This is Day Seventeen in our 31 Days series: Going from Mama to Mimi - Stories of Hope, Joy, & Transition...
Becoming Papa & Mimi...
Maybe it was not even a conversation or a thought...
Maybe you simply went by what your kids called your own parents...
Or maybe you picked out a name but it came out differently --but oh so perfectly, spilling from your own grand babies lips once they could talk.
Maybe you didn't like "Grandpa" or "Grandma" because --gah! We're just not that old... (yet!)
Whatever the case... whatever 'name' you choose --the joy comes immediately when you begin to refer to yourself as just that.
Grandma... or Abuela...
Grandpa... or Abuelo...
Mimi... or Oma...
Papa... or Opa...
But as we talked about growing Baby and Mama yesterday, it takes awhile to grow Papa and Mimi, too!
Oh - not nine months!
We seem to be ready WAY sooner than that!
For us... well --for My Honey, his title was never a question!
He so carries and releases the Father Heart of God... people began calling him Papa Dave years ago!
When we started Dad's House church, people began to call him Papa much like the people of Bethel refer to Bill Johnson.
Yeah --that was a no-brainer! He is Papa Dave, through and through!
But for me? I wasn't sure.
I don't feel like a Grandma...
definitely not Meemaw or Granny...
It was my girlie who suggested Mimi and suddenly it all made sense! (I mean - with a name like Karrilee, people already assume I am a bit Southern... so Mimi seemed exactly right!)
Listen --people will tell you ALL the TIME that becoming a grandparent is the best thing ever.
You will think you get it...
and you will --as much as you can, anyway!
But that first time holding this little bundle of joy in your actual arms... it won't matter WHAT they call you... you know full well that you are called BLESSED!

Becoming Papa & Mimi...
Maybe it was not even a conversation or a thought...
Maybe you simply went by what your kids called your own parents...
Or maybe you picked out a name but it came out differently --but oh so perfectly, spilling from your own grand babies lips once they could talk.
Maybe you didn't like "Grandpa" or "Grandma" because --gah! We're just not that old... (yet!)
Whatever the case... whatever 'name' you choose --the joy comes immediately when you begin to refer to yourself as just that.
Grandma... or Abuela...
Grandpa... or Abuelo...
Mimi... or Oma...
Papa... or Opa...
But as we talked about growing Baby and Mama yesterday, it takes awhile to grow Papa and Mimi, too!
Oh - not nine months!
We seem to be ready WAY sooner than that!
For us... well --for My Honey, his title was never a question!
He so carries and releases the Father Heart of God... people began calling him Papa Dave years ago!
When we started Dad's House church, people began to call him Papa much like the people of Bethel refer to Bill Johnson.
Yeah --that was a no-brainer! He is Papa Dave, through and through!
But for me? I wasn't sure.
I don't feel like a Grandma...
definitely not Meemaw or Granny...
It was my girlie who suggested Mimi and suddenly it all made sense! (I mean - with a name like Karrilee, people already assume I am a bit Southern... so Mimi seemed exactly right!)
Listen --people will tell you ALL the TIME that becoming a grandparent is the best thing ever.
You will think you get it...
and you will --as much as you can, anyway!
But that first time holding this little bundle of joy in your actual arms... it won't matter WHAT they call you... you know full well that you are called BLESSED!

In tomorrow's post, we will dig in to passing on a Godly Inheritance! I hope you will join us!
Today is Day Seventeen of 31 Days of Going From Mama to Mimi! If you click on the official 'Home page' for this series HERE, you catch up! You will find links for each days' postings, added daily throughout the month. If you'd prefer to have them delivered right to you, I invite you to enter your email address to the right ('Subscribe Here') and subscribe to the blog. That way, once a week, each post is delivered to your inbox in a single email over the weekend and you'll be sure not to miss a thing!
I'm also linking up with the lovely writer communities linked below:
Kelly Balarie for #RaRaLinkUp
Jennifer Dukes Lee for #TellHisStory
* Today, October 17th, is our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We got married on "The Sweetest Day" --and it was!
I can honestly say that I have loved every single one of those years... and truly - it really does just keep getting Betterer and Betterer!
I always say --Jesus and Dave! Those are the best two decisions I ever made and they are simply the BEST Husbands!
Team Dave & Jesus - 4-evah!
(--That was for all my #ThisIsUs readers!)
It took my parents awhile to figure out what names to go by. My dad knew right away he wanted to be grandpa, my mom played around with a few and finally stuck with grammie. It has been fun watching them get to be grandparents. It will only get better as she grows, I'm sure of it!
ReplyDeleteOh I am sure of it, too! Thanks so much, Amanda!
DeleteAwww, Karrilee, what a fun post. We're not very close to becoming grandparents, but I'm not sure I want to be called Grandma or even Oma (my mom's choice for her role in my kids' lives). I love that idea that we can choose what we want to be called. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're loving being a mimi so very much!
Fun post, my friend!
We can choose all we want --we will answer to whatever THEY decide to call us, truth be told! LOL!
DeleteKarrilee, my Grandkids call me Grandma and whatever name they call you it is music to your ears. From the first to the last they are all special. Blessings from God is all I can say. Love you my friend Diana
ReplyDeleteSo very true, Diana!
DeleteKarrilee, what ever your little one calls you it is music to your ear. Blessings Diana Rockwell.
ReplyDeleteI know you are right... and as much as I can't wait to hear her little voice say my name --we want every day to slow down already!
DeleteMimi Karrilee suits you, my friend!
ReplyDeleteThanks, my friend!
DeleteOur grandparent names change continually. Mimi has become Mimz. PopPop has become Pops for Simon and Gpa for Hannah. We are evolving!!!
ReplyDeleteThis I am CERTAIN is true!!! (And thank goodness, right?)
DeleteI followed the family tradition of Nana, while my husband let our first grandchild figure it out. So we're Nana and Papa. And grandparenting continues to be a joy, even when they're teens!
ReplyDeleteOh yes... we are only a month in and I can't imagine it ever not being a Joy! xoxo