November 30, 2013

That Thing I Do Now - even over Thanksgiving Weekend!

So... NORMALLY the drill here is I hook you up with all kinds of Awesome... fabulous and powerful, uplifting posts to read... but it's Thanksgiving week and I didn't write much and while there were some who did - and there is Awesome to be found for sure...

...we are all busy and what I really wanted to share is how I am
oh so thankful for YOU...
dear readers. 

I don't want to take up a lot of your time because I truly believe Thanksgiving is about family and friends and while I adore you - it's about the one in front of you... the one beside you.  

So this week, I thought I would just gather up a few videos and clips that inspire... keep it simple and sacred, and help us to lean in to all that the season is really about!

Happy Reading Video watching!
(We'll get back to reading next weekend!)

* This video about a disabled veteran and a man who knew how to Be the Gift...

* This video... Sweet Jesus, we need more of this! Love the hearts of these kids!

This video on The Power of Forgiveness, because 'tis the season, ya'll! Really!

* This one - because, well - who doesn't love this little guy? C'mon! 20 Things We Should Say More Often...

* This video by Ann Voskamp on The Greatest Gift...

* and this one - because it is officially after Thanksgiving now so I will be getting all Christmasy up in here... Little Drummer Boy -A cappella

I am counting gifts this weekend, sure... but I count gifts every day. I am thankful for the good, for the happy and the love... and I am learning to be thankful for the less than too! 

P. S. What about you, sweet friends?  What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?  How has the Lord surprised and blessed you this year? What new thing have you learned? Comment below... I'd love to hear!

Oh yes... the winner for the Giveaway for the Handmade Journal was: Deb A Weaver! Congrats! 'Tis the season though... so check back on Tuesday for another awesome Giveaway!


  1. I will! You'll need to come check mine on Tuesday, too!! 'This the season. :)


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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