December 27, 2021

Wrapping Up James... An Official The End to our Year-long Series!

I am simply popping in real quick and quiet-like to officially say, "That's a Wrap!" to our James Series! 

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I know things are (still!) different and for many, the holidays were not all Bright and Joyful.  But I do pray that you had moments of knowing His Love for you remains -- no matter what else may be shaking... His Love is secure and steady!  

I can't say for you --but I know for me, this week in between all the hustle and bustle of Christmas and the unfolding of a brand New Year can feel a bit lost and without focus. These few days in between give us a little rest and recovery before we put all the decorations away and refocus and set new goals for the year ahead! So it felt like the perfect time to pop in here and simply say, Thank You!  Thank You for going through the book of James together with me this year! I know it was not all rainbows and unicorns!  James is a straight shooter and he packs some heat!  But all of the hard things he says are FOR OUR BENEFIT!

So whether you ready every single entry, or you just clicked over to read now and then --I hope you gleaned some wisdom and insight and hope while you were here! I hope it stirred you up and inspired you to dig into the Word and read in a few different translations, too! I will leave the Intro page with links to each post in the series up for another month or two - and then I will be taking it down, with plans to upload it to Amazon for purchase! My hope is to upload the James study as well as the Colossians study (possibly along with a few other 31 Days Devotional series, too!) 

Am I planning on writing another series in 2022? I'm not.  I am praying into adding a second Podcast in 2022 and I'm just not sure I will have the time or bandwidth to take on a series AND a podcast! (But - again... you know how it is with me! I'm not the boss of me so if God tells me to do it - I'll be here in this space, tapping away at these keys!)  

I AM leaning in this week and praying... reflecting over the book and phrase the Lord gave me at the start of the year, along with my OneWord, and seeing if/where/how it all showed up in 2021! I'm also setting aside time to pray on New Year's Day to ask Him for a bit of direction for 2022 so I invite you to check back in this space in the next week or two to see what He whispers to me about what's ahead for us in the next year! 

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