January 26, 2015

How Wonder just keeps showing up...

It's no secret... how my #OneWord365 is Wonder.  I've been working it into my daily life by participating in Ali Edwards' online class One Little Word and following the prompts of finding quotes and definitions... of looking for inspiration and processing what I will need to let go of in order to invite Wonder in in full force this year.

Isn't Wonder just like our God? He is just waiting to be invited in... just waiting with baited breath and a racing heart for our attention to but shift toward Him... He's so lovesick and contagious, it's wonder full!
(Ya see what I did there?)

I've written about it around these parts and have talked on facebook and twitter about Wonder... about how he just keeps showing up and taking my breath away!  

He is so flirty and mysterious and he makes my knees go weak in how he wants no glory, but he just points me right straight to God and wants to show me how much God loves me... (Turns out, He's crazy about me, ya'll! ...you, too! He's crazy in love with you too, friend! Oh how I hope you believe it!)

Wonder... the very definition of it means astonishment and awe!  I will write a post all about my OneLittleWord and what I am learning soon, but today... today, I wanted to invite you to simply invite him in!  I am joining in with Kelly and the rest of the Unforced Rhythms community in seeking out Wonder in a bit of our every days...

When we start looking for Wonder... it's ridiculous how quickly he starts coming around and showing off!  

Lately, he's been hiding in plain sight in the fog. Literally... the rolling fog that lifts gently, and rolls back down... it swirls around me and I see it unfold in layers across the landscape.  It's thick in mystery and while I am not a fan of not seeing, oh - how I love a wintry, fogged in day.  For I know it will not last. I know the sun will break through and will warm my face and light my path once again. 

Still... while it lasts, it begs for cozy blankets, (more) coffee and romantic words... It's a bit of Sabbath overflowing into a Monday morning and who am I to deny Wonder in having his way?

For his way is to point us to God... to cause us to catch our breath and remember how loved and adored we are... how we are ever in His heart and always on His mind.

Wonder is all around us if we will but slow and look... the other day, as the fog began to lift and thick clouds evaporated in the sun... it appeared as though steam was rolling across parking lots and sidewalks... like God had his own smoke machine to stir up mystery and intrigue... 

and oh how it worked!  My photo sadly doesn't truly capture the wonder of our Invisible God showing up and showing off... no, but my heart captured it and my day was better for it!

Last week I invited you to lay down your masks, and to just breathe in His presence...

This week, I am asking you to invite Wonder in! You won't be sorry that you did!

Linking up with these lovely ladies:

The Community over at #SmallWonders (Formerly Unforced Rhythms)...

Holly Barrett for #TestimonyTuesday

Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp

How has Wonder captured you lately? I'd love to hear!


  1. God is crazy in love with us! Tonight after working out, I stopped at the grocery store and was awed at the beautiful night sky. It caused me to stop and wonder.

    1. Ah yes... the power of the night sky... how it pulls us closer to glory! So glad you stopped and let Wonder woo you in a bit!

  2. I just love the way God is being faithful to bless you through your One Word. (I've done Ali's workshop in the past, too. Isn't she just awesome.) It's wonderful the way you talk about the ways God is anxious to meet with us in these moments of wonder. Thanks for linking with #SmallWonders (formerly Unforced Rhythms.)

    1. Ali's workshop is great... I did it the first year I ever picked a word --or had a word pick me! --and I have missed it! It really makes you stay mindful of your one word! (And thanks for the correction on the Unforced Rhythm name change! I edited it above to reflect that!)

  3. What a great word to choose! Love it.

    1. It's a great word! I didn't choose it though... not that I wouldn't have... but I am stubborn and usually make my OneWord fight for me! Apparently I like to play hard to get! ;)

  4. Love this post, and love the beautiful painting! When I first got saved I read The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning. It absolutely changed my life, coming from a legalistic childhood, to imagine God was relentlessly pursuing me NO MATTER WHAT. My little brain just can't wrap around it. WONDER is the perfect word to capture it!

    1. Oh how I wish I would have read that book when I first got saved! ;) I read it years later and after I had walked a road of religion and left it for a less traveled path of relationship... The Ragamuffin Gospel was confirmation to a life I was already living! It really IS more than we can comprehend... (and then... enter Wonder!) So thankful that you stopped by Melissa!

  5. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Wonder - what a wonder full word to focus on! May you continue to be enriched by it this year! Thanks for linking up! God bless :)

    1. Thanks so much! I am looking forward to it as well... leaning in and seeking out Wonder with intention and hope!

  6. Nice blog. Love your wonder artwork picture. Did you create that? Wonder is a great word for 2015. PS I live in the PNW too :).

    1. Thanks, Astrid! So - are you all fogged in too? Yes, I created the Wonder piece... I wanted something visual to hang out to remind me of my oneword this year! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    2. wow-impressive. you're a talented artist. would love to see more of your artwork on your blog. i can't tell what the original medium for this is- either way- nice work!

    3. I just wing it as I go! It's acrylic on canvas... a little paint pen added with a couple of mixed media (stickers) to really personalize it for myself!

  7. What a great word for the new year, Karrilee! Love it. I think we often lose the wonder the further we get into the walk, but I don't ever want to. There is so much beauty in the relationship we have with God through Christ. How could we ever not filled with awe? My one word for this year is "see." I was inspired by 2 Cor. 4:18. So glad you joined us at #RaRaLinkup.

    1. Amen, Abby... I think we tend to grow up out of Wonder... but we know we must become childlike and what is more childlike and contagious than true, jaw dropping, amazed Wonder? That is my goal this year... to find it, to drink it in, and to be contagious! I love your word as well... and what a perfect verse to go with it! May you see the unseen this year with more clarity and hope!

  8. "Our invisible God showing up and showing off." Loved that phrase, Karrilee! Our pastor reminded us on Sunday that we live in a world with another unseen, parallel universe--God's--which is just as real as this one.

    1. Amen Jody! I think as Westerners, we often split the two realms and 'layer' them... but parallel is more accurate... they intermingle and are interwoven together... unfolding and happening all that the same time! I'm always so happy to find you here, friend!

  9. Karrilee i- I have got to start doing this so I can see what you see: "When we start looking for Wonder... it's ridiculous how quickly he starts coming around and showing off!" I want that! Thanks for joining the Cheerleading Linkup with Purposeful faith and for inspiring me! Cheering your heart!

    1. Oh yes... do it, Kelly! Start out your days intentionally with eyes open, seeking Wonder! Oh I promise you will find it! I am loving the Community that is building around your linkup... all that Cheering and joy and encouragement... how can you go wrong with that, right?


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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