewing of the mind. It takes an obedience to Follow Through, and it takes a leap of faith - KNOWING His will is to move in power through us and to work WITH us to prove His will on earth to a lost and dying world!
The final question is where I began to get this 'quiet radical life' revelation... the final question of Day Four reads:
"Why do you suppose that people will admit that they experienced the supernatural power of God when they received salvation, but now, years later, they have no expectation to walk in the supernatural ministry of Christ? Do you recognize "bad teaching and disappointment" have been contributing to that mind-set? Have you experienced unmet expectations in the area of encountering God?"
Wow... so full... This is what I wrote for my answer:
I think many EXPECT the supernatural at salvation, and then either have no expectations after that, or they have had expectations unmet or unanswered and EXPERIENCE takes over EXPECTATION. Disappointment is a HUGE contributor to lack of faith and lack of follow through! It's an open door the enemy uses at every turn to hold us back from truly living! We tend to live a QUIET RADICAL LIFE, sharing our encounters only in rooms where we are all like-minded. This is great - but we hesitate to shout it from the mountains because we don't want people to think we are crazy or weird! But here's the secret that we are learning: We are NOT crazy or weird. We are ALMOST 'normal' - and well on our way to consistently living the 'normal Christian life'!
Amen?! It hit me that very few of my outer circle really know my conversations with the Lord, or the things He shows me. I suppose that could be true of many of us - but I started to wonder if I was living radically in silence, and if so - what good is that doing?! Sure - I am blessed, and I am secure in hearing His voice and in our intimacy - but is that really affecting the Kingdom!? Then - literally minutes after writing these answers and pondering this quiet radical life, my husband read an older post here and wanted to forward my blog on to some family and friends. My immediate response was no... I know this is a public blog, and anyone can read it - but my initial reaction was wanting to preserve that quiet radical life even though I know He is calling me to live out loud on a bolder level! You see, as much as I love and cherish the friends and family that he suggested sending this blog to - I don't really talk about this side of my life with them! They know I believe - uh - strangely, maybe?! But I felt that they had no idea HOW differently... of course, in the end, I gave up my reputation and thought - you know, one day this blog will be a book and they will want to read it then, if not before! Besides, why do I care?! Shouldn't I WANT to share what He is showing me?! I do - but as the Lord showed me, much of it is shared in 'safe rooms' - but in the safety of like-minded people, who am I bringing the Kingdom to? Who am I bringing revelation or challenging preconceived ideas? There is something wonderful and powerful about Agreement and of being in one accord... of being part of a remnant! However, I believe in this new season, the Lord is rising up those who are willing to lay down their own will... to lay down their own reputation - but put His on the line!
So - this is the secret for you as well as me... the secret is that no matter what others think - we have the assurance that the Lord LOVES us and He desires to move through us in power! We are NOT crazy or weird... but we are striving to be normal! What is the 'normal Christian life'? Bill says it like this: The normal Christian life is to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons! The normal Christian life is a life that walks in Power and that is able to operate from one reality to another, bringing heaven towards earth!
Rise Up... Be Bold... Step Out...
Put His reputation on the line...
He can handle the pressure!
In Him,
November 18, 2008
Encounters with God

Nice! This is where we spent our weekend and it was so relaxing!!!
Something has been stirring within me lately and I hate that it takes me so long to get back to you here... because I feel as though I should choose what to focus on and edit my thoughts so as not to bore you! I would love to go through a few key questions/comments that have come from our Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind study, and I would love to share a vision/conversation that I had with the Lord over my weekend away... I will attempt to do both and still try to keep this brief... (you can pray now, if you like!) LOL! I just wanted to share a few encounters with God that I have had lately... first, in the Word through this study, and secondly, during our weekend getaway!
So - my original plan was to just post a short little summary of what we covered for each week... obviously I have not yet done that - so I will try to catch up here and then (hopefully) post each week from here on out... I just want to give a few highlights of the past couple of weeks... of course, the best part of the study is the conversations and prayers that are shared during our meeting - but here are a few things written in my journal:
If "on earth as it is in heaven" is the will of God, how do we recognize when Heaven is coming to earth? Much has been done over the centuries and called 'God's will," but how do we know what God's will really looks like?
God's will looks like exactly what Jesus did (and still does through us - if we're willing!)
Jesus is the revelation of God's will. He showed us what Heaven (where the Father's will is perfectly expressed) looks like on earth. Since Jesus is the revelation of the Father, list some aspects of God's character that you see in Jesus.
They really ARE 3 in 1... every characteristic of the Father is seen and made known in and through Jesus! He is the glory of God, the divine & has the fullness of the Father in Him. He is Love and Mercy and Grace! He is Power and Forgiveness and Restoration. Every good thing we see in Jesus - IS the Father! (This so reminds me of The Shack!)
John 14:12 clearly links believing in Christ with doing His works, and here in this passage, as throughout the Book of John, Christ is specifically referring to the miraculous works that the Father gave Him to do as signs of His divine appointment. The promise that our faith would lead us to even greater works is huge! Why do you suppose believers have a hard time receiving this promise in faith?
Because we are not even doing the works that He did - so the idea of GREATER WORKS is impossible to grasp! However, His early ministry was limited to just Him (and then Him and His disciples) and for just 3 years... but now we DO His works on a greater scale - still, when we begin to heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead, we'll begin to have faith for GREATER WORKS!
Do you think that the failure to believe what Jesus promises in these verses is the reason why many who would call themselves 'Christians' don't get commissioned to fulfill the 'primary mission' of destroying the works of the devil?
I think that we tend to make the call smaller - so we can achieve it! We make it 'doable'! I think many lose sight of the fact that we are not just saved FROM some things, but that we are saved TO some things too!
Just a few nuggets to think on...
Now - on to our weekend away! We had such an amazing time! We always do! We look forward to this trip every year! We go with two other couples that we have a long friendship with! We have been through good times and bad and have the most important things in common! It is our own little Retreat of sorts. We can count on hours of laughter, games, walking, shopping, golfing, visiting, praying, worshiping, studying, and good food - every day! So - it is no real surprise that the Lord would speak to me during these trips - because He is always invited in and given room to move! I have had what I call 'snapshot' moments all year long... those moments in time where you really just sort of freeze frame whatever is happening and on purpose drink it all in and store it away; where you give thanks right then and there for the blessings in your life! I had a few over the weekend as well, but it was specifically during a time of worship that I really felt His Presence and knew that He was with us. I closed my eyes in worship and began to see this picture unfold before me. I saw Jesus in the living room with us, and He was so excited to be there with us! He was spinning around the room, looking very much like an excited little boy - grinning from ear to ear! I said, "We've come to worship You Lord!" and He said, "and I've come to bask in your presence!" I thought, what?! That just isn't right, Lord! I have come to bask in YOUR presence!? He replied, "You heard me right... I have come to spend time with you and bask in all of your presence! Yes! This is it!!! THIS is My heart and a picture of My will and desire for you! This is My Body - My Kingdom come - this Friendship and Fellowship is SO Who I am and what I'm about!!! We went on to sing, "Who is like our God?" and He seemed almost giddy and said, "Who is like YOU?! There is no one like YOU! I created you and there is no one like you!"
This weekend was a blessing because the only expectations were for us to gather - to love, to laugh, to have fun & relax... these, too, are expectations He has of and for us! These alone! He said, "There are no expectations - but for good and simple RELATIONAL things! This is my Kingdom come - on earth, as it is in Heaven!"
He is SO FOR us!!!
November 4, 2008
Changing Atmospheres, the Kingdom at hand, and other powerful Realities!
I LOVE it!
I just love Fall... and this is one of my favorite photo's I have taken this year so far,
however my most favorite 'snapshot' was stumbled upon without a camera.
As I was driving out of town to visit friends last week,
I turned the corner on the highway and was blessed with
a breathtaking view of the Yakima River, early morning -
Mist rising on the surface of the water,
with all the colors of Fall in the trees all around!
It was majestic.
How could I not praise Him as I drank that in!
I began to regret not having my camera with me!
I so wanted to capture the beauty of the season!
At that very moment, I heard the Lord whisper to me,
"This is just for you and Me!"
Nice!!! He is especially fond of me, you know?!
(Oh yes - and you too! I promise! He is especially fond of you, too!)
He went on to show me (because I am so visual)
that He desires that we be so equipped
to change the atmosphere around us
due to the Kingdom of God within us,
that we will be like the scene He placed before me!
The air and the water temperatures were creating
a mist that was visible on the surface - right in between them.
We should so affect the world around us,
that we literally bring heaven to earth
& change the atmostphere around us!
When we feel a change in the air,
when we percieve something shifting
- we should be well aware that it is the Kingdom of God within us
changing the dynamics of our physical world, in the spiritual.
It's our call and joy to pull it in to this realm
- to call forth His will on earth,
'as it is in Heaven'!
The Kingdom truly IS at hand...
It is alive and living within us!
Let's take up our Authority and pray in faith
for the Father's will ...
Thy Kingdom come,
on earth, as it is in Heaven!
On Sunday morning the Lord woke me up at 3:33 am...
Seriously, Lord?! 3:33am?!
To be honest I just laid there reluctantly...
I tried to rationalize not getting out of bed for what seemed like 5 minutes,
yet when I glanced back at the clock, it was still reading 3:33am
Now, I have had a few seasons of 3:33s so I have studied it out before.
The Number 3 represents the Kingdom of God.
Also - many major huge important things in the Bible happened 'on the third day'.
So - I did the math & realized that the third day from Sunday
- was in fact, Election Day here in America!
I looked up several '333' Scriptures and prayed through them...
(Psalms 33:3; Proverbs 3:33)
However, the verse that came to me immediately was a life verse that has been spoken over me many times and has become one of my favorites! It is found in Jeremiah 33:3 and it reads:
"Call to Me, and I will answer you,
and show you great and mighty things,
which you do not know."
Again... nice!!!
So I went on to pray the entire chapter,
which - by the way - is entitled "The Restored Nation" in my Bible!
I'm up for that!
A few other verses that stood out to me (yet again) are:
"Behold, I will bring it health and healing;
I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance
of peace and truth.
And I will cause the captives of Judah
and the captives of Israel to return,
and will rebuild those places as at the first.
I will cleanse them from all their iniquity
by which they have sinned against Me,
and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned
and by which they have transgressed against Me.
Then it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise,
and an honor before all nations of the earth,
who shall hear all the good that I do to them;
they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness
and all the prosperity that I provide for it.’ " (vs 6-9)
Don't you want that for our nation as well?!
I am praying and believing that for America...
Today - our Election day...
no matter what the results,
I have faith in knowing that my God
works all things together for good and
He has a plan and a purpose for this nation.
He is the One (ultimately) that raises kings and rulers,
and that causes them to fall.
I listened to Kim Clement talk last night about prophesies
he has been given about this election
and it was so interesting to hear...
but even more amazing to feel the sense of purpose and peace
that went along with knowing that no matter who you vote for...
no matter who 'wins' -
our God is in charge & is
well able and willing to
Bless America!!!
Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done,
On earth as it is in Heaven!
October 20, 2008
Off and Running...
Hey there,
Well, we have officially started our weekly study. God has assembled a mighty powerful band of believers to gather in my living room on Monday mornings and talk of the things of God - as well as storm heaven! We are going through "The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind" by Bill Johnson. This book is so rich and powerful and potentially life-changing, that I can tell you that we didn't get too far today?! I have a feeling that this study is open ended for a reason - because we can not know what all the Lord has planned for us - but we DO know that we are willing to take our time, and we're expecting to experience Heaven on earth!
We are still at the beginning of chapter one... I can tell you that while much of the teaching so far has been things that the Lord has revealed to me and taught me Himself over the past few years - it has stirred up in me a faith and anticipation that has been dormant for a season! In the past couple of years, God has given me a measure of faith to believe for miracles... for signs and wonders! I have prayed for the dead... I believe I even experienced a Resurrection choice (and who can blame him for choosing Heaven!?). Much of what this book will teach us is simply this - 'normal Christianity' is doing the things that Jesus did. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons... this was daily ministry for the LORD... He said that we would do the same works that Jesus did (- oh yeah - and greater works than these!) This is how Bill says it in the book:
"God has not kept His desires secret: He wants the reality of heaven to invade this rebel-torn world, to transform it, to bring it under His headship. What is free to operate in heaven - joy, peace, wisdom, health, wholeness, and all the other good promises we read about in the Bible - should be free to operate here on this planet, in your home, your church, your business, and your school. What is not free to operate there - sickness, disease, spiritual bondage, and sin - should not be free to operate here, period. That, in a nutshell, is our assignment as believers on earth, and that is what my church and certainly many others in the Body of Christ are working towards with more focus and energy than ever before... We are not just to be people who BELIEVE the right things about God, but people who PUT THE WILL OF GOD ON DISPLAY, expressing it and causing others to realize, "Oh, so THAT'S what God is like." Healing and deliverance and restoration do much more than solve the immediate problem; they give people a concrete demonstration of who God is."
On another somewhat related note... I am also reading "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty" by Kris Vallotton. Amazing!!! I am loving these guys! (Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton co-pastor Bethel church in Redding, CA!) Anyway - this is just one thing he says in this book that causes me to stop and re-read it... digest it... and believe for it! He said, "The Son of Man appeared for this purpose - to destroy the works of the devil. We are His battle-scarred hands extended to a wounded and dying people. We have been anointed and equipped to destroy giants and extend the borders of the Kingdom, causing Heaven to collide with earth!"
Is that not what our hearts' desire is? To have Heaven collide with earth... to really SEE Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!?
Rise Up! Expect Him to move...
Watch and See!
Well, we have officially started our weekly study. God has assembled a mighty powerful band of believers to gather in my living room on Monday mornings and talk of the things of God - as well as storm heaven! We are going through "The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind" by Bill Johnson. This book is so rich and powerful and potentially life-changing, that I can tell you that we didn't get too far today?! I have a feeling that this study is open ended for a reason - because we can not know what all the Lord has planned for us - but we DO know that we are willing to take our time, and we're expecting to experience Heaven on earth!
We are still at the beginning of chapter one... I can tell you that while much of the teaching so far has been things that the Lord has revealed to me and taught me Himself over the past few years - it has stirred up in me a faith and anticipation that has been dormant for a season! In the past couple of years, God has given me a measure of faith to believe for miracles... for signs and wonders! I have prayed for the dead... I believe I even experienced a Resurrection choice (and who can blame him for choosing Heaven!?). Much of what this book will teach us is simply this - 'normal Christianity' is doing the things that Jesus did. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons... this was daily ministry for the LORD... He said that we would do the same works that Jesus did (- oh yeah - and greater works than these!) This is how Bill says it in the book:
"God has not kept His desires secret: He wants the reality of heaven to invade this rebel-torn world, to transform it, to bring it under His headship. What is free to operate in heaven - joy, peace, wisdom, health, wholeness, and all the other good promises we read about in the Bible - should be free to operate here on this planet, in your home, your church, your business, and your school. What is not free to operate there - sickness, disease, spiritual bondage, and sin - should not be free to operate here, period. That, in a nutshell, is our assignment as believers on earth, and that is what my church and certainly many others in the Body of Christ are working towards with more focus and energy than ever before... We are not just to be people who BELIEVE the right things about God, but people who PUT THE WILL OF GOD ON DISPLAY, expressing it and causing others to realize, "Oh, so THAT'S what God is like." Healing and deliverance and restoration do much more than solve the immediate problem; they give people a concrete demonstration of who God is."
On another somewhat related note... I am also reading "The Supernatural Ways of Royalty" by Kris Vallotton. Amazing!!! I am loving these guys! (Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton co-pastor Bethel church in Redding, CA!) Anyway - this is just one thing he says in this book that causes me to stop and re-read it... digest it... and believe for it! He said, "The Son of Man appeared for this purpose - to destroy the works of the devil. We are His battle-scarred hands extended to a wounded and dying people. We have been anointed and equipped to destroy giants and extend the borders of the Kingdom, causing Heaven to collide with earth!"
Is that not what our hearts' desire is? To have Heaven collide with earth... to really SEE Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!?
Rise Up! Expect Him to move...
Watch and See!
October 2, 2008
Books are on the way, the Finger of God, and more!
Hello there...
I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that I am praying for you (my avid blog readers?! LOL?!) and I am excited about a couple of things right now...
First off, we just found out that our books for the new study should be arriving within a day or two - so we are excited to get started with that! I am anticipating lots of posts stemming from this study!
Secondly, I just got a VERY exciting DVD in the mail today... I haven't read it - but this too I believe will warrant a post (or two!) Have any of you heard of this documentary? It is by Darren Wilson. This is what the back of the DVD says: "Hundreds raised from the dead. Manna appearing in the Pentagon. gemstones falling from teh sky. Teenagers healing perfect strangers on the street. This isn't old time religion. this is a new beginning. A spiritual revolution. This is the Finger of God. Prepare to go on a dizzying journey around the world - from teh streets of Northern California to the mud huts of Africa; from the underground church in China to the Gypsies in Eastern Europe - you will be challenged and encouraged by the extraordinary things God is doing in our world today. Born out of filmmaker Darren Wilson's personal journey of two years and hundreds of hours of footage. Finger of God will show you a world you never knew existed. A world of hope and courage. A world where God's fingerprints are found in the unlikeliest of places. Featuring Rolland & Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, John & Carol Arnott, Ian Andrews, Canon Andrew White, Sid Roth, Georgeian Banov, and many more." Wow?! I can't WAIT to watch it!!! Check out the website for more info:
What 'more' am I excited about? I can feel in my Spirit that things are shifting... everywhere. God is on the move and I believe that we are about to experience a powerful encounter in our Nation. However it comes about - I believe that the 'nameless, faceless generation' is arising and being armed with weapons for battle. Of course, in the natural realms of this world - things are uncertain and intense to say the least. Isn't it good to know that we are not relying on a good economy? Of course we pray for wisdom and that our nation will bounce back and thrive once again - however our Source is not the government, or even ultimately our employers - but our Source is One Who promises to use all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. Our Source is the One Who promises that He will pour out blessings, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! Our Source is One Who promises to meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
If you are uncertain, or stressed out by this worlds' trouble - run to Him!
He has your Answer!
Until next time,
Press in and Press On!
I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that I am praying for you (my avid blog readers?! LOL?!) and I am excited about a couple of things right now...
First off, we just found out that our books for the new study should be arriving within a day or two - so we are excited to get started with that! I am anticipating lots of posts stemming from this study!
Secondly, I just got a VERY exciting DVD in the mail today... I haven't read it - but this too I believe will warrant a post (or two!) Have any of you heard of this documentary? It is by Darren Wilson. This is what the back of the DVD says: "Hundreds raised from the dead. Manna appearing in the Pentagon. gemstones falling from teh sky. Teenagers healing perfect strangers on the street. This isn't old time religion. this is a new beginning. A spiritual revolution. This is the Finger of God. Prepare to go on a dizzying journey around the world - from teh streets of Northern California to the mud huts of Africa; from the underground church in China to the Gypsies in Eastern Europe - you will be challenged and encouraged by the extraordinary things God is doing in our world today. Born out of filmmaker Darren Wilson's personal journey of two years and hundreds of hours of footage. Finger of God will show you a world you never knew existed. A world of hope and courage. A world where God's fingerprints are found in the unlikeliest of places. Featuring Rolland & Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, John & Carol Arnott, Ian Andrews, Canon Andrew White, Sid Roth, Georgeian Banov, and many more." Wow?! I can't WAIT to watch it!!! Check out the website for more info:
What 'more' am I excited about? I can feel in my Spirit that things are shifting... everywhere. God is on the move and I believe that we are about to experience a powerful encounter in our Nation. However it comes about - I believe that the 'nameless, faceless generation' is arising and being armed with weapons for battle. Of course, in the natural realms of this world - things are uncertain and intense to say the least. Isn't it good to know that we are not relying on a good economy? Of course we pray for wisdom and that our nation will bounce back and thrive once again - however our Source is not the government, or even ultimately our employers - but our Source is One Who promises to use all things together for good for those who are called according to His purpose. Our Source is the One Who promises that He will pour out blessings, pressed down, shaken together, and running over! Our Source is One Who promises to meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
If you are uncertain, or stressed out by this worlds' trouble - run to Him!
He has your Answer!
Until next time,
Press in and Press On!
September 17, 2008
Long Overdue...
Hello there...
It is true... I am alive and well and this update is long overdue!
I do not have very many faithful readers of this blog and since my weekly meetings took the summer off, I fell out of the habit of posting on a regular basis here. However, this does not mean that God is not speaking... He desires to speak to me, and to you, in every season of our lives and the skill we must learn is how to hear Him in the midst of busy times, as well as calm and peaceful times. I really felt over the summer that the Lord had asked me to simply enjoy the time with my family and to relax and have fun. Now, for some - that concept alone sounds so - well, unspiritual! However, God loves us and wants us to drink in every season and experience every blessing. For me, among my most treasured gifts and biggest blessings are my family! So I really relished in spending time with them! I am in love with my husband and enjoy being with him - and my teenager is (still!) an amazing joy to be around... I was able to erally drink this in and enjoy a lot of 'down time' with them! This summer was different somehow than any other... through out the summer months, I kept a focused determination to stay on track with overcoming my lack of follow through. As I have mentioned on this blog and elsewhere - God had ever so gently let me know that every barrier to my breakthroughs came from my own lack of follow through, through all of my life. That was consistently spoken and whispered to me for entire year of 2007. This year - Change has come and Victory is in sight!
I have felt a pull in my spirit and to be honest it has been difficult to know at times if I am on the right track. Yesterday, as I was walking with the Lord, I asked Him once again for confirmation that I am in fact headed in the right direction. You see - for years and years, I neglected areas of my life (i.e. disciplining my flesh/exercise) for more 'spiritual' endeavors. So - even though I knew that the Lord had called me to focus and get back on track in this area... I would feel torn between not having given as much time and focus to the Word or being more involved at church, etc. I have had this conversation with the Lord SEVERAL times throughout the past 8 months. He consistently lets me know that I am in fact following His lead. I used to joke that my weight was the final frontier that the enemy had me bound. Of course, as true as it was - it was not funny... and I am in no way thinking that once I overcome this - it'll all be easy! However, as I was walking with the Lord He reminded me of the call to focus, to overcome, to lean on Him... He showed me how even in this new determination, I was sowing good seed for a spiritual harvest - as well as a physical harvest! He was putting in me a new tenacity - and this new discipline will, in fact, bleed over to every area of my life! Whew... so - I felt as if He extended Grace to me and told me that He asked of me one year... to give one year of focus and hard work in overcoming the flesh and in staying the course. So - instead of getting caught up in the physical fleshly goals of weight loss and image... I have a renewed sense that whatever I lose, wherever I am by January or February of next year, I will be in line with all He has for me... I will then (if not before, really!) begin to see breakthrough in other areas of my life as well! Great Change requires great effort... and lasting change comes when it has cost you something... and as long as it is not costing me my relationship and intimacy with Him, I am staying the course! He also ever so gently reminded me that He asked of me one year for my Tuesday Prayer time and I grew comfortable there and ended up staying much longer (and in turn, not really doing much with the writing that He had called me to do here.)
So - my Tuesdays will be different this Fall. I am hosting a Bible study in my home on Mondays... we are going to go through Bill Johnsons' "The Supernatural Power of a transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles" I am expecting BIG things from this study and am SO excited about it! I am also partnering up with a friend to pray on Thursdays... we both are called to prayer and we, too, are expecting BIG things from are prayer time together. In between those days - I am once again hoping to focus on two things: 1. My continued overcoming/follow through in regards to discipling the flesh, and 2. Writing.
At one point in my long 'debate' if you will with the Lord - I told Him once again how I would write or edit and proceed forward if He would just tell me what KIND of book to write. He reminded me that He did in fact tell me this months and months ago. I was reminded that in the midst of a Tuesday meeting, someone mentioned writing a Children's book. This had NEVER entered my mind. Not once. I have a heart for women and my ministry has always been to encourage and write for women... however, this is the most direct direction He has given and so I plan to work on a series of Children's books that will stem out of my Tuesday visions. Maybe, once I do this... He will release me to the writings here in a devotional form somehow to reach out to a broader audience. So - I covet your prayers of direction and inspiration as I attempt to wade out into the unknown waters of children's writing. This is definitely not familiar terrain!
I pledge however to not forget you all here... and plan to share glimpses of what He continues to speak to me, through my own prayer time, as well as through this exciting new Bible study we are starting in a few weeks!
Whatever Season you are in, please know that He loves you and desires to speak to you. He desires to help you up and out of Bondage and lead the way to Overcoming! This IS a year of Change and this is a Season of Suddenlies! I pray you experience Heavenly Suddenlies and Lasting Change!
In His Arms and On His Mind,
It is true... I am alive and well and this update is long overdue!
I do not have very many faithful readers of this blog and since my weekly meetings took the summer off, I fell out of the habit of posting on a regular basis here. However, this does not mean that God is not speaking... He desires to speak to me, and to you, in every season of our lives and the skill we must learn is how to hear Him in the midst of busy times, as well as calm and peaceful times. I really felt over the summer that the Lord had asked me to simply enjoy the time with my family and to relax and have fun. Now, for some - that concept alone sounds so - well, unspiritual! However, God loves us and wants us to drink in every season and experience every blessing. For me, among my most treasured gifts and biggest blessings are my family! So I really relished in spending time with them! I am in love with my husband and enjoy being with him - and my teenager is (still!) an amazing joy to be around... I was able to erally drink this in and enjoy a lot of 'down time' with them! This summer was different somehow than any other... through out the summer months, I kept a focused determination to stay on track with overcoming my lack of follow through. As I have mentioned on this blog and elsewhere - God had ever so gently let me know that every barrier to my breakthroughs came from my own lack of follow through, through all of my life. That was consistently spoken and whispered to me for entire year of 2007. This year - Change has come and Victory is in sight!
I have felt a pull in my spirit and to be honest it has been difficult to know at times if I am on the right track. Yesterday, as I was walking with the Lord, I asked Him once again for confirmation that I am in fact headed in the right direction. You see - for years and years, I neglected areas of my life (i.e. disciplining my flesh/exercise) for more 'spiritual' endeavors. So - even though I knew that the Lord had called me to focus and get back on track in this area... I would feel torn between not having given as much time and focus to the Word or being more involved at church, etc. I have had this conversation with the Lord SEVERAL times throughout the past 8 months. He consistently lets me know that I am in fact following His lead. I used to joke that my weight was the final frontier that the enemy had me bound. Of course, as true as it was - it was not funny... and I am in no way thinking that once I overcome this - it'll all be easy! However, as I was walking with the Lord He reminded me of the call to focus, to overcome, to lean on Him... He showed me how even in this new determination, I was sowing good seed for a spiritual harvest - as well as a physical harvest! He was putting in me a new tenacity - and this new discipline will, in fact, bleed over to every area of my life! Whew... so - I felt as if He extended Grace to me and told me that He asked of me one year... to give one year of focus and hard work in overcoming the flesh and in staying the course. So - instead of getting caught up in the physical fleshly goals of weight loss and image... I have a renewed sense that whatever I lose, wherever I am by January or February of next year, I will be in line with all He has for me... I will then (if not before, really!) begin to see breakthrough in other areas of my life as well! Great Change requires great effort... and lasting change comes when it has cost you something... and as long as it is not costing me my relationship and intimacy with Him, I am staying the course! He also ever so gently reminded me that He asked of me one year for my Tuesday Prayer time and I grew comfortable there and ended up staying much longer (and in turn, not really doing much with the writing that He had called me to do here.)
So - my Tuesdays will be different this Fall. I am hosting a Bible study in my home on Mondays... we are going to go through Bill Johnsons' "The Supernatural Power of a transformed Mind: Access to a Life of Miracles" I am expecting BIG things from this study and am SO excited about it! I am also partnering up with a friend to pray on Thursdays... we both are called to prayer and we, too, are expecting BIG things from are prayer time together. In between those days - I am once again hoping to focus on two things: 1. My continued overcoming/follow through in regards to discipling the flesh, and 2. Writing.
At one point in my long 'debate' if you will with the Lord - I told Him once again how I would write or edit and proceed forward if He would just tell me what KIND of book to write. He reminded me that He did in fact tell me this months and months ago. I was reminded that in the midst of a Tuesday meeting, someone mentioned writing a Children's book. This had NEVER entered my mind. Not once. I have a heart for women and my ministry has always been to encourage and write for women... however, this is the most direct direction He has given and so I plan to work on a series of Children's books that will stem out of my Tuesday visions. Maybe, once I do this... He will release me to the writings here in a devotional form somehow to reach out to a broader audience. So - I covet your prayers of direction and inspiration as I attempt to wade out into the unknown waters of children's writing. This is definitely not familiar terrain!
I pledge however to not forget you all here... and plan to share glimpses of what He continues to speak to me, through my own prayer time, as well as through this exciting new Bible study we are starting in a few weeks!
Whatever Season you are in, please know that He loves you and desires to speak to you. He desires to help you up and out of Bondage and lead the way to Overcoming! This IS a year of Change and this is a Season of Suddenlies! I pray you experience Heavenly Suddenlies and Lasting Change!
In His Arms and On His Mind,
July 7, 2008
The Shack
Hello there...
I know, I know - I have been ignoring you all! Blame it on summertime and my sudden lack of routine, or just the fact that I have been reading a lot more than I have been writing lately - however, thanks to Vi - I was once again reminded of this blog that I adore and toyed with some sort of an update. Then, out of the blue, I was given a book.
I had been on the Wait List for The Shack for months at our local library and was already getting that realization that I would in fact be buying at least one copy anyway... however, a friend simply handed me the book and told me to read it and pass it on. Well - I started this book last night, and finished it this morning - and I can already tell you, one book will not be enough to pass on! I will be ordering this baby in bulk and spreading the Love!
If you have not yet HEARD of this book... well, you will! ...and even if you don't somehow, I encourage you to find a copy and carve out a few hours to drink in this story. For more info, please go to:
If you HAVE heard of this book, and have read it - please, please, PLEASE contact me! LOL! I want to talk about this book and hear what your thoughts are and I have yet to know anyone who has read it!
For me personally, this book shifted things in my spirit so deeply that I am not even sure what all is going to break free or shake off... I have been blessed in my life and have not gone through a tragic loss or deep anger at God, so I was not so sure what I would get out of this book myself. I am all about the Bride and the Bridegroom... I am all about Jesus and his Great Love for us - His Abiding Love and Abounding Grace... I am all about saying No to Religion, and saying Yes, Thank You to Grace... I know that my God is relational... but the things presented in this book are things that I had never thought about or even considered, and yet - I know them deep down in my spirit to be true! And, of course, this makes me love Him (them) even more!
The other thing that amazed and blessed me was parts of this story, which is 'fiction' (and yet - we know this is not so!), -parts of this story describe actual detailed visions that I have had with the Lord! Even some of the overall storyline I have found myself speaking or writing about in the recent months and years. God is so trying to tell us something! I pray you will read The Shack - and Listen to Papa... more than anything - He loves you and desires to be in relationship with you!
If you truly quiet yourself and listen, you will hear Him singing over you!
Let me know your thoughts and experience with this book...
I can't wait to hear from you!
May 9, 2008
Do you Dance ?
I know, I know... if you have read this blog much, or have spent any amount of time with me, you are not surprised by this question! The Lord often speaks to me through dancing - whether it be dancing with Him in the Spirit, a vision, or song, etc. Some of my favorite places of worship often have dancers in the congregation... I am not really one of them - although - in my alone time with the Lord - we definitely dance! There is freedom in dancing with the Lord and I am learning new 'steps' all the time!
I actually wrote about a vision I had back in October of last year... and while at Prayer this week, the Lord reminded me of it... so I will simply cut and paste a portion of that entry and then share what the Lord was saying on Tuesday...
The Post was title The Father's Heart (dated October 9th in the Archives) and here is the vision I had back then: "...during our prayer time, I saw myself dancing with Jesus... as in Dancing with the Stars... and at the Judges table was God the Father. We were dancing and I could tell that I was very focused, counting off steps and keeping in position. I could feel that Jesus wanted me to look Him in the eye - but I resisted and kept perfect form... elbow up, neck stiff, head turned away from Him... and then I heard in my spirit, "The Father's Heart does not judge you on technicalities!" Sometimes, we strive for perfection and our focus is on all the technical points and hitting the mark that we can often miss the heart of the dance!" (Oct 2007)
So - this week at my prayer meeting, it seemed there was such unity and such a free flowing of the Spirit... immediately as we entered into worship - the Lord reminded me of this vision - bringing it back into my spiritual focus... I could, once again, see us dancing... He spoke to me and said, "I see you all trying so hard to make every mark and to hold every position. I assure you that no one else will judge you. I desire to dance with you and to maintain eye-contact, even if this is not the 'correct form'! I judge with mercy and out of Love... I desire to dance the dance of the Bridegroom and Bride - a dance of intimacy." A bit later in the meeting, our leader began talking about how He desires to dance with us and He will lead us in the dance. Later still, another gal shared how she felt that there was a Face to Face anointing there and that the Lord wanted to see us face to face with Him.
Oh Lord - in all our drive and desire to learn the dance - help us to not miss the very HEART of it all! Help us to hear your still small voice and be bold enough to look you in the eye and hold your gaze... Dance with us, Lord! Teach us the Dance of the Bridegroom and His Bride... Give us boldness and assurance that we will not be harshly judged... that Your opinion is what matters MOST Lord!
Dance with your Father...
Happy Mother's Day!
I actually wrote about a vision I had back in October of last year... and while at Prayer this week, the Lord reminded me of it... so I will simply cut and paste a portion of that entry and then share what the Lord was saying on Tuesday...
The Post was title The Father's Heart (dated October 9th in the Archives) and here is the vision I had back then: "...during our prayer time, I saw myself dancing with Jesus... as in Dancing with the Stars... and at the Judges table was God the Father. We were dancing and I could tell that I was very focused, counting off steps and keeping in position. I could feel that Jesus wanted me to look Him in the eye - but I resisted and kept perfect form... elbow up, neck stiff, head turned away from Him... and then I heard in my spirit, "The Father's Heart does not judge you on technicalities!" Sometimes, we strive for perfection and our focus is on all the technical points and hitting the mark that we can often miss the heart of the dance!" (Oct 2007)
So - this week at my prayer meeting, it seemed there was such unity and such a free flowing of the Spirit... immediately as we entered into worship - the Lord reminded me of this vision - bringing it back into my spiritual focus... I could, once again, see us dancing... He spoke to me and said, "I see you all trying so hard to make every mark and to hold every position. I assure you that no one else will judge you. I desire to dance with you and to maintain eye-contact, even if this is not the 'correct form'! I judge with mercy and out of Love... I desire to dance the dance of the Bridegroom and Bride - a dance of intimacy." A bit later in the meeting, our leader began talking about how He desires to dance with us and He will lead us in the dance. Later still, another gal shared how she felt that there was a Face to Face anointing there and that the Lord wanted to see us face to face with Him.
Oh Lord - in all our drive and desire to learn the dance - help us to not miss the very HEART of it all! Help us to hear your still small voice and be bold enough to look you in the eye and hold your gaze... Dance with us, Lord! Teach us the Dance of the Bridegroom and His Bride... Give us boldness and assurance that we will not be harshly judged... that Your opinion is what matters MOST Lord!
Dance with your Father...
Happy Mother's Day!
April 23, 2008
A Spring Freeze...'s for our own protection!
Growing up here in the Pacific Northwest, surrounded by Orchards all around - I have come to love the delicate beauty of passing by an orchard drenched in water and frozen in time! If you have never seen this - it is a sight to behold! I can say that, of course, because I am not the Orchardist and am admittedly naive about the whole process. I know that when the temperatures threaten to reach below freezing - this endangers the trees and threatens the coming Crop. So - in order to maintain the temperature & protect the tree - the water is sprayed at a time when it will freeze - thus preserving the blossoms and (hopefully) keeping them from harms way!
We have been having the strangest Spring that I can remember. I know everyone seems to be experiencing weather that is a bit odd. It was snowing here the other day... SNOWING!? In April! I think Prince once sang a song about that... Anyway - as I was praying on Tuesday, the Lord lead me to Psalm 87. This just keeps resurfacing for me the past few months and I read it over and over and I know I am not yet fully understanding what He is saying. However, on Tuesday, He seemed to be highlighting vs 7 (Both the singers and the players on instruments say, "All my springs are in you.”) He reminded me of a dream I had a year ago or longer, where I saw huge waves of water coming up over the mountains that surround our Valley - it was the Glory of God. As I listened to Him on Tuesday, He seemed to lead me to pray this Psalm again. I felt Him tell me to look to the Orchards and the Fruit - Frozen in Time - for it's own protection. He will do this for us as well - cover us and pour out His Living Water on us - to freeze us in time and protect us for a season! So often, we feel as if we are being attacked by the enemy or have gotten ourselves into a situation that is above our heads - and yet - in the midst of it - He is with us, protecting us... Let me tell you, He will protect your Fruit at all costs! He already has!
If you have been feeling unfruitful... or like this 'new season' that is supposed to be here is stuck in time and not yet arriving - rest in the fact that maybe, for you, for your own protection - He has covered you in His Spirit and caused a Spring Freeze to hold you in this place - for your own protection, until it is time - until it is safe... for you to go forth and bear the fruit He has cultivated in you! These days are not for nothing... the work He has begun in you, He is faithful and True and He will see it to completion! Trust in Him, and in His timing... for He is the True Vine and His Father is the Vinedresser! We are called to Abide in Him... to bear fruit!
I also heard Him say, "This strange weather is a picture of the shift of Authority in the heavenly realm of the Spirit - a change in the atmosphere - and I'm not talking about Global Warming... I am talking about SPIRITUAL Warming!" Praise God! I can feel it too... can't you!? This Spiritual Warming will result in an abundant crop!
Isn't it good to know that no matter what season we are in - He promises us a refreshing... He promises us Living Water... where else would we go, if in fact, we know and believe that "All my springs are in you!" He covers us and even if we shiver under frozen covering... we can trust that it is all for our good - to bring about a greater fruitfulness!
Here's to Spring... and the One Who makes all things new!
Growing up here in the Pacific Northwest, surrounded by Orchards all around - I have come to love the delicate beauty of passing by an orchard drenched in water and frozen in time! If you have never seen this - it is a sight to behold! I can say that, of course, because I am not the Orchardist and am admittedly naive about the whole process. I know that when the temperatures threaten to reach below freezing - this endangers the trees and threatens the coming Crop. So - in order to maintain the temperature & protect the tree - the water is sprayed at a time when it will freeze - thus preserving the blossoms and (hopefully) keeping them from harms way!
We have been having the strangest Spring that I can remember. I know everyone seems to be experiencing weather that is a bit odd. It was snowing here the other day... SNOWING!? In April! I think Prince once sang a song about that... Anyway - as I was praying on Tuesday, the Lord lead me to Psalm 87. This just keeps resurfacing for me the past few months and I read it over and over and I know I am not yet fully understanding what He is saying. However, on Tuesday, He seemed to be highlighting vs 7 (Both the singers and the players on instruments say, "All my springs are in you.”) He reminded me of a dream I had a year ago or longer, where I saw huge waves of water coming up over the mountains that surround our Valley - it was the Glory of God. As I listened to Him on Tuesday, He seemed to lead me to pray this Psalm again. I felt Him tell me to look to the Orchards and the Fruit - Frozen in Time - for it's own protection. He will do this for us as well - cover us and pour out His Living Water on us - to freeze us in time and protect us for a season! So often, we feel as if we are being attacked by the enemy or have gotten ourselves into a situation that is above our heads - and yet - in the midst of it - He is with us, protecting us... Let me tell you, He will protect your Fruit at all costs! He already has!
If you have been feeling unfruitful... or like this 'new season' that is supposed to be here is stuck in time and not yet arriving - rest in the fact that maybe, for you, for your own protection - He has covered you in His Spirit and caused a Spring Freeze to hold you in this place - for your own protection, until it is time - until it is safe... for you to go forth and bear the fruit He has cultivated in you! These days are not for nothing... the work He has begun in you, He is faithful and True and He will see it to completion! Trust in Him, and in His timing... for He is the True Vine and His Father is the Vinedresser! We are called to Abide in Him... to bear fruit!
I also heard Him say, "This strange weather is a picture of the shift of Authority in the heavenly realm of the Spirit - a change in the atmosphere - and I'm not talking about Global Warming... I am talking about SPIRITUAL Warming!" Praise God! I can feel it too... can't you!? This Spiritual Warming will result in an abundant crop!
Isn't it good to know that no matter what season we are in - He promises us a refreshing... He promises us Living Water... where else would we go, if in fact, we know and believe that "All my springs are in you!" He covers us and even if we shiver under frozen covering... we can trust that it is all for our good - to bring about a greater fruitfulness!
Here's to Spring... and the One Who makes all things new!
March 12, 2008
"Do you see what I see?"
I had completely intended to write last week... the Lord had been speaking to me about Honor and we had discussed the power of Honoring the Lord, and honoring one another during our prayer meeting... in fact, during worship last week, I saw a flash and it was like watching a movie... I saw a scene of Haman thinking up ways of how the King should show honor - not knowing the King was not talking about him. Next, I saw a scene where the King's Robe & Signet Ring were being placed on someone. The King offers us His Robe (His covering) and His Ring (of Authority). Then I saw the next scene and it was my life as a tapestry, a garment, and I saw myself draping it over my King... it is my life, willingly poured out and added to His 'train that fills the temple' - thrown over His shoulders. I heard Him say, "This brings me honor!" We went on to sing "Amazing Love" and one of my favorite lines from that song is, "In all I do, I honor you."
Anyway - life was crazy last week and I felt incredibly short on time somehow. So, on to this week and what the Lord is saying to me now...
For the past couple of months, as I have been boldly facing some strongholds of my own, the Lord has been attempting to get me to SEE what He sees. He has been showering me with compliments. I am not one to normally receive them well. I tend to deflect or explain them away. I am confident in God and in my gifting, and I am quick to give Him all the credit and glory - but when it comes to personal compliments, I get a bit uneasy. I suppose it is partially rooted in the fact that I used to be SO outward appearance focused, and I would really thrive on others' opinions of me, that I have sort of built up this wall of protection for fear that I will revel in fear of man again more than fear of God. However, as I am battling personal hurdles and overcoming - the Lord is causing me to deal. I am needing to learn how to take a compliment and stand straight and say thank you... rather than get uncomfortable and explain it away.
So - in all His creativity and graciousness, He has been speaking to me through others, and on His own... so in the midst of worship yesterday, hearing Him say to me, "You are beautiful today" was not new... and it was not unexpected.
I simply answered Him, saying "I am! It's a good day and I am made in Your Image!"
"Aaaah - yes! Let's talk about the power of perception!" He replied. "You are so quick to believe what you see. That is the power of perception. But I desire for you to believe what I see!"
I was then led to turn to Jeremiah Chapter 33 and began reading and praying. Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
He desires to SHOW us great and mighty things! He desires to alter our perception and give us a bigger vision! He desires for us to see ourselves, and Him, and our lives the way He sees them! He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, so His perception is complete! His vision IS 20/20... we need to learn how to line up our thinking, and learn to go to Him and ask for His perception!
He went on to say, "Let it be the power of MY perception, not the power of your perception, or the power of the enemy's perception put ON you, that rules and leads and guides you! I will give you MY Perception - not just of you, but of your circumstances, of your destiny & purpose... It is true, each step that has brought you here, to this place and time. I have either ordained, or redeemed and I DO work all things together for your good. My desire in this season is to give you correct perception and discernment and to watch you walk in freedom and in the Spirit to accomplish the end result that I will show you in part! Do you see what I see? If not, wait and watch!"
I pray you are able to get glimpses of what He sees for you...
Ask Him to show you - Call to Him and stand on His Word!
Watch and Wait,
...and let the power of perception
be shifted from a limited view, to His View!
Anyway - life was crazy last week and I felt incredibly short on time somehow. So, on to this week and what the Lord is saying to me now...
For the past couple of months, as I have been boldly facing some strongholds of my own, the Lord has been attempting to get me to SEE what He sees. He has been showering me with compliments. I am not one to normally receive them well. I tend to deflect or explain them away. I am confident in God and in my gifting, and I am quick to give Him all the credit and glory - but when it comes to personal compliments, I get a bit uneasy. I suppose it is partially rooted in the fact that I used to be SO outward appearance focused, and I would really thrive on others' opinions of me, that I have sort of built up this wall of protection for fear that I will revel in fear of man again more than fear of God. However, as I am battling personal hurdles and overcoming - the Lord is causing me to deal. I am needing to learn how to take a compliment and stand straight and say thank you... rather than get uncomfortable and explain it away.
So - in all His creativity and graciousness, He has been speaking to me through others, and on His own... so in the midst of worship yesterday, hearing Him say to me, "You are beautiful today" was not new... and it was not unexpected.
I simply answered Him, saying "I am! It's a good day and I am made in Your Image!"
"Aaaah - yes! Let's talk about the power of perception!" He replied. "You are so quick to believe what you see. That is the power of perception. But I desire for you to believe what I see!"
I was then led to turn to Jeremiah Chapter 33 and began reading and praying. Jeremiah 33:3 says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
He desires to SHOW us great and mighty things! He desires to alter our perception and give us a bigger vision! He desires for us to see ourselves, and Him, and our lives the way He sees them! He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, so His perception is complete! His vision IS 20/20... we need to learn how to line up our thinking, and learn to go to Him and ask for His perception!
He went on to say, "Let it be the power of MY perception, not the power of your perception, or the power of the enemy's perception put ON you, that rules and leads and guides you! I will give you MY Perception - not just of you, but of your circumstances, of your destiny & purpose... It is true, each step that has brought you here, to this place and time. I have either ordained, or redeemed and I DO work all things together for your good. My desire in this season is to give you correct perception and discernment and to watch you walk in freedom and in the Spirit to accomplish the end result that I will show you in part! Do you see what I see? If not, wait and watch!"
I pray you are able to get glimpses of what He sees for you...
Ask Him to show you - Call to Him and stand on His Word!
Watch and Wait,
...and let the power of perception
be shifted from a limited view, to His View!
February 22, 2008
The Covenant of Peace
The Peace of God... it is an amazing gift that truly does, in those moments when you MOST need it, surpass all understanding... and yet - when you most need it, there it is!
However, I believe that just as we are to live a life of worship to our King... (and not just run to Him in times of trouble - but stick close to Him at all times) I believe we are called to live a life of Peace. Of course - when we are in the midst of battle or are at risk of losing our peace - the Lord comes in like a flood and showers us with His Presence - but even in our day to day, crazy busy lives - we are to live in an atmosphere and mindset of Peace and Love. The good news is just as with Love... (in how we are unable to love at all times on our own, depending on our own capacity to love) the Peace is not our own either! It's His Love and His Peace that He gives to us and allows to flow through us to others.
I believe that wherever we go - we should carry with us the fragrance of God... and what is that fragrance? I think it has huge portions of Love and Peace in the mix! Last Tuesday we talked a lot about Peace and several great scriptures were brought up and many things were imparted. One thing that I kept thinking about but couldn't find in my Bible was a scripture reference that I LOVE! It is actually found in the Amplified version. (I know - you are all shocked?) But it talks about how we need to let Peace be our umpire. Don't you just love that? I love it... an Umpire, according to Websters is defined as: "1: one having authority to decide finally a controversy or question between parties: as a: one appointed to decide between arbitrators who have disagreed b: an impartial third party chosen to arbitrate disputes arising under the terms of a labor agreement 2: an official in a sport who rules on plays 3: a military officer who evaluates maneuvers"
So in letting the Peace of God be our umpire - that means that we allow Him to be the One who has authority to decide for us... He knows what is fair and can look at it (whatever 'it' is) from an objective position... and we come to Him and allow Him to evaluate our maneuvers! So - in all things, we run to Him and ask His opinion and His decision on what action to take or not to take... (or what job to take or not to take... or what house to buy or not to buy... etc!)
We know that He tells us in His Word that He will "direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace." (Luke 1:79) The key is letting Him!
Here's the thing about our God... He has made us a Covenant of Peace. He says in Isaiah 54:9-10 that "For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; For as I have sworn that the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, So have I sworn that I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you. For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you." That is a great promise, don't you think? The Covenant of Peace... one translation puts it the Covenant of Blessing and they are most often closely related. Oh yes - so here's the thing about our God... He is NOT a Covenant breaker! He doesn't enter into a covenant lightly, and He will not (can not) go back on His Word!
I remember hearing someone teach on this portion of Scripture and he inserted an implied commentary in between verse 10 and the rest of the Chapter... so it sounded like this:
"For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; For as I have sworn that the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, So have I sworn that I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you. For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you."
(So, until I come back for you, this will have to do:)
“ O you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted,
Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires.
I will make your pinnacles of rubies, Your gates of crystal, and all your walls of precious stones. All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you. Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me. Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.
“Behold, I have created the blacksmith Who blows the coals in the fire, Who brings forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the spoiler to destroy. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the LORD."
Wow?! Nice Covenant!!!
I pray that you will allow the Peace of God to be your umpire - to rule and guide you as you walk into the fullness of His Promises, and His Purposes for you!
Peace be with you!
In Him,
However, I believe that just as we are to live a life of worship to our King... (and not just run to Him in times of trouble - but stick close to Him at all times) I believe we are called to live a life of Peace. Of course - when we are in the midst of battle or are at risk of losing our peace - the Lord comes in like a flood and showers us with His Presence - but even in our day to day, crazy busy lives - we are to live in an atmosphere and mindset of Peace and Love. The good news is just as with Love... (in how we are unable to love at all times on our own, depending on our own capacity to love) the Peace is not our own either! It's His Love and His Peace that He gives to us and allows to flow through us to others.
I believe that wherever we go - we should carry with us the fragrance of God... and what is that fragrance? I think it has huge portions of Love and Peace in the mix! Last Tuesday we talked a lot about Peace and several great scriptures were brought up and many things were imparted. One thing that I kept thinking about but couldn't find in my Bible was a scripture reference that I LOVE! It is actually found in the Amplified version. (I know - you are all shocked?) But it talks about how we need to let Peace be our umpire. Don't you just love that? I love it... an Umpire, according to Websters is defined as: "1: one having authority to decide finally a controversy or question between parties: as a: one appointed to decide between arbitrators who have disagreed b: an impartial third party chosen to arbitrate disputes arising under the terms of a labor agreement 2: an official in a sport who rules on plays 3: a military officer who evaluates maneuvers"
So in letting the Peace of God be our umpire - that means that we allow Him to be the One who has authority to decide for us... He knows what is fair and can look at it (whatever 'it' is) from an objective position... and we come to Him and allow Him to evaluate our maneuvers! So - in all things, we run to Him and ask His opinion and His decision on what action to take or not to take... (or what job to take or not to take... or what house to buy or not to buy... etc!)
We know that He tells us in His Word that He will "direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace." (Luke 1:79) The key is letting Him!
Here's the thing about our God... He has made us a Covenant of Peace. He says in Isaiah 54:9-10 that "For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; For as I have sworn that the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, So have I sworn that I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you. For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you." That is a great promise, don't you think? The Covenant of Peace... one translation puts it the Covenant of Blessing and they are most often closely related. Oh yes - so here's the thing about our God... He is NOT a Covenant breaker! He doesn't enter into a covenant lightly, and He will not (can not) go back on His Word!
I remember hearing someone teach on this portion of Scripture and he inserted an implied commentary in between verse 10 and the rest of the Chapter... so it sounded like this:
"For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; For as I have sworn that the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, So have I sworn that I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you. For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you."
(So, until I come back for you, this will have to do:)
“ O you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted,
Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires.
I will make your pinnacles of rubies, Your gates of crystal, and all your walls of precious stones. All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you. Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me. Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.
“Behold, I have created the blacksmith Who blows the coals in the fire, Who brings forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the spoiler to destroy. No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me,” says the LORD."
Wow?! Nice Covenant!!!
I pray that you will allow the Peace of God to be your umpire - to rule and guide you as you walk into the fullness of His Promises, and His Purposes for you!
Peace be with you!
In Him,
February 8, 2008
"Come Away With Me...."
Aaah... do you remember that song from a few years back? It is a Norah Jones song and I loved it from the first time I heard it... a slow jazzy romantic song... What's not to love, right? Of course, I am a romantic at heart and that comes as no surprise!
I know it has been a few weeks since I have written here... I have been busy making some much needed changes to help me to achieve that Breakthrough I last wrote about... my breakthrough will NOT be a surprise... because I have come to the realization that it will come through the Lord, of course - but also partnered with my own hard work!
One thing that the Lord has been speaking - really, for some time now, is in essence our need to depend on Him and let Him shine through us however He chooses! While in my Prayer meeting last week, the teaching was focused in on Communion, and the leader referenced several Scriptures of course - but the one that really stood out to me is one of my most favorite verses! Honestly - it is... and I know you will not be surprised that is references the Bride! It is found in Rev 22:17 "And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely."
As I was pondering on this verse, I was reminded that according to Jewish tradition, after the bridegroom is betrothed, he goes away to prepare a place for his bride. She doesn't know the day nor the hour of his return, so she waits in anticipation. As the time nears, she must train her ears to HEAR him call for her. When he comes, he is not sure of which house she is waiting in, so when she hears him (and his friends) coming to get her, she cries out to him and runs (often times with her lantern) to meet him in the streets. He hears her cry and comes to find her and claim her as his own!
(OK... everyone let out that collective sigh of romance!)
Our God is a God of Romance and Love... He is so into the intimacy of love... but He is also really into the Chase of it all! He loves the pursuit! ...and the good news is that He never stops pursuing us! In the beginning, it was all about salvation - and as we grow, (while, of course, it is STILL about salvation - as we are being saved every day!) it is all about transformation and translucence!
As we entered into Worship, I heard the Lord speak this:
"Allow My Light to shine with
how I have fashioned you to be One of a Kind,
& how I am alive & living in you!
It is meant to be that as you grow in me,
you GLOW in me
& you attract attention because of the
love & beauty & treasure that is in you!
DO NOT shy away from the glory & colorful splendor
that shines through as you surrender
to one thing after another!
For as you bow down in surrender to Me,
you allow My Light - unfiltered, radiant,
& the only true pure white Light,
to shine forth evermore to reach those around you.
As you lay your crowns down in surrender & worship,
I will rise up for you in battle & in victory
to shine forth Truth & Favor!"
So many people recently have received words about Light and Surrender... it comes as no surprise to me that the Lord is saying that it is in our Surrender to Him, that we allow His Light to shine most clearly! I remember years back being prophesied over about the Love that God has put in me. It was a word of warning of sorts... the person said that the Love of God flowed through me, but I had to be careful because some would be attracted to that for the wrong reasons or with the wrong purposes, yet others would need that Love of God to reach them and to transform their lives. Wow... I had to really think on that Word. I knew that it was true - and I do have a good level of discernment... however I did not want to hesitate for fear of attracting attention. Really - since I am being so honest here - I will say I didn't like the idea of drawing attention of any kind - good or bad. However, as I have surrendered to the Lord and allowed Him to flow and to shine through me... as you can all attest I am sure - I can so clearly see that it is so not about me... and it is all about Him! It is in surrending to His will and timing, and pushing aside that dreaded Hesitation... that I have found those divine encounters and opportunities in abundance!
So this word He spoke last week, gave me such a great visual! A few of the other scriptures our leader spoke on dealt with how we are living stones... and she read in Revelation the list of precious gem stones found around the throne. When we come to Him, and surrender, not only does He illuminate us and cause us to shine for Him, but He helps us to shine forth as the unique and precious gemstone that He created us to be! And as we continue to bow down to Him, His Light truly does shine through in greater brightness and with greater precision!
I pray this week He calls out to you, and you have trained your ears to hear Him! I pray you run out to meet Him, shining brightly as His Bride... (cue background music, "Come away with me, in the night.... come away with me, and I will write you a song....")
I pray He sings a love song over you this week,
romancing you & polishing you to
In His Arms,
If you enjoy reading this blog,
please feel free to leave your thoughts of comments here!
I know it has been a few weeks since I have written here... I have been busy making some much needed changes to help me to achieve that Breakthrough I last wrote about... my breakthrough will NOT be a surprise... because I have come to the realization that it will come through the Lord, of course - but also partnered with my own hard work!
One thing that the Lord has been speaking - really, for some time now, is in essence our need to depend on Him and let Him shine through us however He chooses! While in my Prayer meeting last week, the teaching was focused in on Communion, and the leader referenced several Scriptures of course - but the one that really stood out to me is one of my most favorite verses! Honestly - it is... and I know you will not be surprised that is references the Bride! It is found in Rev 22:17 "And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely."
As I was pondering on this verse, I was reminded that according to Jewish tradition, after the bridegroom is betrothed, he goes away to prepare a place for his bride. She doesn't know the day nor the hour of his return, so she waits in anticipation. As the time nears, she must train her ears to HEAR him call for her. When he comes, he is not sure of which house she is waiting in, so when she hears him (and his friends) coming to get her, she cries out to him and runs (often times with her lantern) to meet him in the streets. He hears her cry and comes to find her and claim her as his own!
(OK... everyone let out that collective sigh of romance!)
Our God is a God of Romance and Love... He is so into the intimacy of love... but He is also really into the Chase of it all! He loves the pursuit! ...and the good news is that He never stops pursuing us! In the beginning, it was all about salvation - and as we grow, (while, of course, it is STILL about salvation - as we are being saved every day!) it is all about transformation and translucence!
As we entered into Worship, I heard the Lord speak this:
"Allow My Light to shine with
how I have fashioned you to be One of a Kind,
& how I am alive & living in you!
It is meant to be that as you grow in me,
you GLOW in me
& you attract attention because of the
love & beauty & treasure that is in you!
DO NOT shy away from the glory & colorful splendor
that shines through as you surrender
to one thing after another!
For as you bow down in surrender to Me,
you allow My Light - unfiltered, radiant,
& the only true pure white Light,
to shine forth evermore to reach those around you.
As you lay your crowns down in surrender & worship,
I will rise up for you in battle & in victory
to shine forth Truth & Favor!"
So many people recently have received words about Light and Surrender... it comes as no surprise to me that the Lord is saying that it is in our Surrender to Him, that we allow His Light to shine most clearly! I remember years back being prophesied over about the Love that God has put in me. It was a word of warning of sorts... the person said that the Love of God flowed through me, but I had to be careful because some would be attracted to that for the wrong reasons or with the wrong purposes, yet others would need that Love of God to reach them and to transform their lives. Wow... I had to really think on that Word. I knew that it was true - and I do have a good level of discernment... however I did not want to hesitate for fear of attracting attention. Really - since I am being so honest here - I will say I didn't like the idea of drawing attention of any kind - good or bad. However, as I have surrendered to the Lord and allowed Him to flow and to shine through me... as you can all attest I am sure - I can so clearly see that it is so not about me... and it is all about Him! It is in surrending to His will and timing, and pushing aside that dreaded Hesitation... that I have found those divine encounters and opportunities in abundance!
So this word He spoke last week, gave me such a great visual! A few of the other scriptures our leader spoke on dealt with how we are living stones... and she read in Revelation the list of precious gem stones found around the throne. When we come to Him, and surrender, not only does He illuminate us and cause us to shine for Him, but He helps us to shine forth as the unique and precious gemstone that He created us to be! And as we continue to bow down to Him, His Light truly does shine through in greater brightness and with greater precision!
I pray this week He calls out to you, and you have trained your ears to hear Him! I pray you run out to meet Him, shining brightly as His Bride... (cue background music, "Come away with me, in the night.... come away with me, and I will write you a song....")
I pray He sings a love song over you this week,
romancing you & polishing you to
In His Arms,
If you enjoy reading this blog,
please feel free to leave your thoughts of comments here!
January 16, 2008
Will Your Breakthrough Be A Surprise?
Wow... I don't know about you, but I can't tell you how many times, and how many different ways I have heard this phrase: This is a Year of Breakthroughs! 2008 I do believe really WILL BE a year of Breakthroughs! Open doors... Promises Fulfilled... it's all good! And it is... it IS all good... but that doesn't mean that it is all EASY!?
I know for me... I am ready for change and wanting Breakthrough in many areas - but if I just get real 'real' - transparent, honest - with you - what I REALLY want is for the Lord to make it EASY! Isn't that what we ultimately have in mind when we are praying for something?! We pray in faith - but our faith sometimes lines up more with MAKE IT EASY, than it does with YOUR WILL BE DONE. His way so often seems to take the long way... He's not so into short cuts, it seems?! Of course - He is also all about Suddenlies... but it is only Suddenly to us... He has been at work behind the scenes for quite some time!
There are some things that will come about EASY for us this year... some because we have warred and battled enough already over them, and some just because our God is awesome and He (even more than we ourselves) desires to see us free. But, there are things that will come - but they will come after focused, intense work on our part. He will be in it with us, giving us the energy and focus that we need... but we will have to get our hands dirty to reach it and see it come to pass!
So - last week at Prayer, the Lord gave me this vision...
We were entering in to worship and I immediately saw a person pushing through plastic or some thin stretchy material - trying to punch or press through it. I could see the impression of their face & then they fell through... Next, I saw someone (the same person possibly) pushing on a brick wall, starting to pull out bricks and striving to tear down the wall. Suddenly, the Lord rounded the corner and pointed out an Open Gate... this person was being given a choice to breakthrough the hard way, or an easier way... next scene: I see someone (same person?) breakthrough and pop up out of a huge cake. This person broke through with such Joy and exuberance... and yet the room was so quiet and somber. I looked around the room where the cake was and saw that many people seemed to be grieving and were confused and unsure of the disruption. They were not rejoicing. Some were grieving, but as the person rises up out of the cake, their countenance changes and they are rejoicing with the Breakthrough. Lastly, I noticed Jesus, with just a handful of others, who were applauding & shouting with shouts of joy! They were the Expectant & were not caught off guard or surprised at the Breakthrough at all.
The Lord said some will not be happy & will not rejoice with you in your breakthrough.
Some will want to hope but find it hard, & yet are thrilled with and for you in the end.
Jesus & a few others will pray you through and applaud you on! Be prayerful & aware of who you align yourself up with and who you allow to speak into your breakthrough.
So - I pray you are ready and positioned for Breakthrough...
I pray some will be easy and come about at an amazing pace...
and those others - well, I pray you have Cake on your hands!
(Gives another visual of Let Them Eat Cake, doesn't it?)
I know for me... I am ready for change and wanting Breakthrough in many areas - but if I just get real 'real' - transparent, honest - with you - what I REALLY want is for the Lord to make it EASY! Isn't that what we ultimately have in mind when we are praying for something?! We pray in faith - but our faith sometimes lines up more with MAKE IT EASY, than it does with YOUR WILL BE DONE. His way so often seems to take the long way... He's not so into short cuts, it seems?! Of course - He is also all about Suddenlies... but it is only Suddenly to us... He has been at work behind the scenes for quite some time!
There are some things that will come about EASY for us this year... some because we have warred and battled enough already over them, and some just because our God is awesome and He (even more than we ourselves) desires to see us free. But, there are things that will come - but they will come after focused, intense work on our part. He will be in it with us, giving us the energy and focus that we need... but we will have to get our hands dirty to reach it and see it come to pass!
So - last week at Prayer, the Lord gave me this vision...
We were entering in to worship and I immediately saw a person pushing through plastic or some thin stretchy material - trying to punch or press through it. I could see the impression of their face & then they fell through... Next, I saw someone (the same person possibly) pushing on a brick wall, starting to pull out bricks and striving to tear down the wall. Suddenly, the Lord rounded the corner and pointed out an Open Gate... this person was being given a choice to breakthrough the hard way, or an easier way... next scene: I see someone (same person?) breakthrough and pop up out of a huge cake. This person broke through with such Joy and exuberance... and yet the room was so quiet and somber. I looked around the room where the cake was and saw that many people seemed to be grieving and were confused and unsure of the disruption. They were not rejoicing. Some were grieving, but as the person rises up out of the cake, their countenance changes and they are rejoicing with the Breakthrough. Lastly, I noticed Jesus, with just a handful of others, who were applauding & shouting with shouts of joy! They were the Expectant & were not caught off guard or surprised at the Breakthrough at all.
The Lord said some will not be happy & will not rejoice with you in your breakthrough.
Some will want to hope but find it hard, & yet are thrilled with and for you in the end.
Jesus & a few others will pray you through and applaud you on! Be prayerful & aware of who you align yourself up with and who you allow to speak into your breakthrough.
So - I pray you are ready and positioned for Breakthrough...
I pray some will be easy and come about at an amazing pace...
and those others - well, I pray you have Cake on your hands!
(Gives another visual of Let Them Eat Cake, doesn't it?)
January 3, 2008
Here's to Promises coming to Pass!
Happy New Year!
We had a wonderful holiday season - filled with friends & family,
lighting the Hanukkah Lights, singing Christmas Carols,
& of course, the presents... let's not forget the frenzy of unwrapping gifts!
Aaah - the holidays - I love them & at the same time,
I am so glad that they are over!
I was able to spend some quiet time & peaceful moments
reflecting on the year, & on what the Lord is speaking to me
for this new year to come!
While I was not raised 'the glass is half full' kind of way
- that is now my bent,
& so as I reflected on the past year of 2007
it was surprising even to me to see how difficult it had been.
I found, as I was going through the calendar
attempting to write our Christmas letter,
that for the first time - there were a LOT of hard things
coming back to memory.
Now - in the big picture,
the year was not all that bad...
but I have come to realize that
we live a rather charmed life,
& to have a bit of 'normal' struggle enter in
sort of pushed me off-center at times last year.
However, even with all the loss and drama
I would not change a thing because in the midst of being dizzy
- dazed & confused - I felt the Lord at work!
Many prophetic voices have stated that this New Year
will bring about long awaited answers...
the fulfillment of promises kept & waited for!
Who doesn't love a Fresh Start...
The New Year always bring such Hope...
it is better than a Do-Over because it is NEW...
much like how we are after coming to Christ!
There is such freedom in not having the past
hang over your head & bog you down!
A Fresh Start...
That is what God offers to us each & every day!
His Mercies are new every morning!
Amazing, isn't it?
We have the choice to accept His offer,
& walk into
(not a Do-Over - where we fight to overcome
past failures & mistakes,)
but a Fresh Start - full of promise!
I love this photo... I took it myself right around Christmas time!
We had just experienced a snow storm, & then lots of rain!
Many in our state were experiencing flooding & then, came this:

Isn't that just like God...
to send us a reminder of His Promises!
May He remind you of the Promises
spoken over your life in the coming days,
& stir up in you an anticipation & expectation!
I pray that those long-awaited promises
come to pass for you this year!
May you choose to accept His offer
& make a difference...
Choose Life - that you may live!
In Anticipation,
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