I can't tell you how much I love that song... I think it is a Rich Mullins song - but when that children's choir joins in and sings, "My Deliverer is coming... My Deliverer is standing by..." I get goose bumps every time!
For a few weeks now - the Lord has been leading me to read Psalm 114. I 'see' it when I am driving... and I hear it in my prayer time... I have even heard the voice of the Lord recite it to me in those morning moments between sleep and awake... I have to be honest... I had to soak in it for a bit to understand. I read through it several times and wasn't quite sure I knew what He was trying to tell me. I have felt for some time that the Season was about to change... and it would be for the better! I must say however that the Season we have been in has been good... through the years I have come to learn to appreciate where I am and where He is taking me... even if I can't see that far ahead of my feet!
Let me first share with you this short and powerful Psalm... here is it:
"When Israel went out of Egypt, The house of Jacob from a people of strange language, Judah became His sanctuary, And Israel His dominion. The sea saw it and fled; Jordan turned back. The mountains skipped like rams, The little hills like lambs. What ails you, O sea, that you fled? O Jordan, that you turned back? O mountains, that you skipped like rams? O little hills, like lambs? Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob, Who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint into a fountain of waters." (NKJV)
OK - so - you can see why I was not immediately enlightened and excited about this portion of Scripture that God seemed to so heavily put on my heart! I would read it over and over and think - OK - I get it... it's about remembering His faithfulness... and it is... and yet I knew there was more! Psalm 114 is in fact one of the "Hallel Psalms" - and were used at the feasts of Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacle, and Dedication. This Psalm is a call to Praise...it is a reminder of all that God has done for 'us'. It also reminds us that He is not yet finished!
Our God - the Creator of the Universe - has our back - so to speak! The waters of the Red Sea did not panic and shrink back due to the multitude of slaves before her... but due to the fact that the Creator of all was carrying out His plan for them - and the sea would not get in His way! Their Deliverer was standing by - and He was at work on their behalf to help them to cross over to the other side! Forty years later... after the Wilderness time - the Jordan River also halted it's flow and provided dry ground for Crossing over to the Promised Land!
As I studied this Psalm - I learned that the Red Sea passage typifies our Redemption from the world by God's power through identification with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection! The crossing of the Jordan speaks of deliverance from wilderness wandering and entering into our spiritual inheritance, again through Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. (Believer's Bible Commentary - William MacDonald)
We are about to Cross Over - so to speak - into our Inheritance... into the Season that will bring about our greatest destiny and our greatest triumphs! In the midst of trying to comprehend what the Lord was trying to say to me, our family had an unexpected mountain arise and we were forced to deal with things we are not used to or accustomed to. On the surface, (literally), it looked bad... the enemy was having himself a TIME messing around in our thoughts and sowing fear... however, I remembered this Psalm and I read it again and I saw that God was all powerful and He was faithful to that little ragtag team of slaves that He called His own! That is the same God that I serve today... He is the same yesterday, today, and forever - and nothing is too difficult for Him!
I think that MANY in the Body of Christ have felt like they have been in the Wilderness... going around one mountain or the other - over and over and over and never quite able to get a glimpse of that Promised Land. Whatever it is you have been believing for, or standing on, or desiring of the Lord - your Promised Land is on it's way! We are about to enter a season of blessing and of carrying with us a greater measure of the Presence of God... and in turn - we will see many set free and many will cross over with us!!!
Well, I believe that the Lord was trying to show me - or remind me - that this new Season is about to begin - and it will be greater than the seasons of the past... we will step into more of our Inheritance than ever before!!! ... it is the Season that will find us facing the River Jordan... and seeing dry ground come into focus at our shore-lined feet... Look up - for your redemption draweth nigh! Look up - you can almost SEE that 'Promised Land' approaching!!
Sing with me...
"I will never doubt His promise, though I doubt my heart, I doubt my eyes...
My Deliverer is coming... My Deliverer is standing by!!!"
Music to my ears, what I needed to hear today.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to my Blog - and thanks for sharing! I pray that you are getting a glimpse of that Promised Land this week!