Wow... what a powerful weekend!
I was challenged & honored to even be considered to minister
at a Women's Retreat last weekend!
It was rather last minute, & I was hesitant to go...
I was asked to accompany two dear friends whom I love & respect,
to help pray for & minister to a small group of ladies whom I had never met!
Normally - I would jump at the chance, but because of the timing & short notice,
I found myself struggling with God!
You see, my 'comfort zone' is one to be completely prepared & prayed up...
outline made & message ready...
not to mention that this is now December, & I am just busy!?
However, as I prayed, I felt the Lord asking me to step out...
take a risk... (quit living this quiet radical life & live out loud with Him!)
Once I finally agreed to go, the dynamics of the Team shifted
& I realized that God had once again tricked me into going?!
My safety net was gone & I realized that we were completely
relying on the Lord & had no real schedule
or plan set in place for the weekend.
Our fearless leader operates this way on a consistent basis
& she had the assurance that God always shows up for her
- she was not, in fact, stressed out or worried one tiny bit!
What a lesson for me to learn...
an opportunity to see firsthand that
I (hopefully!) AM ready in season & out of season,
as Scriptures says!
We didn't know from session to session
whom would share or what would be taught on...
it truly WAS Spirit-led!
I had no safety net - at least not a fleshly one!
Of course, I had just written about living out loud
& not being a silent Radical...
so here was my chance...
How could I say no?

What an amazing weekend we had...
God ordained each woman to be there
& every single one of us there came home blessed & changed!
It was powerful & intimate, freeing & healing,
full of emotions & joy...
God really went before each of us & prepared the way.
He led the conversations in the cars traveling there,
& on the couch, by the fire, in the kitchen,
& as we (finally) prepared for sleep!
It is not often that you gather together with a group of women
whom you have never met & immediately feel a connection & at ease.
Our God is so for us - He is so personal & intimate
- of course He created an atmosphere that would invite Him in to show up
in the casual conversations, as well as the anointed times of prayer.
I continue to pray for each woman present at the Retreat
& trust that God is still stirring & speaking...
I did get a chance to share a bit,
& we were able to all three pray for & over each woman present!
God showed up - as He loves to do
- & had a Word or message or theme for each one individually!
I love ministering like this - & to have a team of three who are in agreement
& are believing for God's best for each person is an amazing honor!
At the end of the weekend, we had the ladies pray for us
& that was incredible as well!
Also, I was able to soak in God's presence for a time myself
& He spoke many things to my heart!
Mostly, He reminded me that I am ready... & it is time!
God ordained each woman to be there
& every single one of us there came home blessed & changed!
It was powerful & intimate, freeing & healing,
full of emotions & joy...
God really went before each of us & prepared the way.
He led the conversations in the cars traveling there,
& on the couch, by the fire, in the kitchen,
& as we (finally) prepared for sleep!
It is not often that you gather together with a group of women
whom you have never met & immediately feel a connection & at ease.
Our God is so for us - He is so personal & intimate
- of course He created an atmosphere that would invite Him in to show up
in the casual conversations, as well as the anointed times of prayer.
I continue to pray for each woman present at the Retreat
& trust that God is still stirring & speaking...
I did get a chance to share a bit,
& we were able to all three pray for & over each woman present!
God showed up - as He loves to do
- & had a Word or message or theme for each one individually!
I love ministering like this - & to have a team of three who are in agreement
& are believing for God's best for each person is an amazing honor!
At the end of the weekend, we had the ladies pray for us
& that was incredible as well!
Also, I was able to soak in God's presence for a time myself
& He spoke many things to my heart!
Mostly, He reminded me that I am ready... & it is time!
Wherever your "Comfort Zone" boundaries are...
well, I hope you've enjoyed them because,
as He said to one or two people this weekend,
your Invisible season is over!
He is calling us forth to live out loud...
to be radical for Him...
Our time of hiding is coming to an end
& our Comfort Zone nets are being taken away!
In stepping out, we are finding that we really don't need them anyway
- He is & always has been enough
- & even if we DO in fact stumble & fall,
He always catches us & puts on back on the right path!
So - to you radical women of God in the Methow Valley...
I thank you for allowing us to share His heart with you,
for welcoming us, for praying with & for us
...& I pray you continue to
Press In, & Rise Up!
In His Lap, & On His Heart,
(See? I AM Gooey?)
(See? I AM Gooey?)
It sounds like it was a beautiful weekend with Papa- and I prayed and thought about you! It never ceases to amaze me how the LORD works- and I just smile to think about it! TFS your weekend!!