Step Into Him...
As I was on my way to the weekly Prayer Meeting yesterday, I felt myself thinking about a message I had spoken on long ago. Basically it was a time when the Lord tied several seemingly unrelated Scriptures together and showed me that He is a Present God... We mere humans tend to go one way or the other... (dwelling in the past, or worrying about the future...) but our God is the I AM and He is a Present God. The Scriptures I was working with at the time were taken from each of the Gospels but were not about the same story or parable... but what God showed me was that they each dealt with "What if's" and "If Only's".
Wow... OK - so how many of us are guilty of one or the other (or both) of those things?! We either have regrets about the past and we fill our thoughts with "If Only's"... or we fret and stress about our unknown future and get caught up in the "What If's." What God had said to me all those years ago was this... "If Only's are about the past... What If's are about the future... I am not the "I Was"... nor am I the "I Will Be"... I am the "I AM"... He is right here... right now... fully aware of what is going on within and around us this very moment... He is 'present' with us at all times... not just 'here'... but truly Present... Webster's defines "Present" as something that is "now existing or in progress; being in view or at hand; existing in something mentioned or under consideration; relating to, ..." To be Present means to be attentive, to be instant and immediate... to pay attention to the details and all that is important... Isn't it good to know that our God is "Present" with us... all the time... every day... through every situation that we encounter!? Aaah - that gives me so much peace!
This memory also stirred up in me the words that I heard a few weeks ago regarding God being the Lion AND the Lamb... being the I AM and saying, "I AM in YOU!"
We had our faithful leader back from a month away... the other gals that stepped up to lead this group all did an excellent job - sharing from their hearts and touching His... yet I must say I was blessed to find my dear friend return... she brings such a heart for the Lord and such a passion for those around her to enter in deeper with Him... and she is simply so Real... What she shared with us built upon what God was speaking to me earlier... Christ in us... the hope of glory!
Sure - we know this... we have read it and studied it... and yet - are we truly learning how to walk it out?! To literally know and believe and walk in the fullness of what that means... I believe that would look like His Bride... pure and spotless - don't you!? Anyway - while we entered in to worship - I saw the feet of Jesus... standing firm on solid ground... strong and muscular legs that are undefeated in battle... and a mighty wind blowing His garment, yet He was unmoved... in His midst was a Brightness of Truth blazing through any storm or any darkness... I scanned up and saw His eyes of love, crying - literally DRIPPING with tears titled "Mercy" and "Grace"... but it was His smile, full of joy that caught my heart! His head was thrown back, laughing and crying in joy... BECAUSE ... (I realized) because He saw Himself in us... in me. I FELT Him step into me... I literally 'saw' Him step into my body and fill me up... I felt all that He is stirring around inside of me... and the vision ended.
Christ in you, the hope of glory... we are no longer HOPING for it, you know!? We have it... Christ lives in us... if we could stay 'present' and remember that He lives in us... all that He is - is available for us... all that He is capable of - can flow through us when we are aware of the union we have with Him. We must look for that Abiding Fruit...
I pray this week you will find yourself thinking of all that it means to have Christ abiding in you... that you will walk taller, feel deeper, and laugh with a joy that is not just your own! After all - the joy of the Lord is our strength! May you walk STRONG this week and Step into Him!
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