February 23, 2019

When Life Doesn't Feel Just or Fair... A Five Minute Friday post.

I have been quiet(er) than normal lately -- both in this space and in real life... mostly this is because of oral surgery and a slower than hoped for recovery. It's amazing how teeth/jaw/ear pain can make you not want to talk --or think, or do much of anything else either, really! Still... that's only part of why I've grown quiet.  I'd like to think it is maturity and wisdom (--I know that it is!--) but that maturity comes from mostly letting Him be the boss of me --not only with what I say and write but also with what I think and focus on! (It's a journey, Y'all!)

This is a Five Minute Friday post... which simply means I set a timer
and free write for five minutes flat on the one-word prompt: JUST


I set the timer to five minutes and mull over the word prompt. "Just" immediately points me to Justice and because of the season we have been walking through, my mind then jumps to thinking about how to live out our faith when Life doesn't feel Just or Fair!

Because you guys: I can stomp my foot and curl out my bottom lip with the best of them! I can... (and I have! But thankfully, mostly that has been at home in private! Mostly!)

Here's the thing: 
Life is NOT Just or Fair.
Not all of the time, anyway!

February 10, 2019

Let Him Build It... A Five Minute Friday post.


Hey there, friends!
I'm not sure what the weekend forecast is for Y'all... but for us? Well... they are calling it Snow-aggaden and Snow-pocolypse, soooo... Our plans are pretty much to stay put and stay warm and enjoy all the beauty --you know, from INSIDE OUR COZY HOME!
This is a Five Minute Friday post... which simply means I set a timer
and free write for five minutes flat on the one-word prompt: BUILD


My first thought upon seeing our one-word prompt is this:
"If you build it, he will come."

Right? Who didn't love Field of Dreams back in the day? To be honest and fair... I don't remember much of the movie other than it was well done and stirred up a sense of magic and wonder. (And who couldn't use a dose of those things right about now?)
Still... I promise this is not about an old movie but more about an old dream...
It's an old dream about something new... Something right around the corner... Something that has been brewing and building slowly over time... and I believe it is coming!

February 2, 2019

Where Else Would We Go? A Five Minute Friday post.

Happy Saturday, Sweet Readers!
Are you ready for the weekend? I hope, wherever you are,
you are staying warm and have penciled in some Sabbath! 

Also, have you subscribed to the blog? If not, you missed our monthly newsletter that goes out on the 1st day of each month! It's easy peasy and simply means you don't miss a post around here... and you get a little Hello from me each month where I share my heart exclusively to subscribers - which this month, well--- it's all about Love, to no ones' surprise! Anyway...

This is a Five Minute Friday post... which simply means I set a timer
and free write for five minutes flat on the one-word prompt: WHERE


  --Is that not the question?

You guys!  For the last year or more, this has been the one word question
--the one-word prayer-- and we have yet to hear the answer...
and so we wait!

We talked it about Waiting not too long ago... you can read that here... 
but this is the thing: 

God doesn't always answer us with specifics.  

I mean, He does always answer --you know, eventually! 
But our faith builds in the waiting... 
in the willingness to wait even after we have said
we will go wherever He leads us!

How many know that sometimes He leads us
to nowhere in particular because
where He is really leading us is
under the shadow of His wing... 
deeper into the crevices and corners of His heart! 

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