Ahh - it's almost the New Year!
There is something about a brand new calendar and a clean slate... a fresh start and blank page that just stirs up all the feels for me! Also - who doesn't love a calendar or day planner to fill up with possibilities and dreams for what's to come? (Stay Tuned for more on that below...)
We pray and wait... lean in and listen, and we

This year, my OneWord365 was "Dwell" and in the beginning it felt Oh So Romantic and Swoon-worthy! I couldn't WAIT to invite Dwell into my life for 2017!
I wrote a bit about Dwell here and here and here and here and here--but really, a lot of what Dwell did was boss me around... from creating space for me to slow and rest and dwell with Him, to coarse correcting when I began to dwell NOT on Him --but other distractions that were stealing my peace and my joy, to causing me to Dwell when all I wanted (or thought I wanted) to do was cut and run!
In reflecting over 2017, I realized that Dwell was super bossy in both the good ways and the not so great ways, too.
In the beginning of the year, I envisioned Dwell being super sweet and whispery... but more often than not, he had to shout up close to get my attention and speak truth when I was dwelling on lies. He had to shake me awake when all I wanted was to escape and when Hard and Heavy surrounded us and tried to choke and smother us... He leaned in close and carried me... He beckoned me to dwell with Him in the midst of all of the things --the good and the hard things... and He was faithful to stay by my side.
So while I am not 'done' with Dwell, after a difficult and draining year, I'm ready for a new word.
I've gone from Release, to Surprise, to Vision, to Wonder, to Change, to Dwell, to my OneWord for 2018 which, again, I LOVE! (Thank You, Jesus!)
My OneWord365 for 2018 is: "JOY"
I know, right? Oh how I need it!
If you hang around this little corner of the interwebs much at all, then you know that picking favorites is NOT my jam! I'm no good at limiting myself to just one... however, I have learned over the years that I don't so much pick my OneWord365, but it picks me!
I was really hoping that after a year of DWELL my exhausted soul would feel lighter... refreshed... more peaceful and joy-filled.
Yeah... not so much! But I can't imagine (read:don't even want to!) what condition my soul would be in after 2017 if I hadn't embraced Dwell and let it boss me around a bit! It bossed me around through difficult relationships, through way too many days spent in hospital rooms and it bossed me around when my mind tried to listen to lies in the midst of unknowns, loss, and grief. Dwell also did romance me and woo me to the ocean shore several times this year... and he sang over me while I fell asleep in My Honeys' arms... He whispered softly to me as he called me to just come and sit and be with Jesus for awhile... even though it felt like I didn't have the time.
Dwell was bossy in all the best ways and I know I am better for it!
I tend to look up the official definition of my OneWord each year because it usually broadens what I am looking for and gives me something a bit more tangible to grab hold of.
Here are a few of the definitions that stood out to me for Joy:
: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires : delight
: a state of happiness or felicity : bliss
: a source or cause of delight
: is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope.
I mean... come on!
That's a Good Word, right there!
I love me some confirmation so after first hearing in my spirit the word, Joy, I asked the Lord to clarify... I mean - we know what Joy is... but what did He have in mind for 2018 and bringing Joy in my life?
Immediately I heard Him whisper,
"You know... Joy!
Alrighty! I'll take it! Please and Thank You!
The next day, I shared my one word with a friend and told her I wasn't convinced yet it was Him and not just me because I am in desperate need of Joy. Her response was something like, "Well - it makes sense because Joy comes in the morning and you guys have had a really hard year of mourning... so Joy is the next Promise to grab hold of!"
As has also become my habit, I ask God for a Scripture... and He is always quick to answer:
" Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope" Romans 15:13 The Passion TranslationHappy New Year, sweet readers! Here's to a Year filled to overflowing with Joy... Unspeakable Joy!
Here's the part where I geek out just a tiny bit and remind you that a Brand New Day Planner can bring me Joy, too! And I most love Life Planners by Erin Condren! I found a crazy deal on them before the holidays so I bought one for myself and one for my Girlie... but she knows me oh so well and she had ordered a personalized EC Life Planner for me for Christmas! So that simply means that I have an EXTRA Gorgeous Day Planner for the taking --um, for the giving!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
We will pick a Random Winner (US Residents only please!) on New Year's Day!
Linking up with these lovely communities:
Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory
Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp
Hi Karrilee,
ReplyDeleteJoy is an awesome word! My word this year has been Called...and I'll be posting about my new word on Monday. �� Happy New Year!
What a GREAT Word, Laura! I can't wait to see how it shows up for you this year!
DeleteI'm so excited for this word for you friend! Psalm 30:5!! Happy New Year sweet friend!
ReplyDeleteYES!!! I love how the 2nd half of that verse reads in The Passion Translation: "...his loving favor lasts a lifetime! We may weep through the night, but at daybreak it will turn into shouts of ecstatic joy."
DeleteEcstatic Joy... that's what I'm talkin' about!
Great word and so generous of you to give away a planner! The past few years, I have printed out/made my own from a three ring binder lol
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Kylie! Some of my favorite, most useful planners were ones I sort of pieced together myself in a binder, too!
DeleteI haven't had a planner for several years and usually just use the calendar in my phone. But this EC planner looks amazing and I would love to win it!! Thanks for the opportunity and have a Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI tend to use the calendars on my phone as well... Google Calendars is bossy in the best ways... but I do love me an EC planner! (I got this from Zulily in December... it's an 18month calendar/planner so normally it is crazy expensive, but in December, it was only like $15! I'm hoping they do that every year!)
DeleteJoy is our birthright. I'm glad you're claiming it for yourself in the coming year.
ReplyDeleteYes! You and me, both! Thanks so much for stopping by, Melodye!
DeleteWhile I haven't been writing publicly for a while, I have been keeping up with the One Word initiative (and with you friend!). I feel you on the bossiness and pushing of your word this year. I selected "Kindness" for 2017 and there were times it demanded more out of me than I thought I could give. I'm still praying about my word for 2018 and will be continuing to follow and share. I love a good planner as much as you do and am so curious about the hardbound Erin Condren - kind of love it. I've used her spiral bound before and used Inkwell Press this last year and loved it. Can't wait to hear what Joy brings to you in the coming year.
ReplyDeleteI have used her Spiral Horizontal for years... but this hardbound vertical is pretty amazing! I'm hoping to score one for myself for next year (I know... already thinking of my planner for NEXT year!) but I think it's safe to say Girlie won't be ordering me another one since she is currently a SAHM! ;)
DeleteI can't wait to hear your word and see how it plays out for you this year! And IT WAS SO GOOD TO HEAR YOUR SWEET VOICE!!!
I LOVE your One Word choice. I'm not picking one this year. However, I took the test on DaySpring and came up with "Simplify" and it resonates so who knows. May allow that one to boss me around this year. I've always wanted one of those pretty planners. Right now I'm not using anything so I really don't have a favorite! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteYay... You won, my friend! Rafflecopter picked you as the winner for the EC Life Planner! Congrats!
DeleteThe tension between being called to dwell and instinct to cut and run.... love that! My word hasn’t found me yet; “possible” has come up, so will see how that one settles. Praying a new year of JOY for you!! ��
ReplyDeleteOooooh - Possible is SUCH a great word! Praying for you as you press in and hear Him clearly! Happy New Year, Amy!
DeleteI really like happy planners but lately Erin codren has been calling my name!
ReplyDeleteErin Condren planners are pretty darn happy... especially with all the little stickers and such! Happy New Year! Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteGreat Word for you Karrilee! Not much of a day plan user, but that can always change! Blessings to you and your family in the New Year!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you too, Terri! Praying all His best for you, and through you, this year!
DeleteI haven't found a favorite yet--I'm using a Panda planner or something like that. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I've had planners like that, too! They are just a'right... but not ALL RIGHT! ;) Happy New Year, friend!
DeleteJoy: I love it yet I have not found mine. As for a planner, using my phone is not cutting it for me. My 7byear olds activities are starting to get the best of me.
ReplyDeleteI have seen goal.setting planners and am thinking of getting one for 2018 as my life has become unorganized.
I hear ya on the phone calendar not quite cutting it! Unfortunately I tend to have about 5 calendars going and rarely remember to put everything in one place! Barbie was our winner, but I do highly recommend Erin Condren planners... they have space for setting goals and lots of little extra's and stickers, too. Target is a great source for fun planners that you can actually touch and see before buying! Happy New Year!
DeleteEveryday life planner
ReplyDeleteIf I only had someone to DO all the things everyday that I write in my planner... I would be awesomer, I'm sure! ;) Happy New Year!
DeleteI generally use my calendar on my phone but this would be great!
ReplyDeleteThe Phone Calendar works for a lot of stuff... but again, I am a definite old school paper and pencil kind of gal! Happy New Year!
DeleteDon't really have a favorite normally I just go and look for one with days and months.
ReplyDeleteLOL! Yes --ones with days and months are super helpful! (I'm not joking... I have friends who are all about the Bullet Journaling. I can't do it! I need a schedule and calendar to look at at the ready!) Happy New Year! Thanks so much for stopping by!
DeleteI usually have my small weekly planner in my purse, simple animal pictures. I mainly use to write my appointments, work schedule nd birthdays.
ReplyDeleteI used to have one of those... it soon became my phone... which works for some things but I still love paper and pens! Happy New Year, Amanda! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteI use any I haven't found a favorite yet
ReplyDeleteI'm rarely brand loyal on --well, nearly anything... but once I fell for Erin Condren planners it made it hard to settle for anything else! ;) Happy New Year!
DeleteI loved my planner that ends tonight! It had everything I need. I’m on a health kick now though & really need a fitness journal. Also need a new every day one this looos perfect
ReplyDeleteOhhh... yay for a Health Kick! A Food and fitness journal is super powerful... I need to start mine up again, too! Thanks for the reminder! Happy New Year!
DeleteI have an adult coloring planner that is really nice to use. Relaxing.
ReplyDeleteOh that sounds really fun! Happy New Year, Dynal!
DeleteI don't have a planner and need a new one for 2018. Thank you
ReplyDeleteSorry you weren't our prize winner but I hope you have found a planner that you will enjoy! Happy New Year!
DeleteI love a planner that my son got me last year it had pages I could color in it and love the one with inspirational saying on it
ReplyDeleteThe Spiral Erin Condren planner that my daughter got me has a few coloring pages in the back and it is full of inspirational quotes! I love BOTH of those features, too! Happy New Year!
DeleteMy favorite part of your comment is the '...and it has never let go.' part! Yes and Amen (and me, too, Lord!)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for stopping by!
I am so behind in my reading... JOY. I'm glad "it" found you. Revel in it. Savor it. The God of green HOPE gives good Joy and perfect Peace. Promise!!! xo
ReplyDeleteI"m so ready for it!!! xoxo