August 1, 2006

Getting Back to "Center"

Back to Center...

What does that mean to you!? What sorts of images does that stir up within you?

For me... my 'Center' is when all seems right with my world... my husband is happy, my daughter is loved, my house is at peace... I am hearing clearly and communicating with the Lord on a somewhat regular basis...

It seems it is oh so easy for us to get off-center without even realizing it! I know for me, sometimes in the midst of having fun or, as my daughter used to say, Freelaxing... the Holy Spirit will give me a different perspective and I will see that even though the 'fun' or 'freelaxing' I am enjoying is not wrong or bad... it is casually taking me downstream to a place that is not centered in what I am called to do. Don't get me wrong... the Lord desires that we have fun and relax... he loves it when we laugh out loud with friends, or enjoy an afternoon in the sun... He said Himself that He came that we may have life, and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY... I truly believe He gets Joy in watching us enjoy that abundant life!

However, we can get so caught up in our daily lives, caught up in our lists of things to do that we can drift away from what God has called us to do without even realizing it! Thankfully - His grace is sufficient and His Mercy is new every morning! He will gladly help put us back on course!

The trick - or learned skill - is to enjoy life and even enjoy those little moments of drifting - and yet know enough to know when to jump ship and swim back... to know when and where to find your "Center" again!

When we are off-center... we are often Off -balanced too... things just don't seem right! We are easily annoyed and aggravated... if we stop and think about it... we will find that we are lacking peace! When we are Centered... peace is abundant, as well as Grace & Mercy... Joy follows quickly behind and we find we are able to once again enjoy that Life Abundant...

I share all of this to say that I found myself slowly floating... it was nice to feel that airy. light awareness... I don't think I was necessarily off center or drifting away... but that line is so thin going from floating and resting... to drifting and sleeping!

When I went on vacation over the weekend, we went to a great church in Boise, Idaho (Calvary Chapel)... the message was all around Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the walls... so funny if you have been in touch the past few months to what the Lord has been saying... very timely message!

I wanted to share briefly what the Lord spoke to me a week or so ago that I was not really that into and wasn't so sure I understood or even liked it. Not that I have the fullness of what His intentions are... I do not... but I have come to realize that much of what He was showing me will deal closely with staying Centered... and not allowing ourselves to Drift and Sleep... but rather to enjoy those down times... to enjoy the Floating and Resting... so when He says go... we will be ready!

I don't remember what all I have shared here... so I will just give an outline of what I've been hearing! Around the middle of July, I heard the Lord say: "I am the Lion and the Lamb, I am the Lion AND the Lamb... I am the I AM and I AM in YOU!" OK! Great! I know this - but I also know that if we would all walk in that awareness all the more - we would be busy doing those works and greater works... like we are called to do! So - this is exciting! I went home and began to look up all the verses dealing with Jesus being the Lion and the Lamb... the one that stood out the most was in Revelation 5-7... in the Opening of the Seals. Yikes?! OK!? I feel like this Season we are about to enter into... while it will be covered and dripping in Blessings and powerful Manifestations of His Love and Presence... it will also require of us a greater sense of discernment... there will be times and situations that we will need to allow the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to flow through us ...and there will be times when we'll need to allow the Lamb of God to work through us... we must know and remember at all times - that Christ lives IN US... the fullness of HIM resides within us... we must learn to tap into that power!

A few days later, I felt the Lord speak to me and say, "NOW is the time to understand Ezekiel!" As I thought about that book in the Bible and all the times I have read it and not really felt like I got it... I began to feel over my head... then the Holy Spirit said, "I am raising up Ezekiels, if you want to play the part!" Oh... how I do!!! While Ezekiel was called to do many difficult things in intercession for Israel... he was also able and called to do many miraculous things!!! Such an exciting time! I read through the first half of Ezekiel... I have to say that the two areas right away that would always get me stuck where the visions of the Wheel within a wheel... and of the four creatures!

Well - I believe that the Wheel within the wheel is a picture of our spirits and how we should be able to move in the Spirit as we live in tune with and covered by His Spirit! We are the wheel within... He is the Wheel... we are called to a greater level of discernment to know when and where to go!

The Four creatures - which - by the way - are also in Rev 5-7... I still wasn't sure! I knew they were a picture of Christ somehow... or pointed to Him....but I couldn't get it. Then - last week at Prayer - out of the blue, the leader shared that the Four Creatures in Ezekiel and Revelation are pictures of Christ AND of the four Gospels...

The Lion (The Lion of the Tribe of Judah) = Gospel of Matthew points to Jesus the KING/Lion
The Man (Man) = Gospel of Luke points to Jesus the Man
The Ox (The Servant) = Gospel of Mark points to Jesus as Servant
The Eagle (Only Begotten Son) = Gospel of John points to the Only Begotten Son!

Wow!? So cool!? I feel it is so very key in this time and at this hour to know and find your Center... where do you feel the most Centered and what is it that you are called to do!? The Season change is fast approaching and we will need to know how to stay Centered and how to stay in tune with Him...

I don't know about you - but I am feeling pretty excited at the prospect of God raising up Ezekiels in our day... and the fact that He is inviting us to play along is huge! I believe we are coming to an end of things being the way they have always been... there is a shift coming... a change fast approaching that may take many by surprise - but it is not because the Lord has been silent... but because we were not Centered on Him and in tune with what He is saying!

I will study it out further and share whatever I gain from this... but if any of you have any input I would LOVE to hear it!

Until next time,
May you enjoy God's Blessings and ABUNDANT living!!!

"Endtime... the end of Business as Usual for everyone..."
(Ezekiel 7:2 The Message)

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