February 2, 2019

Where Else Would We Go? A Five Minute Friday post.

Happy Saturday, Sweet Readers!
Are you ready for the weekend? I hope, wherever you are,
you are staying warm and have penciled in some Sabbath! 

Also, have you subscribed to the blog? If not, you missed our monthly newsletter that goes out on the 1st day of each month! It's easy peasy and simply means you don't miss a post around here... and you get a little Hello from me each month where I share my heart exclusively to subscribers - which this month, well--- it's all about Love, to no ones' surprise! Anyway...

This is a Five Minute Friday post... which simply means I set a timer
and free write for five minutes flat on the one-word prompt: WHERE


  --Is that not the question?

You guys!  For the last year or more, this has been the one word question
--the one-word prayer-- and we have yet to hear the answer...
and so we wait!

We talked it about Waiting not too long ago... you can read that here... 
but this is the thing: 

God doesn't always answer us with specifics.  

I mean, He does always answer --you know, eventually! 
But our faith builds in the waiting... 
in the willingness to wait even after we have said
we will go wherever He leads us!

How many know that sometimes He leads us
to nowhere in particular because
where He is really leading us is
under the shadow of His wing... 
deeper into the crevices and corners of His heart! 
So I see the word and all over again, I pray "Where?"

I stopped asking where He is long ago... 
for I have come to know He is
always near... always here! 
Even if/when I cannot see or feel or hear Him!
He's near... walking this path with us.
No, I don't ask that anymore!
I know if He is not by my side, well--
He's not the one who created distance, right?

But these are the questions and prayers
we are still asking and offering up:

Where is the New Position?  (Job) 

We've been searching to find a new job or new career
or new direction for nearly a year now? 
...And even in the unknown and still yet unanswered prayer, 
we realize we are not asking where our source and security is 
--because through these months He has been both
over and over and He always has been!

Where is our Next Purpose? (Ministry)

Where is our place in ministry, in fellowship,
in this Kingdom-now, messy and lost world?
Where does He want us to pour out and fill up
and pour out yet again?

...And while we want the Big Picture vision,
the Truth is - we all already know the answer, right?

Where does He want us to pour out? Everywhere! 
To our family in our home, to our neighbors,
and co-workers and friends and strangers... 
And where do we fill up? Him... Always Him! 
He is where we go, right? 
He is the one who fills us back up to overflowing...
who refreshes those rivers of living waters
that spill out and over... 
It's Him! It's always been Him! 

So yes... church - brick and mortar buildings, and small gatherings in living rooms and coffee shops and walks in parks --they all count... 

And yet we fully believe what we are longing for is
what He is longing for, too!

So, still, I ask silently, "Where do we go from here?"

And as usual, my heart and mind instantly lead me back to the Book of John!

Jesus is asking if the disciples want to leave with the others, and Peter is quick to answer, 'But Lord, where would we go?'

"But Lord, where would we go? No one but you gives us the revelation of eternal life. We’re fully convinced that you are the Anointed One, the Son of the Living God, and we believe in you!" John 6:68-69 TPT
Where else would we go?

I have started praying a different prayer
over the past couple of months...
instead of asking Where...
instead of asking for a Next Step or 
an understanding of His plans for us...
I have started to pray like this:

Lord, align us with Your Divine Timing... 
*for we know and trust the plans
You have for us are good... best, even... 
And so we will wait... 
we will move when You say to move
and we will go where You say to go... 
but as we wait, our prayer has become: 

"Align us with Your
Divine Timing, Lord...
Open the Doors
in the right place,
at the right time!"

...and everyone said, "Amen!"


Listen... I'm not gonna lie. The waiting is hard... 
At times we wonder if we are
listening and waiting, or fearing and stalling...
In all honesty, it's probably a little of both!

However, we have learned to
Embrace Change and to Take Risk...
but not for the sake of Change and Risk alone.

We let Peace be our Umpire and we follow Him,
making sure that -most importantly-
we are walking side by side
--with each other, and with Him!

And as we wait... we raise a Hallelujah!
                                                                                         Raise a Hallelujah, Bethel Music

* = This is when my Five Minutes was officially over! Thanks for the Grace, friends, to finish my thought!

Linking up with Kate Motaung and the #fmfparty Community today.  Five Minute Fridays give us the chance to dive right in and share what He puts on our hearts! Click HERE to read what others have to say about "WHERE"

The FMF lowdown: The gathering happens on Twitter on Thursday nights & then we write our hearts out & hit publish all over the interwebs on Thursday & Friday (& sometimes on Tuesdays!) It's where we encourage & uplift... where we share prayer requests & praise reports... where we talk about food & friends & we find support & kindred hearts. It's where we are reminded that life is good & God is good & we're not alone... & then we all write for five minutes flat, a flash mob of wordsmiths letting our hearts & our fingers do the talking tapping & we hit publish before we can second-guess it all away. We'd love to have you join us!

Photos courtesy of Unsplash from 

I'm also linking up with the lovely writer community linked below:

Crystal Twaddell for #FreshMarketFriday

Mary Geisen for #TellHisStory

Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp

NEW EPISODE AVAILABLE! Maybe somehow you don't know this, but we have our very own (somewhat non-blog-related) podcast called THE CHANGING OUR MINDS PODCAST! Karrilee and her all grown up Girlie co-host this podcast and talk about Oh So Many random things!  Faith plays a part, sure... but it is more like joining us for coffee as we catch up on the couch or sitting at the table! We talk about whatever is on our minds and often reveal things that we used to think we know... but we've changed our minds! We invite you to SUBSCRIBE here to have the Podcast sent to your preferred listening device so you won't miss a thing! Also, follow us on Facebook to join in on the conversations!


  1. The waiting is so incredibly hard. But God leads us to the right place eventually. Praying along with you dear friend!

    1. Eventually... it breathes such hope, right? Hold on... He's comin'!

  2. Waiting can really suck, but what we do while we wait, as you say....it really, really counts.

    Some ask a stupid question,
    and I really wonder why
    (Maybe it's their digestion?):
    "Are you waiting to die?"
    With pancreatic cancer
    and lymphoma along for the ride,
    I guess they expect this answer
    "Oh, yeah, God bring the tide
    that will raise me from the rocks
    that line this bloody shore.
    So, yeah, I'm watching clocks
    till I leave forevermore."
    But no, not here does waiting thrive
    'cause I'm too busy stayin' alive.

    #2 at FMF this week


    1. You, my brother, amaze me --on Oh So Many levels! Thanks so much for stopping by and joining in... and for doing the hard work of keeping busy stayin' alive! We are all the richer for it! xoxo

  3. There are so many promised in God's word for those who wait on Him. Waiting is not fun, but those verses have helped me through.

    1. Oh, me too, Elizabeth! Me, too! Thanks so much for stopping by and joining in the conversation!

  4. Be encouraged in the waiting and prepare for the journey. Rest assured The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you (Deut 31:8). FMF #52.

    1. Amen, Suzette! He has proven Himself faithful and true in all of our waiting seasons! Thanks for the verse and reminder! And thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Been there so many times, Ms K, have tee shirts in all the colors. Whew. I'm subscribing for your monthly letter. xo

    1. Oh --those T-shirts... right? I've got 'em too! And Yay for subscribing! The newsletter deal has been happening for maybe 7 months now? I'm terrible and promoting things around here! ;) Thanks for subscribing! (I'll send ya the link for this months' newsletter!)

  6. Amen to waiting on Him, knowing He is always with us. I love this: "...He leads us
    to nowhere in particular because
    where He is really leading us is
    under the shadow of His wing...
    deeper into the crevices and corners of His heart" Yes!
    Blessings to you, dear Karrilee! I'm your neighbor at #TellHisStory.

  7. We are in a very similar time of waiting and I just prayed your prayer for my family. Thank you. laurensparks.net


Thanks so much for stopping by! I always love to hear your thoughts! Remember to: Speak Life - Be Love - Shine On!

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