Ahh - it's almost the New Year!
There is something about a brand new calendar and a clean slate... a fresh start and blank page that just stirs up all the feels for me! Also - who doesn't love a calendar or day planner to fill up with possibilities and dreams for what's to come? (Stay Tuned for more on that below...)
We pray and wait... lean in and listen, and we

This year, my OneWord365 was "Dwell" and in the beginning it felt Oh So Romantic and Swoon-worthy! I couldn't WAIT to invite Dwell into my life for 2017!
I wrote a bit about Dwell here and here and here and here and here--but really, a lot of what Dwell did was boss me around... from creating space for me to slow and rest and dwell with Him, to coarse correcting when I began to dwell NOT on Him --but other distractions that were stealing my peace and my joy, to causing me to Dwell when all I wanted (or thought I wanted) to do was cut and run!
In reflecting over 2017, I realized that Dwell was super bossy in both the good ways and the not so great ways, too.