For whatever reason, I rarely have Guest Posts on this blog, but when a friend is launching a book so powerful and that carries so much potential to change and set free… to empower us to rise up and be (…wait for it…) Battle Ready –well, you open your doors and invite her right on in!
So welcome, Kelly! I’m so glad you are here! (Sweet readers, you’re going to love her!)
The Blessing of Being Battle Ready
I was in the waiting room for the MRI. All that was going through my mind was thoughts of, This is horrible. I am never going to survive. I am not going to be able to walk. There is no way out of this. I will be scared to death in that loud machine. I hate needles and they’ll put one in me.
All I could see there was me. It was me and my problems. Me and my trauma. Me and all the horrible pain that was ahead of me.
Add this to the fact that I was a new mom. My kid had been up screaming all night long. I had been pacing the hallway with him. I had been the one trying to hug him all day long as he screamed his head off. I think he had acid reflux.
I also had a mole that needed to be taken off my chest. We didn’t know if it was cancerous. The doctor gauged my chest. The scar still remains.
Did anyone ever tell you that we have an enemy that roams around like a sneaky, conniving villain in the night, searching out ways to steal, kill and destroy?
He’s likely come after you.
But, may I tell you? Battle Ready women, built up in the Lord, strong in their mind – those who renew their thoughts – know something that others don’t.
They know: It doesn’t matter what the enemy does; It matters what Jesus did.
You see, above our problems, our mayhem, our issues, our dents and dings of life, is a victorious King who reigns and rules. He sees everything. He knows our every tear. He sees our every way. He is a help in a time of trouble. He is our refuge and our strength. He is our way and our life.
He is Overcomer. He is Victorious. He is equipping us with all we need to fight the good fight today. We are not crushed, ruined or abandoned, we are raised up with Christ Jesus in the heavenlies.
Jesus brings resurrection life no matter what situation we’re in. Battle Ready women are not driven by their wide-ranging emotions but by heartfelt dedication to God’s truth, His promises, and His purposes. This changes everything.
Rather than seeing the issue, they see the Provider. Rather than seeing the MRI, they begin to see the other woman in the room that they can minister to. This happened to me. I lifted my head there and got to know a woman with bone cancer. She was in so much pain. I prayed for her before she went into her MRI. I told her about Jesus.
Battle Ready women do the awesome and amazing work of God. They let not their issues hold them back. They’re all in. They go for it.
Are you Battle Ready? Are you ready to let peace, passion, life, and freedom take over?
Come join me.
About Battle Ready: Train Your Mind to Conquer Challenges, Defeat Doubt & Live Victoriously
"The best time to be strengthened against the Enemy's tactics of doubt, disappointment, and devastation is before he makes his first move toward us. We all desperately need the biblical guidance and preparation found in Battle Ready!"
Lysa TerKeurst, New York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries
Battle Ready is a hands-on scriptural plan that teaches you twelve easy-to-implement, confidence-building mind-sets designed to transform your thoughts and, therefore, your life. You'll gain practical wisdom, like how to
· make new habits stick in just five steps
· disarm the seven most common attacks that plague women
· exchange self-limiting thoughts for purpose-driven, love-releasing thoughts
· implement thirty-second mind-lifters that deliver peace
· create boundaries so you live life full of what matters
To get Battle Ready freebies - printables, devotional reminders, a customizable daily Battle Plan and the “Find Your Battle Style” quiz, visit:
Kelly Balarie, an author and national speaker,
is on a mission to encourage others not to give up.
Through times of extreme testing, Kelly believes there is hope for every woman, every battle and in every circumstance. She shares this hope on her blog, Purposeful Faith, and on many writing publications such as Relevant, Crosswalk, and Today's Christian Woman. Kelly's work has been featured on The Today Show, 700 Club Interactive, Moody Radio and other television and radio broadcasts.
When Kelly is not writing, she is chilling at the beach with her husband, a latte, and 2-toddlers who rightfully demand she build them awesome castles.