March 4, 2015

Thin Ice over a Deep Well... or, We Don't Have Time to Maintain These Regrets.

"Thin Ice over a Deep Well..."

I wrote this phrase in a post last week. As I went back and reread it, it caught my breath because rivers of living water should be free to overflow - as in, out of our bellies... out of the deep deep wells.

I prayed and asked God what the 'thin ice' represented and immediately He reminded me of a comment on that post by my friend Natalie Busch:
That's where I'm at too. I have never observed lent, but I like how that and advent are becoming more "christian mainstream?" if that's what you want to call it. Loved hearing your heart in all of this, it makes me think of the song "He Loves" where it says "I don't have time to maintain these regrets, when I think about the way He Loves us"...

Yes. That.

That is what the Thin Ice is... it is our regrets.

The "Thin Ice" is our regrets that stop up the flow of the Spirit.

Regrets form a thin ice over the deep well that is within us. I think we get so lost in our identity because we get to caught up in our regrets. But if we would see who we really are, we would learn to just let those go because they do not define us!

At the core of our identity... the very center of who we are is this truth:
We are loved.
We are His Beloved.

When we let go and lean in and dare to believe this overwhelming truth, the thin ice of past regrets will begin to melt away!

It is God's desire that we step in to who He created us to be... that we would quit entertaining our regrets and reliving past failures... that we would give up comparing and competing. His heart is for us to know Him, and to know how He has gifted and shaped us so that we could be about the Father's business of releasing and expanding the Kingdom!

When you take the time and invest in getting to know yourself --the real you, not the one you put on - but who you really are down deep, you will begin to learn and discover ways He has gifted you from your beginning.  When you know what makes you happy, what feeds your soul, what brings you joy... you are more than willing to share that!

Self-confidence is different than God-confidence!

There is nothing wrong with saying,
"You know, I do this well."
We are so quick to compete with each other, but at the same time, tear ourselves down because of comparison when, instead, we can say, "Listen, these are the things that I do well."

It's not prideful to look at the gifts God has given to you and say, "I'm gonna use these for the Kingdom and I'm gonna go out and do this thing!"

At my Bible study yesterday, we were discussing Humility and one of the ladies shared how true humility is having the courage to actually BE who God created us to be!

Amen, sister!

I believe that we are entering a season where we don't have to apologize for how He made us, but before we can get there, we have to know WHO He made us to be!

It all starts with Love.
    ...with being Loved.
        ...and Being Love!

May we come in agreement with John Mark McMillan, and live life and love out like this:
"I don’t have time to maintain these regrets, 
When I think about, the way He loves us!"

Lord, melt our Thin Ice and let the Rivers of Living Water burst forth!


P.S.  I'm linking up with these lovely writers:

Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory

Holley Gerth for #CoffeeforYourHeart

Meredith Bernard for #Woman2WomanWednesday

So what are a few things that you do well?  Or, if you are more comfortable with it this way: What are a few things that you do that bring you joy? (Hint... they are often one in the same and He has plans to partner with you in those giftings!)


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Just beautiful, Karrilee. It's so true - the regrets can be a snare to us and when you think about it, unless it's making amends or confessing sin, there is no going back. We can't undo what has been done and I can think of hundreds of times I've lingered over a "yesterday" rather than focus on a "tomorrow". God does love us so deeply that He washes away the past. He has such unique design and purpose for our everyday - there truly isn't anytime to maintain the regrets. So, so blessed by your words and happy to be your neighbor in a few spots today. :)

    1. Amen... it's such wasted time! Thankful to be hanging around in all the same corners today! xoxo

  2. Thanks for the shout out. My husband I were talking about this topic of pride and humility today actually. There are so many awesome things you touched on here. I especially love what you have said about "invest in getting to know yourself- the real you" I have never thought about that, but actually digging in and getting to know the authentic self that God made each of us to be. What would happen if we did that!?

    1. We would not be so tempted to try to be someone else! (I highly recommend Restless by Jennie Allen... she actually takes you through a timeline of your life and it makes it really clear the giftings and ways that God has been actively moving in and through you the whole time!)

  3. I love this! Your words speak to a space in my heart where I've tripped myself up a bit in all this doubt and regret. When we live in all BELOVEDNESS (is that even a word?)--there is freedom...from regrets, from comparisons, from hindrances. And courage to be who He made us to be. And to walk in all that means. Yeah! And Amen!

    1. Oh - it's a word! ;) Yes and Amen! So thankful you stopped by, friend! Lean in to who He created you to be and let go of all the regret! (Who has time, right?)

  4. I am relating with you here! I have found out that the ice has a purpose in who we are being made into. The ice provides an equipping to help others. We can help others by sharing the truth and comfort that brought us through our struggles! It is part of who we are. And God can get glory even in those rough spots of our lives! (Ice is such a powerful word isn't it?? lol)

    1. Amen! He truly does make all things work together... and He truly does make beautiful things out of us! Thanks so much for stopping by Christy!

  5. This Post made me think of the title of Holley Gerth's new book, "You're loved no matter what." His Love is what melts the resistance, so that our love can flow boundless and free.

    1. Amen, Wendy! I actually just started reading that book a few days ago... LOVE Holley's heart and how she just always points us to that truth!

  6. I love how you ended it with Love it was a beautiful quote and a great reflection. So glad we can move forward and not focus on past mistakes. God's love is amazing.

    1. It all starts and ends with Love, yes? So glad you stopped by Amanda!

  7. Your post is so insightful! Thank you!

  8. I love the thought we don't need to apologize for how God made us. Yes! Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should be embracing our strengths and encouraging our sisters on in theirs. Love your heart here, Karrilee. <3

    1. I think as Christians (who honestly want to avoid pride) we are too quick to point out what we are not good at and yet, we were created for good works prepared beforehand... we are not honoring Him when we will not partner with Him in the gifts He gave us, to accomplish the works He has for us! If I am confident in who I am (because of Whose I am!) and in my giftings, then I have no reason to compete with you but am free to encourage you to rise up and grow in your own ways! Sounds so easy, right? ;) Thanks so much for stopping by, friend! xoxo

  9. My friend, another wonderful post! Sometimes it is hard to not compete and to not compare ourselves to others. Yet God created us to be who he created us to be. God doesn't want us to compare and compete with those around us. It truly is about being humble and showing humility. It indeed is all grounded in love; our love for each other but most especially Gods love for us. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Loved this post so much!

    1. I miss your voice... let's fix that! I will try to Vox you later today or tomorrow friend!

  10. I'm late in stopping by but am so glad I didn't miss this post! Thanks for sharing this encouragement & for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!

    1. You are never late! That is the beauty of online spaces! You are welcome here anytime!

  11. It is so hard for me to wrap my mind around that is about being and abiding- not doing. My people-pleasing tendencies make me want to do whatever I need to make others happy or like me, but that is not Jesus is calling me to. He is calling to find rest and peace and abide in Him. Thank you so much for this reminder.I pinned this because I fall into the people-pleasing trap far too often. :-)

    1. Oh I am so glad you stopped by, Jo Rose! I think we can all fall back into that familiar people-pleasing trap! I just wrote a post on Holley Gerth's new book about letting go of perfectionism and oh my goodness, I highly recommend it! I think it helps to know that we are truly loved 'No Matter What' when trying to break the cycle of looking for approval and earning acceptance! Love you, friend! So thankful you found comfort here!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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